Trump the phantom thief/Epilogue

From A3! Wiki
This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation post by nids here.
Trump the phantom thief
Epilogue: Full Speed Ahead
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IzumiGood job on the play, guys! Cheers!
MukuGood work, everyone!
JuzaGood work.
AzamiMan, we sure had a lot of people this time.
BanriEspecially on the last day.
KazunariRight, right~! Never would have thought real thieves would appear~!
YukiIt’s my first time receiving a letter of appreciation from the police.
IzumiWe even made it to the news. Did you see the “Bravo, Theater Man!” one?
SakyoIt was also trending on social media. This is such a great promotion for us.
KumonMan, so jelly~! I wanted to catch the thieves with you guys!
MisumiI also wanted to run with Muku~!
BanriThe heck, dude? If you want to run with him, you can do it anytime.
Izumi(Now that we’ve done the mixed plays, our popularity has pretty much increased compared to before...)
(I guess that means we took a step closer towards the Fleur Award.)
JuzaMuku, you still have your race next, right? How’s your practice going?
MukuI’m doing really great. While I’m not as fast I used to be in the past, I’m slowly catching up.
I have a lot of fun joining the club activities after a long time. Please come and watch the race, guys. I’m going to do my very best.
JuzaYea. Looking forward to that.
Muku...Haah. Haah.
Three more trees–.
KumonHey, Muku.
JuzaWe brought some snacks.
MukuOh, you came!
JuzaAre you doing okay? You go practicing even on your day off.
KumonYou can take it easy.
MukuThanks for the concern but I’m doing okay. My teammates have come up with an efficient training menu.
KumonOh, okay.
JuzaLooks like you’re getting along well with your fellow club members.
MukuYep. They’re supporting me a lot.
I’ll run around three more trees and take a break.
KumonGood luck!
...He looks like he’s having fun.
JuzaDamn right. I’m glad he decided not to give up on track and field.
Muku(Today is finally the day of the tournament...)
JuzaMuku. Good luck today.
Muku...Thank you. I’ll be going, then!
KazunariOh. I see Mukkun.
MisumiHeeeey, Muku~! Good luck~!
KumonHe looked this way!
YukiDid he notice us?
TenmaThat aside, what a crowd.
JuzaI guess it’s only to be expected since today is the final race.
BanriThough we kinda stand out since we’re the only group of men here.
SakyoLook who’s talking.
KazunariGuys, look! Mukkun is the last runner!
Announcer“First Lane, St. Flora High School–.”
IzumiI’m getting nervous just by watching.
(I’ve got to show the result of my practice...)
(For Juchan and the others who always support me, and for my fellow club members who willingly welcomed me back.)
(And for the past me who had to quit track and field because of my injury.)
(I will run at full speed so that I will have no regrets later on...)
*starting gun fires*
Spectator AWhoaa! Go, go~!
Spectator BDo your best~!
Muku(First runner...second runner... Good. The pace is great. Now the baton is in the third runner’s hand–.)
Track and Field Club Member ASakisaka!
JuzaMuku, run!
Muku(Watch me, Juchan–.)
AnnouncerFirst place, St. Flora High School!!
MukuI did it...!
Track and Field Club Member AGreat job, Sakisaka!
Track and Field Club Member BWe won!
MisumiYou’re amazing, Muku!
KazunariGrats, Mukkun~!
JuzaYou did it, Muku.
Track and Field Club Member AThanks for coming back, Sakisaka. It’s thanks to you that we could win today’s race.
MukuI should be the one thanking you for giving me the chance to run again.
I’m so happy I got to practice with you all and won the tournament.
I can finally get rid of the regrets I felt that time.
*phone notification sounds*
Juza Hyodo
I’ll take you home if you’re still there.
Track and Field Club Member ASakisaka, you’re gonna ride the train too, right?
MukuAh, no. I’ll take this road. Good bye, guys.
Track and Field Club Member ABye bye!
MukuSorry for making you wait. Where are the others?
JuzaI’m the only one here. They all said you were awesome and praised you a lot.
JuzaI also thought you were so cool when I watched you run at full speed.
MukuThanks for watching until the end, Juchan.
I heard your voice when I was running.
Remember when I confronted the thieves on the cruise? I’ve gained strength because of your voice.
Your support is my driving force, Juchan.
JuzaYou give me too much credit.
MukuRemember when I just started track and field, you wished me good luck?
Back then, I couldn’t talk to you like I do now since you seemed hard to approach, and that comment might not have meant a great deal to you. But...
Your words gave me so much strength. I’d never thought you’d cheer me on like that.
Juza...Did something like that happen?
MukuIt’s such a precious event to me.
JuzaWell, I’m glad it could give you strength.
Let’s go home. I heard Omi-san and Guy-san prepared something to celebrate your victory.
JuzaBy the way, the dessert will be special chocolate parfaits.
MukuWow! Can’t wait to eat that!
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