Act 1/Episode 20

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Act 1
Episode 20: Super Party People Designer
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Izumi(Everyone has begun moving quite naturally now. It seems they've been practising the special menu that I prepared for them. Thank goodness Yuzo-san came to watch us.)
(It might be a relief that we took our time during the read-through.)
(Especially Itaru-san...)
Itaru"I'm worried about you, Julius. I have to protect you as your foster brother.)
Izumi(....Yeah, I'm really glad for him. He has changed his perception of acting.)
(And I feel like the result of everyone's special menu has come out too.)
Masumi"Romeo... Are you Romeo Montague? You've got to be lying. Are you really Romeo from the Montague family?"
"Romeo, why must you be Romeo Montague?"
Sakuya"Be it your family or name, throw it all away, Julius. We have an ever bigger dream than that!"
Masumi"No. I can't throw away my family."
Izumi(It's good that Masumi-kun's attitude towards theatre has changed compared to before, but... I'm concerned about this line.)
Can you repeat this line one more time, Masumi-kun?
Masumi"No. I can't throw away my family."
IzumiUggh.... I feel like you're shallow on this line.
How about saying this lines while thinking about your real family?
Masumi....I don't know how to do it.
IzumiI see...
(Now that I think about it, Masumi-kun's parents are always abroad... Even if he says that they're his family, maybe they don't appeal to him very much.)
MasumiI practiced my special menu.
IzumiYeah. I think the outcome has shown. You found out your favourite performance.
IzumiThen, try remembering that play for this line. Think about how the actor performed this line.
Masumi...."No. I can't throw away my family."
IzumiThat's good!
IzumiYup! Your intonation is a little better than before.
Masumi...Thank goodness.
IzumiBut it'll be good if you put a little bit emotion while saying that. Let's work hard until the actual performance.
It may be difficult, but I think Masumi-kun's performance will be way better if you say that line based on your own feelings.
Masumi...I'll try.
All right, that's all for today. Review the part that I've warned you of by yourself.
We have five weeks until our performance. Let's do our best, guys!
SakuyaYes! Thank you for your hard work!
CitronThank hard work.
TsuzuruWe only have five weeks, huh...
SakuyaTime flies.
TsuzuruIsn't it about time to sell the tickets?
IzumiNow that you mention it, I may as well check it with manager.
SakuyaSelling tickets, huh.... I'm getting excited somehow.
CitronI want the tickets to be sold out within 15 minutes.
TsuzuruWhy do you set such a high goal?
ItaruIt'd be nice if its sold out, though.
TsuzuruYou have a point...
ManagerGood work, everyone!
IzumiAh, nice timing. Manager, when will the tickets go on sale?
ManagerYeah, since I have to start already, the tickets have begun going on sale! Please look at the company's official site!
IzumiSo we have an official site.
TsuzuruHeeh. I wonder what it looks like. I'm looking forward to it.
SakuyaIt's better to not expect so much...
ItaruLooking at the arrangements of the fonts and images and the flickering coloured fonts, it's like a site that was made ten years ago.
MasumiIt's shabby.
ManagerHey, now, people often say that trends repeat itself! Maybe this kind of simple layout will get popular again!
Izumi(Now that I see it, the flyers look awful too...)
Is there anyone who can make sites and flyers?
Sakuya....Sorry, I never use the computer.
ItaruHmm, I can do a bit of scripting, but design is out of my league.
CitronEating flies is my speciality.
IzumiIt's not that kind of flies.
TsuzuruUmm, I know someone who can design websites and flyers, but...
IzumiSeriously!? Can you ask them!?
TsuzuruHe's my senior from high school, so I think I can contact and ask him.
ItaruYou're being evasive.
TsuzuruWell, yeah, we don't really get along. But I'll contact him.
ManagerIs this site really no good?
KamekichiIt's out of fashion.
ManagerShut up. A parrot like you won't understand this retro vibe.
