Seasonal Events
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Seasonal Events were the second type of event introduced in A3!. Gameplay-wise, they are virtually identical to Troupe Events. The main difference is that Event Items are accumulated instead of points, and they feature a special CG in the Event Story.
Lessons and performances can only be played during the event, so the short play digests seen during performances in Seasonal Events cannot be viewed after the event ends either.
How to Play
- During the event period, limited practice sessions can be played ♪ First go to the event top page or to the play selection screen, then go to the event programme menu (イベント演目) and begin practice!
- Instead of points, this event has special Event Items, which can be collected as drops in practice sessions. Collect these for rewards and ranking!
- Live performances may appear during an event practice session and will also give Event Items.
The Seasonal Bonus mark indicates cards with increased stats and event bonuses during performances (even as guest supports). As of the One Day Princess! event, using three or more of these cards gives an additional 5 event items per successful performance, as indicated by glowing marks on the performance team creation page. Guest cards and cards of the same character do not count.
The Tiny Bonus mark indicates cards with slightly increased stats and small event bonuses during performances (even as guest supports). New birthday cards are given this mark for events in their corresponding month.
Kameman refills 1 SP, while
Boxed Kameman fully refills your SP (will overflow up to 10SP in total).
Onigiri recovers 50% of your LP, while
Bentou fully recovers your LP (will overflow up to 400LP in total).
List of Seasonal Events
- The Great Camp Bonding Strategy (絆のキャンプ大作戦)
- Enjoy! Adult School Trip (Enjoy!大人の修学旅行)
- Midsummer SparkleMemory (真夏のSparkleMemory)
- Walk with me, talk with me! (夜を歩け!)
- hAve A greAt trip!
- Merry,Xmas! Mr.Blooming.
- Valentine's Magic (キミを魔法にかけようか?)
- One Day Princess!
- All of Their 'Marry me!'s (それぞれのMarry me!)
- the moon and the rabbit (おつきさまとうさぎさま)
- Ahh, Beautiful Gaia (嗚呼、麗しのガイア様)
- Re:FebMAGIC (ヒミツの魔法ふたたび)
- Bridegroom Battle Royale (花婿バトルロイヤル)
- Soak to Your Shoulders ♪ Velu~do Baths (肩までつかって♪びろ~ど湯)
- Royal Blue Loved by the Royal Family (王家が愛したロイヤルブルー)
- This is the Inner Palace, the Flower Garden (ここは大奥 花の園)
- Magical Pink Diner (マジカルピンクダイナー)
- Best wishes for your future. (巣立ちの日のキミへ)
- Bride Concerto (花嫁コンチェルト)
- Blooming Squadron Mankai Rangers (開花戦隊マンカイレンジャー)
- The Amazing Museum
- Fantastic Fairy Tail (ファンタジックフェアリーテイル)
- New Year! Red and White Kakushigei Tournament (歳末!紅白かくし芸大会)
- Magical Fragrant Dreams (ル・パルファンの魅せる夢)
- Ride on a Galaxy Train (星河鉄道に乗って)
- Blessed Memories (祝福メモリーズ)
- Choose Ice Cream♪
- Fortune Festival
- Resounding Chimes, Holy Night (鐘の音響く Holy Night)
- Risshun-Setsubun Festival (立春・節分祭)
- Rabbits Party!
- Groom Battle Royale AGAIN (花婿バトルロイヤル AGAIN)
- Pastry Chef's Specialty (パティシエたちのスペシャリテ)
- Scenic Summer Camp (絶景サマーキャンプ)
- Attack☆Veludo Star Challenge (アタック☆ビロードスターチャレンジ)
- Secret Happy Factory (秘密のハッピーファクトリー)
- La Verite of Flowers (花たちのLa Verite)
- Wizard's Tea Party (特集:魔法使いのお茶会)
- Ayakashi Summer Festival (あやかし夏祭り)
- Ah, My Dearly Beloved (あゝ恋しきみへ)
- You are my valentine
- To You Who Flies to the Future (未来へ飛び立つキミへ)
- Anniversary Games (アニバーサリーゲーム)
- Twelve Heavenly Generals of the Dawn (暁の十二天将)
- A Postman Delivering Your Feelings (想いを届けるPostman)
- Devil Maid's Holiday (悪魔メイドの休日)
- Top of the Blue Sky (蒼空のテッペン)
- Last Step