Act 1/Episode 21

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Act 1
Episode 21: New Challenge
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TsuzuruDirector, Miyoshi-san just contacted me. He said the site is done.
IzumiEh, it's already done!?
SakuyaHe's fast.
ItaruI wonder how it looks.
CitronI'm sure the colours are fluorescent.
TsuzuruNo, look. You can trust his skill.
IzumiWhoa! It's so cool!
SakuyaIt looks good!
MasumiIt's like it's done by a pro.
ItaruThe site has improved by twenty years.
CitronAt this rate, we'll have many audience.
IzumiYou're right. It's like we will attract more audiences! All right, we have to work hard too and improve the quality of our performance!
YuzoYo, you seem lively.
YuzoI have a workshop in Veludo Way, so I decided to drop by.
MasumiSo fast...
CitronOh, this is the so-called Japanese yakuza's raid—.
YuzoHeh, the number of people didn't decrease. Very good, very good. So, how've you been doing since then?
IzumiI think you'll know once you watch them.
YuzoOho, aren't you confident?
Izumi(Since that day, everyone has practised their special menu. They've changed both technically and mentally. They're different from that time.)
YuzoInteresting. Show me.
IzumiWell then, guys, today we'll begin our final rehearsal.
SakuyaI-I'm in your care!
IzumiDon't worry. Just do it like usual.
Izumi(I'm sure they'll be all right this time...)
IzumiHow is it?
TsuzuruHe takes too long.
SakuyaUggh, my heart is beating fast.
CitronI'm nervous.
ItaruI want him to give his opinion at once.
Yuzo...It's not bad.
YuzoYou were able to improve that much in a short time.
SakuyaWe did iitt!
MasumiIt's obvious.
Itaru*sigh* Phew.
CitronHe was completely speakless!
IzumiYou mean speechless, right.
(Thank goodness. Now that Yuzo-san has acknowledged us, I'm sure everyone will be confident.)
YuzoThere's no tension during the climax. It doesn't give the vibe that the play is ending soon.
TsuzuruTension, huh... It's because of the script, right?
YuzoNo, it's a directing issue.
IzumiDirecting, huh...
(Will it be better to put in something that looks gaudy?)
Tension, huh... Ugh, what should we do?
SakuyaShould I sing!?
IzumiNo, it'd look strange if we suddenly go musical.
MasumiLet's kill Romeo.
IzumiIt's surprising, you know!? I mean, the story will change!
ItaruLet's make the last boss appear.
IzumiIt'll change the story too!
CitronI'll take off my clothes!
Doing something that will hinder the flow of the story is not part of directing. We have to put more tension in the story, otherwise we won't do well...
TsuzuruUggh, it's hard.
YuzoHow about putting some simple sword fights during Romeo and Julius' last scene?
IzumiSword? But we've never practised it before...
YuzoYou can do it if you practice starting now. It's a short scene, after all.
Izumi(Masumi-kun may be able to do it since he has good intuition, but the problem is Sakuya-kun. Besides...)
I have no experience in teaching sword fighting scenes.
YuzoI can teach them.
IzumiEh!? Seriously?
YuzoYeah. I'm indebted to MANKAI Company, after all.
Besides, I'm amazed at your enthusiasm.
YuzoI'll teach you until you can do it perfectly, so be prepared.
Sakuya——Please take care of me!
MasumiHe's annoying as expected...
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