Azami | Our Zahra performance made the online news. |
Chikage | This is the first time I’ve seen a general news site write about our performance. Usually we only make the theatre news. |
Itaru | All according to the keikaku (keikaku means plan). |
Izumi | Our play and the finale went over smoothly and became a huge success. I am so glad! |
Tsumugi | Even without our subtitle device it seemed like the audience had a lot of fun. |
Homare | Art transcends all spoken language! |
Guy | We have prepared snacks for everyone. |
Citron | Wooooott, let’s get this party started! |
Chikage | Huh? Is this all the alcohol we have? |
Tasuku | This won’t be enough. |
Izumi | That’s true, a lot of members from spring and winter troupes drink. |
Itaru | We should call for reinforcements. |
Citron | Oh, well if that’s the case— |
Tangerine | Hello everyone, great job on your performance yo! It was so amazing, the people of Zahra were so happy. |
| I have some celery bait tree curry from the king. |
Itaru | Um I don’t think the words he is saying mean what he thinks they mean, this isn’t curry. |
Tsuzuru | I am not sure what celery bait tree curry is but it is definitely not that. |
Masumi | Celebratory, right? |
Citron | And also we have the king’s special secret brand of sake. |
Izumi | That’s not curry.. |
Itaru | Special secret brand? Wow we pulled an SSR here. |
Homare | Looking forward to trying it! |
Tsumugi | We need to drink it slowly to savour the taste. |
Azuma | I am not sure if Sakyo will. |
Tangerine | And for the people who don’t drink, we have some freshly squeezed fruit juice. |
Sakuya | Wow, it looks good! |
Azami | It’s full of fruit. |
Yuki | Oh, I gotta send the others a pic of this. |
Izumi | So then, let’s dig in! |
Citron | Oh, make sure you don’t drink too much! |
Izumi | But we have off tomorrow, what’s the problem? |
Citron | There is a place I want to take you guys to. |
Izumi | A place you want to take us to? |
Azuma | Fufu, and we also need to buy some souvenirs. |
Izumi | Yeah, okay. So then, cheers to drinking modestly! |
Sakuya | Cheers! |
Tangerine | << So then, I guess I will take my leave.. >> |
Citron | << Wait a moment. |
| I have a message I would like you to give to Orange and Navel. >> |
Izumi | Wowww, this is amazing. They even have different colours of lamps. |
Yuki | I want to buy everything just looking at it all. |
Tsumugi | We won’t have trouble finding any souvenirs here. |
Sakuya | They have different colours for other things aside from the lamps. |
Hisoka | .. I will get this. |
Chikage | No surprise this guy could spot a delicious snack from a hundred metres away. |
Masumi | The spices are over here. |
Izumi | Woooww this is a treasure trove of goodies! |
Homare | The stall over here sells antiques. Ohh everything here is truly a work of art. |
Tasuku | What is this soft thing over here? I don’t recognise it at all. |
Shopkeeper | << You sir over there, would you like to check out some hair accessories? >> |
Azuma | Hair accessories? |
| .. Hmm, maybe I should buy a little keepsake for myself. They all look so beautiful, I don’t know which one to get. |
Citron | Ohh a jewelry shop? |
Azuma | I don’t know which one to get. Could I ask for your input, my prince? |
Citron | Mumumu.. Hmmm the one that would suit you the best is.. THIS ONE! |
Azuma | Fufu, you have quite an eye for beauty, my prince. They have this one in different colours too. All the variations are so beautiful, I don’t know which to get. |
Citron | I think this one would suit your brother. |
Azuma | Huh? |
| .. But my brother doesn’t have long hair. I don’t think— |
Citron | Maybe his hair got longer since you last saw him! |
Azuma | Long hair.. |
| Fufu, I think it would suit him. |
| (I can’t even begin to imagine where my brother could be living now. I have things I want to tell him, but for some reason I can’t even picture what he could look like now.) |
| .. Thank you. I will buy one for my brother too. |
Citron | I am sure he’ll be happy. |
Shopkeeper | << Thanks! >> |
Citron | — Oh, it’s almost time. |
Citron | << Sorry we were late. >> |
Orange | << So why did you ask us to come here? >> |
Navel | << A-Are you going to publicly shame us? >> |
Tangerine | << No no, we would never do anything like that. >> |
Citron | << We have clear skies today so why don’t we all look up and admire the colour. >> |
Orange | << .. The sky? >> |
Citron | << It’s The Story of the Old Man Who Made Withered Trees to Blossom! Look! >> |
Navel | !? |
Orange | << S-Sakura? Ahh, no it’s just pink balloons? >> |
Citron | << I hope you will see real sakura blossoms one day. You are always welcome to visit me in Japan. >> |
Orange | << .. W-We look forward to it. >> |
Azuma | Hanasaka Jii-san project, big success. |
Sakuya | I heard Hanasaka Jii-san, wow that brings me back. |
Tsuzuru | I am sure we all remember reading it when we were children. |
Izumi | (Huh? Why do I feel like I have heard the name ‘Hanasaka Jii-san’ before.. ? |
| Oh, wait, that’s right. It’s the pseudonym of the producer who wrote for one of my father’s act offs.) |
Citron | Soo then, everyone make a wish! |
Sakuya | Oh, that’s right! Hmm I wonder what I should wish for? I hadn’t thought of anything! |
Chikage | We gotta be quick before the balloons diasppear. |
Itaru | SSR.. SSR.. |
Tsuzuru | That’s too superficial. |
Hisoka | Marshmallows, marshmallows.. |
Tasuku | To nobody’s surprise. |
Izumi | (What a beautiful blue sky.. I wonder if my father is under this same sky making the flowers bloom too. |
| I promise, one day, we will surely meet again father.) |