The Amazing Museum/Episode 7

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The Amazing Museum
Episode 7
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Izumi…I think we’ve finished looking at everything.
IzumiTsuzuru-kun, do you think you’ve gotten a good reference for your script?
TsuzuruYes, I’m glad I actually came.
SakyoIt’s already late. Let’s go home soon.
IzumiThen, we can excuse ourself to the Chief-san…
KazunariWait. Chikachon’s not here?
TsumugiEh? You’re right.
SakyoHe just went out first didn’t he.
KazunariMaybe but… I’ll try to contact him just in case!
IzumiWe can head out in the meantime.
…Eh? Ah, it’s not opening…!?
SakyoChange with me.
What’s the meaning of this?
Even when I push or pull, it’s not budging at all…
Kazunari…Perhaps, we’re actually trapped inside?
TsuzuruIt can’t be…
Arisugawa-san, can you contact the Chief!?
HomareAbout that, the call doesn’t connect no matter how many times I tried.
KazunariActually me too, I tried sending a LIME message to Chikachon, but it kept saying out of range.
TsumugiThere doesn’t seems to be any phone extension inside too…
IzumiThen, we’re really…
TsumugiAnyway, let’s try to search for an exit for now.
*Shifts to Doll Exhibits*
SakyoSo there’s no way out here too.
I thought we could go out from here if the window frame comes off.
Karakuri Puppet
Sakyo…This doll, was it here just now?
TsumugiEh? I thought I heard Sakyo-san’s voice from over here…
This graffiti—
“He who doesn’t lose his curiosity despite having knowledge”?
This… Fufu, I see.
TsumugiEh…? Umph!
*Shifts to Fossil Exhibits*
KazunariWe can’t find an exit at all.
TsuzuruAnyway, Furuichi-san and Tsukioka-san went to that corner earlier right.
HomareThey haven’t come back, maybe they found something.
IzumiWe should go and find them.
*Shifts to Doll Exhibits*
TsuzuruEh…? No one’s here…?
IzumiThat’s weird. It doesn’t seem like we can find an exit around here too…
KazunariAhaha… It’s like, they’re disappearing one by one…
TsuzuruThis is not an occult.
But, where did the two disappear to…?
HomareThere are even things like the Mankai 7 Mysteries in the dorm.
It might not be strange for mysterious things to actually happen.
Tsuzuru…I’m a bit surprised.
I thought Arisugawa-san is a more realistic person.
HomareThere are things in this world that can’t be explained with my knowledge alone.
IzumiMaybe they already moved on from this place.
Let’s try to find them in another place.
TsuzuruYou’re right.
KazunariWai, everyone, don’t leave me behind~!
KazunariEh? Tsumutsu–!?
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