Senribana Monogatari/Episode 10

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Senribana Monogatari
Episode 10
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Yukinojou“And somehow or other, more than when it began, I find myself wondering through this endless purgatory. My wish of dragging Confucianism and Buddhism to hell have only withered away.”
Izumi(Just as I thought when we were assigning roles, Azuma’s stage presence is incredible. Everyone’s eyes are focused on him.
Sahul sees this performance and is immediately captivated by Yukinojou’s stage presence. After the show he goes to Yukinojou’s dressing room and begs to be his student..)
SahulPlease, take me as your student!
MatsunosukeWhat’s the meaning of this? Hey you, it says ‘No unauthorised personnel allowed’.
YukinojouIt’s alright. I want to hear what he has to say.
MatsunosukeAre you sure?
YukinojouHe did come all the way here. I don’t think he is here to be rude, right? Are you serious about wanting to become my student?
SahulYes! Please! I am willing to do anything, even the work of just a servant! Please, I ask that you take me as your student!
YukinojouI am not so sure..
MatsunosukeI’m going to call security.
YukinojouNo, not yet. Alright, I’ll give you a chance, boy.
MatsunosukeAre you for real? I thought you never took on students?
YukinojouIt wouldn’t hurt to try taking just one student.
I think it’s fine.
SahulI’ll try my very best!
YukinojouAlright, go speak with Mr. Yamashita at the house.
SahulThank you!
YukinojouDo you have any further questions for me?
SahulWell.. When exactly do I start?
YukinojouWell well, now let’s not get ahead of ourselves. How about we first get you acquainted to our customs before we do anything else.
SahulOf course! I leave myself in your care!
YukinojouHmm, so first we need to give you a name. Typically a name is derived from one of the characters of the teacher’s name… So how about we take the “Yuki (snow)” from my name and give you the name “Yukimaru”?
SahulYukimaru.. Thank you so much!
MatsunosukeSo then, what did you really think about that kid?
YukinojouIf you’re trying to give me advice I am not here for it.
MatsunosukeHave you not heard what the elders are saying?
He may dream of becoming a Kabuki actor but for real, taking a foreigner under your wing so suddenly?
He’s already turning heads.
YukinojouHe’s got a lot of spunk. I believe he has done his homework.
MatsunosukeI just don’t want you wasting your time with this kid with a whole future ahead of him who just happens to have some flashy clothes and elegant demeanor.
Yukinojou.. I understand where you’re coming from.
YukinojouThis flower is very pretty.
ServantIt was made by your very own Yukimaru.
Yukinojou!? Yukimaru made it?
ServantAnd he even cleaned up nicely.
He has been doing a very good job.
YukinojouI see..
SahulMaster, I’m home!
YukinojouTell me, have you been adjusting well to our culture?
SahulYes, and it is all thanks to your guidance.
Since the very beginning I have yearned to live in this country, how could I not but enjoy myself?
From the first time I saw Kabuki on TV, I have yearned to study this beautiful art form no matter it would take me or how I would learn it. I just knew it was what I wanted. Being able to see this world I have only imagined has only broadened my horizons as if I was living in a dream.
YukinojouSo, I guess you really are..
Yukinojou.. Ready to begin training soon.
FujisakaHmm, what wonderful form. Alrighty, how about you show me what you know.
FujisakaW-Where did you learn to do Japanese Buyo!?
SahulI happened to find a teacher some years ago.. About 10 years ago.
FujisakaThat’s great.You have more passion than I imagined.
SahulThank you very much.
Izumi(It’s just like Citron said before, Japanese Buyo really comes naturally to him.
The role of Fujisaka also really brings out Homare’s elegant side. The traits of both Fujisaka and Homare are a great match, it’s perfect.
After Buyo, Sahul goes to learn Nagauta, it’s a type of long story told as the performer plays the shamisen.)
SahulThank you very much.
Ogino.. I’m going to head out first.
SahulMy playing wasn’t weird, was it? If there’s anything you notice I would like to know—
OginoWell there’s nothing in particular.
SahulReally!? Thank you! See you next week!
OginoYeah, okay.
FujisakaAnd haven’t you heard his increadible Nagauta performance?
YukinojouWait who?
FujisakaYukimaru of course!
YukinojouOh, yes..
FujisakaThat boy’s a born genius!
He’s the cream of the crop, I have never seen anyone like him! If only there was somewhere he could go to use his talents. I have no doubts his talents will flourish wherever he goes. It’s such a shame. Becoming a Kabuki actor would truly be difficult for someone like him. Not only is he foreign, but he has no titles nor any powerful sponsors to back him. Oh and not to mention he is starting awfully late.