TsuzuruDirector, I've already contacted that designer and it looks like he'll come soon.
IzumiSoon!? It's quite sudden.
TsuzuruHe seemed interested when I told him about the theatre.
IzumiEh, so he has an interest in theatre? Thank you for finding a nice person.
TsuzuruNo, I wonder about that one.
TsuzuruAh, he came....
???Awesome—! What is this? This is my first time seeing a stage. It's wide—! I'm so amped!
IzumiWho are you...?
Tsuzuru——Ah, this is the senior that I talked about. Kazunari Miyoshi-san.
TsuzuruHello, Miyoshi-san.
KazunariAh, Tsuzurun, it's been a while! How cool, you really do theatre.
TsuzuruJust ignore that one.
TsuzuruI feel you, Masumi, but be quiet.
KazunariYou even have a foreigner, huh. This theatre is really something!
CitronI'm going to lose my character at this rate. I have to do something new.
TsuzuruJust be quiet already.
IzumiI'm Tachibana, the director as well as the president here. I'd like to ask you to help design our site and flyer, do you mind?
KazunariAh, no probs.
KazunariI've already heard it from Tsuzurun and accepted it. I'll give you the rough design for now.
IzumiAh, yeah, I see.
KazunariI'll invite my friends, so please do your best!
(His tension is high, but I wonder if he's a bad guy.)
TsuzuruThen, Miyoshi-san, we still have practice after this, so——.
KazunariThe protagonist will come out from here, right? Cool—!
KazunariThe hero has arrived! Like that, right?
TsuzuruMiyoshi-san! You're bothering us, so go home.
KazunariAw, my bad, my bad. See ya, then—.
Tsuzuru*sigh* So tiring...
IzumiIs it all right for us to send him back like that?
TsuzuruHe's a nice person in the first place, so it's okay.
IzumiI see. He has a strong character.
MasumiHe's really annoying.
TsuzuruI have to agree with you on this.
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Act 1
Episode 20: Super Party Person Designer
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Izumi(Everyone’s movements have gotten pretty natural. They all seem to be practicing their personal training menus every morning, too; I’m glad Yuuzou-san gave us his advice.)
(Spending time on reading the script aloud might have worked to our advantage, too.)
(Especially Itaru-san...)
Itaru“I’m worried for you, Julius. I must protect you as your milk-sibling.”
Izumi(...Yup, he’s really improved. I can see that his attitude towards theater has changed.)
Izumi(Everyone else seems to have grown from their individual training menus too.)
Masumi“Romeo... Romeo Montague? You must be lying. Are you truly Romeo of the Montague family?”
“Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo Montague?”
Sakuya“Cast aside your household and your name, Julius! We have an even greater dream!”
Masumi“No. I cannot throw my family aside.”
Izumi(Masumi-kun has also improved; maybe it’s because his attitude towards theater also changed, but... this line feels a little off.)
Masumi-kun, can you do that line one more time?
Masumi“No. I cannot throw my family aside.”
IzumiHmm... this one line somehow feels shallow.
Can you try thinking about your own family when you say it?
Masumi...I don’t know.
IzumiI see...
(That’s right, Masumi-kun’s parents are abroad all the time... Maybe he doesn’t really get what I mean when I say family.)
MasumiI did the special training menu.
IzumiYup. I can see its effects. You found someone’s acting that you liked, right?
IzumiThen why don’t you think about that performance when you say this line. How would that actor perform it?
Masumi...“No. I cannot throw my family aside.”
IzumiSounds good!
IzumiYup! There’s more intonation than before.
Masumi...I’m glad.
IzumiBut it’d be even better if you could put a bit more feeling into it. Let’s work on that until the performance.
It might be hard, but if you can read that line like it’s real, I think it’ll get much better.
Masumi...I’ll try.
That’s enough for today. Make sure you review what I pointed out today on your own.
We have five weeks till the performance; let’s work hard!
