Announcer | << Unfortunately due to technical difficulties we will not be able to provide subtitles for the performance. |
| Instead we will be handing out a synopsis so we ask for your understanding a cooperation. >> |
Audience A | << Huh, no subs? How are we supposed to understand what’s happening? >> |
Audience B | << Hey, pass me a copy of the synopsis over here! >> |
Citron | I guess it was just a technical error after all. I think we really owe those two an apology for falsely suspecting them. |
Guy | It was just an unfortunate coincidence, I can understand why people had their suspicions |
Azuma | Speaking of those two, did you manage to invite them to the performance? |
Citron | Of course! |
Guy | Mika and the others said even if they had to tie them up and drag them by their heels, they would make sure they made it. |
Itaru | That sounds like a very troubling situation. |
Citron | If that’s what we have to do, that’s what we’ll do. Those two can be so suck burn! |
Chikage | Stubborn, right? |
Citron | Yeah, that! |
Itaru | Sighhhhh.. |
Citron | What’s up? |
Itaru | Are you this antsy because you’re nervous? |
Homare | Who wouldn’t be in this situation? Citron is no different from us. I am sure he is just as nervous as we are. |
Citron | Yeah, I think Itaru is right, I think I am just a bit anxious. |
| I can’t help but feel the pressure from the audience, especially given the nature of our performance. Despite my experience standing in front of others as a member of the royal family, I don’t think anything could have prepared me for this. |
| As a prince, I always needed to be careful with my words and really think about how they would resonate with others. |
Itaru | Well then, how about giving a little opening statement? |
Izumi | Yeah, Kabuki shows have that sometimes. |
Itaru | I remember you gave some opening remarks before our preview performance. It gave the audience some more context for the play and I felt like it really helped warm them up to the performance itself. |
| I think you should go and give an opening statement, I just have this hunch. |
Citron | .. Alright. I’ll give an opening skate rink. |
Masumi | Statement. |
Azuma | “Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen!” |
Citron | .. |
| << Hello everyone, I am Citronia, the Minister of Foreign Arts and Culture. For as long as I could remember, I have always yearned for something more beyond our small island. |
| However, due to my situation it was not that easy for me to cross the oceans. I remember looking at tourist guides and maps, planning out where I would like to go. |
| The places I saw in guidebooks and maps were very limited and I knew there was more out there. I wanted to see everything. |
| I knew there was more waiting for me, things I could not even have imagined. The world is filled with different people, different languages, and different philosophies. |
| I thought that if I could dream of another place, or find interest in another culture, that maybe, just maybe, that would be enough to transport me into another world. |
| So tonight I invite you all to see the lovely world of traditional Japanese culture that my dear friends and I have prepared for you. |
| This play is my dream come true and I hope it can inspire you too. >> |
Izumi | (Amazing. Citron’s opening speech seems to have really touched the audience and I feel an overwhelming sense of warmth all around. |
| I am sure this will be enough to ease the anxiety of the others and make this a great performance.) |