Re:Tag Match Halloween/Episode 10

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Re:Tag Match Halloween
Episode 10
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HarutoThe event will be over soon. We need to go get as much candy as possible.
You guys better get out there and stock up on tips, too. We'll be saving you for our last battle.
ShifutoWait for me, Haruto-san! Anyway, see you guys later!
MukuSee you!
Let's report back to everyone and then go and make up for lost time.
TsumugiSure. We should let them know that we're safe after worrying them so much.
TsumugiOh, it's nothing. I was just thinking about how you were like a real prince when you rescued me from that shed.
I feel kind of bad that your princely charms had to be wasted on saving me of all people, though.
MukuWhat! Not at all!
But... thank you. That makes me really happy.
TsumugiThanks again for saving me, Muku-kun.
MukuYou're welcome!
MukuWe've collected a good amount of candy. I hope this makes up for all the lost time.
TsumugiI hope so, too.
Let's go and look for Haruto-kun and Shifuto-kun now, since we promised them our last battle.
AnnouncementThe etude battles for this year's Veludo Way Halloween have now concluded!
Thank you for your participation. All actor pairs, please come to the special stage now to have your candy weighed.
TsumugiOh, we ran out of time...
ShifutoThere you are!
MukuSorry we couldn't battle you before the event ended...
HarutoOh, well. Guess we'll have to settle it with our candy.
MCAnd the winners for this year's Veludo Way Halloween event are... Arakawa and Asuka, from GOD-za!
CitronOh, no... Victory has been snatched away by GOD-za once again...
MCAlong with... Sakisaka and Tsukioka, from Mankai Company! GOD-za and Mankai Company both take first place this year!
MukuWha... Whaaaat?!
TsumugiWe did it, Muku-kun!
KumonWay to go, Muku! Congrats!
OmiNice work, guys!
CitronDouble victors! Awesome!
MukuThank you, everyone!
MCWill our winners please make their way up to the stage!
Everyone, sit back and enjoy their performance!
IzumiBreak a leg, Muku-kun, Tsumugi-san! Give us a performance that will really make this special stage shine!
TsumugiOf course.
MukuWe'll see you later, then!
Haruto"Show me what your magical prowess is capable of!"
Shifuto"Light for me my path, O Radiance!"
MukuWow, they're amazing...!
Oh no, I'm really nervous now...
TsumugiYou'll do fine, Muku-kun. Just focus on having fun and getting into the spirit of Halloween.
You're right. Let's go, Tsumugi-san!
"Are you all right?!"
"Here, you can lean on me. I live not too far from here, so you're welcome to come and rest."
"Are you hurt? Have you eaten? Let me know if there's anything I can do for you."
Tsumugi"Why are you...? You're a vampire, right? Why are you being so kind?"
Tsumugi"I won't complain about the help you're offering me, I really think you should be more fearsome and dignified, as a vampire."
Muku"...I know. I realize I'm not like the other vampires."
"But what can I do about it...?"
Tsumugi"I wouldn't mind giving you a special crash course. I need to repay you somehow for helping me, anyway."
Muku"Really? Are you sure?"
Tsumugi"Straighten your back! Put more oomph into it!"
Muku"Gi— Gimme your blood!!"
Tsumugi"No, no, no! Use your diaphragm! Bare your fangs more and sharpen your gaze!"
Muku"Su— Submit to me!!"
Tsumugi"Your grin is also too happy. Try smirking and scoffing a bit more."
Muku"L-Like this? ...Hee."
Tsumugi"...No, that's too silly."
"You need to strike fear into the hearts of humans, but be proud and alluring at the same time!"
Muku"Strike fear! Be proud! And alluring! ...Hee!"
Tsumugi"Haah, we're getting nowhere... There's just nothing vampirish about you."
Muku"I'm sorry..."
"Oh, there's a letter for me. And a message from my familiars!"
Tsumugi"What does it say?"
Muku"My fellow vampires really liked my raspberry juice blend. They want me to give them more recipes."
"And my familiars... Hehe! They want to know if I'm free for a stroll through the night sky sometime."
Tsumugi"Wow, you sure are popular."
"Oh, right, Bat! Thanks for the crash course. Please, let me treat you to some juice and snacks in return for helping me."
Tsumugi"You're a strange one. You're a bit airheaded and not vampirish at all, but... maybe that's what's good about you."
"Maybe you don't have force yourself to be a standard vampire. Maybe you're fine the way you are..."
ShifutoGreat etude, guys! I loved it!
HarutoYeah, I guess it was all right.
MukuHehe... Thank you!
ShifutoThat reminds me! I heard from Reni-san that we put on a parade whenever GOD-za wins Veludo Way Halloween.
Do you guys wanna join us? Since you guys technically won, too.
TsumugiA parade...?
HarutoHey, it's not up to you to invite them!
ShifutoReni-san didn't say that I couldn't, though, right? I'll go ask him about it! This is too good of an opportunity to waste.
MukuI wonder if he'll say yes...
TsumugiWho knows?
MukuWow, this Halloween-themed convertible looks so cool!
I still can't believe that we were allowed to join the parade!
TsumugiYeah! I feel kind of embarrassed riding in the parade in such an extravagant convertible though, haha.
Audience ACongrats on the win!
Audience BI loved your etude! I'm going to check out your plays, too!
MukuThank you so much!
CitronMukuuu! Tsumugiii! I'm so jelly!
SakuyaYou guys look so cool out there!
TsumugiOh! Hey, guys!
IzumiLook over here!
MukuQuick, Tsumugi-san! Director-san's going to take a photo of us!
Let's do a matching pose! How about these, um, bat hands?
TsumugiYeah, that's cute! Like this?
MukuYeah! Perfect!
IzumiReady? Say "cheese"!
TsumugiThank you for letting us participate in the parade! I'll treasure this memory forever.
MukuMe, too! Please thank Reni-san for us, too.
ShifutoHaha, of course! I'm really glad we could do this parade together.
HarutoToo bad we ran into all that trouble earlier, though. I really wanted to defeat Mankai Company again this year.
But... I guess I do have to thank you guys for helping us out as well.
MukuSame here. Thank you, Haruto-san!
HarutoHopefully this is the last time anyone tries to cheat.
I'll make sure we're the only winners next Veludo Way Halloween, though, so watch out.
MukuI'll do my best next Halloween, too...!
ShifutoWhy the rush? Next Halloween is such a long way off! Relax!
TsumugiHaha. That's just how Haruto-kun is, I suppose.
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