FujisakaWell anyway, I am sure you have been thinking about his future since you’re his teacher after all.
Yukinojou.. Yes, of course.
FujisakaHowever I find him to be a very interesting pick for someone like you, the son of a commoner.
YukinojouOh, it’s rare to see you here.
MatsunosukeWell you know I had to come greet my partner before the performance.
YukinojouYou say that but this is the first time you have ever done it.
MatsunosukeSoooo is that kid here today?
YukinojouHe is at dance practice right now.
MatsunosukeHmm, practice huh. Just how long do you plan to keep that kid around for anyway?
SahulI’m baaccckkk, yooo!
Oh, are you a visitor?
MatsunosukeOh, you’re looking better than I expected.
Matsunosuke.. Hmmm.
Who was that man?
YukinojouYanase Matsunosuke.
He is the noble son of the Yanase family.
And loved by the God of Kabuki.
SahulOh, is that so?
Well I for one think the God of Kabuki is also looking down upon you, great master.
YukinojouWell actually— I did not exactly have the easiest time getting into this industry myself.
Izumi(The contrast between Sahul’s carefree nature and Yukinojou’s deep skepticism is so captivating.
Itaru’s performance as Matsunosuke is also really nice. He really captures the confidence of a man of noble birth.)
SahulWow.. So that’s how you do somersault..
Actor ASo you are Yukinojou’s student.. ?
SahulNice to meet you!
Actor AWell to get you started you first need to master the basic starting position and then—
FukumaruI heard you studied Nagauta and dance in your home country so I am sure you can do a simple somersault, right?
Actor AHmm yeah, I heard you are pretty strong, right?
SahulWell umm.. I.. I have never done a somersault before and umm..
FukumaruCome on, give it a try! Why don’t you give it a shot, you are a student after all. I am sure you have enough guts to at least give it a shot, right?
SahulAlright, I’ll try.
FukumaruHmm.. Being brave and being reckless are two different things you know.!
FukumaruWhat is it?
SahulPlease teach me how to somersault! I was moved by the beauty of your somersault you did earlier!
FukumaruYou want me to teach.. — You know it’s not something that you can simply learn overnight.
SahulI am sorry for asking..
FukumaruYou know I don’t see any real potential in you. And not to rain on your parade, but I’m not the only one either, Yukinojou’s master also, well..
FukumaruHurry and just give up now and go back to your country.
(Hisoka is amazing at those somersaults. I can tell that even though the audience may not understand the words he is saying, he does an excellent job showing off his skill.)
Actor AI think it’s time we start heading back.
SahulThank you so much for helping me!
Actor BDon’t overdo it.
O-Oww oww..
This sure is hard..
FukumaruAre you stupid?
Do you really think if just recklessly try it over and over you’ll do it?
SahulIs that not it?
FukumaruI’ll help you out so try again.
SahulAre you sure?
FukumaruYou gotta learn those three disciplines by the end of today after all.
FukumaruYou gotta be more aggressive.
I’m gonna try!
— I-I did it..
Thank you so much!
FukumaruYou’re really dumb.
.. But, maybe you do have what it takes.
Izumi(He kept practicing over and over without being able to even do a single somersault..
This is the true sign of Citron’s perseverance, he really worked hard against all odds.
Sahul throws himself completely into the world of Kabuki and his hardwork shows through his training, just like how Citron devoted all his attention to developing his character.)
Izumi(As Sahul is training and growing, Yukinojou makes plans for his first performance..)
SahulGood morning!
MatsunosukeHey Yukimaru, assistants need to wait over there.
SahulB-But I am Yukinojou’s student—
MatsunosukeDo you really think it’s worth it to put so much effort into practicing even though you’ll never stand on stage? If you’re just doing this for a hobby you can leave.
YukinojouThat’s enough.
MatsunosukeI am only being honest. Yukimaru will never become a Kabuki actor no matter how hard he works.
Guys like him are a dime a dozen. They can train as hard as they want and long for the stage, but the result is all the same.
This kid has no titles, no wealthy sponsor, is completely inexperienced, and on top of all that, he’s foreign. Did you really think you would get any support from the elders or your fans?
Yukinojou, this is what I have been trying to tell you from the beginning.
SahulUmm.. I.. Please excuse me, I’ll just go wait over there.
Nagauta TeacherYou seem a bit distracted today. How about we end the lesson here?
SahulMy apologies..