SakuyaYes! Nice work!
CitronNice worksies.
TsuzuruWe only have five weeks left, huh...
SakuyaTime really flies.
TsuzuruAre we gonna start selling tickets soon?
IzumiNow that you mention it, I should check with the manager.
SakuyaTicket sales, huh... this is kind of exciting.
CitronLet’s sell out within fifteen minutes of opening.
TsuzuruWhat’s with that high goal?
ItaruIt’d be nice if we could sell out.
ManagerNice work, everyone!
IzumiAh, good timing. Manager, when are we going to start ticket sales?
ManagerThat’s right, we need to start selling soon, so I put up an advertisement on the site! Please check out our troupe’s official website!
IzumiI didn’t know we had an official website.
TsuzuruHuh. I wonder what it looks like. This is exciting.
SakuyaYou shouldn’t get your hopes up too much....
ItaruThese words and pictures stuck right next to each other, and this pointlessly flashing colored font—looks like a website from 20 years ago.
ManagerHey, they say trends go in cycles, so! Maybe this sort of simple style will become all the rage again!
TsuzuruI wonder....
Izumi(Thinking back, the flyer was terrible too...)
Does anyone here know how to design flyers and web pages?
Sakuya...I’m sorry, I don’t really know how to use a computer at all.
ItaruHmm, I can do a bit of programming, but I can’t design anything.
CitronI only eat fries.
IzumiFlyers, not fries.
TsuzuruUm, I do know someone who can design web pages and flyers, but.....
IzumiReally!? Can we ask them!?
TsuzuruHe’s my senpai from high school, so I could get in touch and ask, but.
ItaruYou don’t sound too eager.
TsuzuruWell, it’s not like we really get along, so. But I’ll get in touch.
IzumiThank you!
ManagerIs the website really that bad?
KamekichiIt’s ugly.
ManagerShut up. A parrot wouldn’t understand this retro taste.
TsuzuruDirector, I got in touch with the designer senpai, and he said he’s headed over now.
IzumiRight now!? That’s pretty sudden.
TsuzuruI told him about the troupe, and he sounded interested.
IzumiHuh. I wonder if he’s interested in theater? Thank you for finding such a good person.
TsuzuruWell... I don’t know about that.
TsuzuruAh, he’s here...
???Woah! What’s this? Seriously, this is my first time standing on a stage. It’s huuuge! I’m so hyped!
IzumiWho is that....?
Tsuzuru—Uh. He’s the senpai who knows how to design. Miyoshi Kazunari-san.
TsuzuruMiyoshi-san, hello.
KazunariWoah, Tsuzurun, long time no see! Woooow, you’re actually in a troupe.
TsuzuruIgnore that.
TsuzuruMasumi, I feel you, but be quiet.
KazunariThere’s a foreigner here too! This troupe is wild!
CitronOh no, I’m going to lose in character impact. I need to do something new!
TsuzuruPlease just stay silent.
IzumiI’m Tachibana, the director and head of the troupe. I was wondering if I could ask you to design our flyers and website?
KazunariKay, gotcha.
KazunariI heard from Tsuzurun, so it’s all good. I’ll make a rough ASAP.
IzumiAh, oh, okay.
KazunariI’m gonna call up alllll my friends, so please do your best!
IzumiThank you.
(He’s really excited, but he doesn’t seem like a bad kid.)
TsuzuruWell then, Miyoshi-san. We have practice, so see you—.
KazunariThe lead and stuff come out from here, right? So cooool!
KazunariThe hero has arrived! Like that?
TsuzuruMiyoshi-san! You're in the way, so go home.
KazunariAh, my bad, my bad. Then, see ya~.
TsuzuruGod, he’s exhausting....
IzumiWas it okay to kick him out like that?
TsuzuruHe's basically a good person, so it's okay.
IzumiI see. He was quite the character.
MasumiHe's seriously annoying.
TsuzuruI agree with you for once.
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