Act 1/Episode 8

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Act 1
Episode 8: Big Bears Under the Eyes
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Izumi(It's already been a week... today is the deadline for the script.)
SakuyaI haven't seen Tsuzuru-kun at all. I hope he's okay.
IzumiMasumi-kun, how's Tsuzuru-kun doing?
MasumiI don't know.
IzumiHe's in his room, right?
IzumiMaybe!? But you guys are roommates. Do you ever talk to each other?
MasumiNo. I don't even notice him.
MasumiHe's too engrossed in his PC.
IzumiIs he working non-stop?
CitronI once tried talking to Tsuzuru, but he showed no reaction.
ItaruIt seems he takes days off college as well. I think it'd be better to go check on him.
IzumiYou're right. Today is the deadline, after all...
SakuyaWhat should we do if he hasn't finished the script yet?
IzumiWe'll use another script.
SakuyaEven if he's halfway done?
IzumiWe can't wait any longer. Our practice period will affect our performance, so we definitely have to start the read-through tomorrow.
SakuyaIs that so...
ItaruIt sounds strict, but this theatre company is not an amateur company, so it can't be helped.
Izumi(I feel guilty about personally giving out a final notice, but this is also a part of a director's job.)
(We've wasted a week of practice, I'm worried whether we can make it up before the performance...)
I'll go see Tsuzuru-kun.
SakuyaI'm coming too!
CitronI'm worried too.
MasumiI'll go if you go.
IzumiHow about you, Itaru-san?
ItaruI'm sorry, but can I return to my room? It seems I have to skip today's practice too. I've been feeling unwell since last night...
IzumiEh? Are you all right?
ItaruI think I'll recover with a little bit of rest.
IzumiOkay. Please take care of yourself.
ItaruThanks. See you.
IzumiWell, shall we go, guys?
Izumi(I wonder if I made a wrong choice by believing in Tsuzuru-kun...)
Tsuzuru-kun, are you there? Today is the promised day, so I'd like to talk about the script with you.
SakuyaHe's not replying.
CitronMaybe he's sleeping.
MasumiI think he's dead.
IzumiEh!? I'm coming in, Tsuzuru-kun!?
SakuyaHe collapsed!! Are you all right, Tsuzuru-kun!?
CitronOh, Tsuzuru, how did you die?
IzumiWe should call an ambulance——.
MasumiLook at the PC.
IzumiAh, did he write something on it...?
SakuyaUhh, "I wrote it"?
IzumiBy "I wrote it", he means... He wrote it!? He already finished writing the script!? Tsuzuru-kun!?
IzumiHe's sleeping.
SakuyaSo he's only sleeping.
CitronSee, I was right.
IzumiWhat a relief... He managed to finish it on time...
(I'm really glad I decided to believe in Tsuzuru-kun...)
We have to print it immediately!
SakuyaLet me do it!
CitronTsuzuru, Tsuzuru, wake up.
IzumiLet Tsuzuru-kun sleep a little bit more. I'm sure he worked so hard on this that he didn't get any sleep at all.
CitronOh, you're right. There are big bears under his eyes.
IzumiIt's "bags", not "bears".
Good work, Tsuzuru-kun.
Tsuzuru....zzz. Ummm...
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