OginoGood job.
SahulYeah, good job.
Ogino.. Umm, can I ask, is there something wrong?
SahulOgino, why did you choose to learn the shamisen?
OginoHuh? Me? Umm.. Well, I have always loved it since I was a child.
SahulYou loved the sound..
OginoI guess, what are you trying to get at?
SahulNothing, thank you so much! I’ll see you next time!
OginoI don’t know what I did but.. I’m glad you seem happier.
Izumi(Without hesitation, Ogino tells Sahul why he loves the shamisen. This puts Sahul’s heart at ease.. This was a perfect choice for Sakuya.)
SahulUmm, could I have a word?
SahulEven if I can’t stand on the stage now.. I will continue to work hard until the day I can make my dream a reality.
I do not think my hard work is all for nothing. I really love Kabuki.
MatsunosukeHmm.. Okay fine, do whatever you want.
YukinojouYukimaru is pretty amazing. I am sure he could teach me a thing or two.
MatsunosukeI have noticed your demeanor has changed, you seem more like a teacher now.
Hey, Yukimaru, why don’t you try being my stage hand.
SahulWhat!? For real!?
YukinojouYes, I think this is great timing.
MatsunosukeYou won’t stand out if you’re dressed in all black.
SahulI’ll do my best!
Izumi(And now the day of Sahul’s debut performance has arrived..)
Sahul(I gotta move the katana over here..)
Damn, I dropped it..!)
YukinojouCome come, take this..
Sahul(Oh, saved by my master..)
MatsunosukeIf you’re gonna be clumsy like that on stage there’s no point in trying a second time.
SahulMy deepest apologies..
YukinojouPlease don’t get discouraged.
MatsunosukeFine. I’ll give you one chance. I’ll give you a shot at playing Benten Kozo from “Five Men of the White Waves”. If you look good, you’ll get my approval. If you don’t, then you’re better off finding a different career path.
YukinojouThis has nothing to do with what we were talking about earlier. I don’t think giving him a test has any relation to his mistake he made tonight.
MatsunosukeBut you told me to give him a chance. This is a make or break situation, it’s all up to Yukimaru.
Sahul. I’ll try. Please give me a chance!
OginoThey’re really letting you play Benten Kozo this time?
SahulEh, how did you know?
OginoMatsunosuke has been telling everyone, word has really gotten around quick.
SahulO-oh, is that so?
OginoIf you need some help with the shamisen, I got you.
SahulThank you so much.
OginoGood luck!
FujisakaSo you’re really going to play Benten?
SahulUmm, yes. This is kinda like a test for me.
FujisakaWell then seems like you role study will be the same as anyone else’s. I gotta make sure I give you my best guidance.
YukinojouIt seems like everyone is more excited for Yukimaru’s performance than the man himself.
SahulIt’s just I feel as if this is some sort of punishment for my mistake, I’m so sorry.
YukinojouYou are an honest boy, Yukimaru. I have no doubts that your emotions will resonate amongst the audience.
SahulBut.. I really don’t think I am good enough yet..
YukinojouI said what I said. In fact, you could say I was the one learning from you.
When I look at you, I see a boy who wholeheartedly loves Kabuki. I see a boy that reminds me of myself when I first entered this industry. Because I love Kabuki.. That is the most important reason of all for me to be here.
I have forgotten all of the mean comments and whispers amongst my peers. The only thing that mattered was that I love Kabuki and that is what brought me here.
SahulI could see you love for this art through your acting and dancing. That is why I had asked you to be my teacher.
YukinojouIs that so.. Thank you so much, thank you, Yukimaru. Thank you for being my student.
Izumi(Yukinojou gives Sahul a soft smile to show his gratitude when he realises his feelings had reached Sahul. Wow, that expression is very Azuma-like.
Their performance seems like it is really resonating with the rest of the crowd, I can see Yukinojou and Sahul are both equally moved. Citron has quite a way with communication even without words.
I feel like the audience can really sympathise with Sahul.)
SahulIf ya don’t know, I’ll tell ya. Just as Goemon’s death poem says, there are as many thieves in this world as there are grains of sand on Shichirigahama beach.
I am one of those theives who once worked as a page boy on Enoshima Island.
I began stealing gifts from temples in Edo.
Soon the money I stole began to pile up more and more.
It is me, the one and only Benten Kozo Kikunosuke.
MatsunosukeWow, so you really did make it to the end. You passed.
SahulThank you so much!
MatsunosukeNext time make sure not to make any mistakes.
SahulYes! Thank you!
MatsunosukeThe reception will be the last judge. I wonder if this will be enough to warm up the elders to the idea of Yukimaru in Kabuki.
YukinojouTaking Sahul as my student was already against the norms of the Kabuki industry.
However I also think I have much to learn, just like him. For Yukimaru’s sake, I will also work hard to rise to the top.
MatsunosukeI see you have been preparing yourself as well.
Izumi(Sahul masters the role of Benten Kozo. I can see the result of Citron’s hard work in the scene where Sahul gains recognition for his performance.)
Izumi(And now we jump to a couple years later..)
YukinojouAnd how about for our play ‘Wait a Moment’?
Yukinojou’s TeacherIt has gained a lot of recognition overseas.
It is surprising to see you making such rapid progress. You are even getting offers from sponsors. I think this is a good time to take them up on those deals.
YukinojouFirst.. May I make a selfish request?
Yukinojou’s TeacherSure.
YukinojouWill you give Yukimaru a part?
Yukinojou’s TeacherHey hey now, let’s not go that far..
YukinojouHe has already received the approval from other teachers in both his acting and performance. I am sure he would make quite the stir if we are taking our performance overseas.
After all, everyone has said he is the best of the best. Even you can agree to that, right?
However if I remember the much decorated and beloved Uzaemon from the Meiji era was also said to have foreign blood running through his veins.
I am who I am today because of Yukimaru. Yukimaru has the power to capture the hearts of many with his performance. So I beg of you, please.
Yukinojou’s TeacherHmm hmm.. I need to ask about this one, I won’t make any promises.
SahulMaster, are you really going to perform overseas!? Congratulations!
YukinojouOh, Yukimaru, you are also going to be performing with me.
YukinojouYou will be standing on the same stage as me.
Izumi(And now is the time for Sahul to finally stand on stage in his home country.)
SahulI have come to the Imperial Court to return this treasure that I have stolen.
MatsunosukeA thief can only atone for their crimes with their life. Servants, tonight this man’s execution will serve as our entertainment.
SubordinateHah, yes understood.
YukinojouWait just a minute!
(Citron really captures Sahul’s character in this performance. Both him and Sahul are finally standing on stage in their home country, performing for their people.
I am sure everyone else can feel the same energy.)
Citron<< Thank you so much! >>
Azuma<< Thank you so much! >>
Itaru<< Thank you. >>
Sakuya<< Thank you so much! >>
Hisoka<< Thank you. >>
Audience A<< CITRON! >>
Audience B<< CITRON! >>
Izumi(Wow, everyone is cheering for Citron.
It seems like the audience could see Citron’s hard work and effort he put into his part. The atmosphere feels warm and welcoming. >>
Navel<< Amazing.. >>
Orange<< .. Our older brother isn’t a bad guy after all. I don’t feel any malice toward him either.)
Tangerine<< Dear brother, good job on your performance! It was really amazing! >>
Mika<< I have never seen anything so amazing! >>
Citron<< You praise too much. >>
Tangerine<< But of course, I am sure I am not the only one who thought your performance was great. >>
CitronOrange, Navel..
Orange<< I have decided to study abroad. >>
Citron<< What? >>
Orange<< I plan to speak with the king after this.
Perhaps our request to study abroad may seem like we are running away, but it is really the opposite. We are still lacking in experience. We have only ever known this palace.
After watching your performance we were able to understand this.
We would like to see many more things just like you, dear brother.
We want to meet new people and understand different cultures.. Your performance was so amazing it inspired us to want to set out on our own journey abroad. >>
Navel<< M-Me too. I want to see sakura blossoms in real life one day. >>
Citron<< .. I understand. I am very happy to hear that as the Minister of Foreign Arts and Culture. >>
GuyThey are having a serious conversation.
AzumaFufu. It’s good.
IzumiI am sure things will slowly begin to change from now on.
ChikageOh come to think of it, shouldn’t we tell our troupe mates back in Japan how the play went?
IzumiOh, yes!
(‘The play finished up without a problem..)
.. And what about a picture?
Good work! Oh, the sakura are gonna bloom soon!
IzumiWhen we return it will be just about spring time.
HomareThe spring that melts the snow.. Seems like coming to Zahra put us one step ahead.
AzumaSo it has.
Citron<< About studying abroad. How about I put in a word for you with the king as well? If you have any questions or concerns you may always ask me. >>
Orange<< Thank you. We will. >>
Tangerine<< And if there is anything I can do to help you can ask me. I will support your decision. >>
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