Fantastic Fairy Tail/Episode 10

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Fantastic Fairy Tail
Episode 10
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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original by rainbowpacifiers here.
MC–with the last team’s performance ending, that’s it for today! Thank you to all participants for your hard work!
Now, we will conduct a vote among the audience to find out which group’s performance was the most entertaining and had the best happy ending.
Then, I would like to ask everyone to wait a while until we have the voting results.
MukuAll the groups’ performances were impressive.
KazunariThe suspense that comes with not knowing the plot was exciting, right~!?
TasukuIt’s too bad that Usui’s and Sakisaka’s appearances got cut short because of the interruption.
MasumiI’m satisfied just being able to see the Director disguised as a wolf.
MukuI had a lot of fun becoming Tinker Bell too!
IzumiAll of you were able to handle it so naturally despite being interrupted midway. It was super fun!
ItaruSakyo-san was adlibbing from beginning to end, right?
SakyoIt was more or less like improv.
AnnouncerThank you for waiting. I will now announce the results of the contest.
According to the voting results– the winners are the guys from MANKAI Company!
KazunariCool! We really won!
SakyoWith that, the prize money is ours.
YukiAs expected of the money-grubbing yakuza, you don’t dream big enough.
SakyoWhat are you on about? There cannot be a dreamier conclusion than this.
AnnoucerI will now announce the MVP for playing the most active role.
AnnouncerThe MVP is MANKAI Company’s Chigasaki Itaru!
ItaruHuh, me?
AnnouncerAs the reason for their vote, there were many who found the scene in which he gently appealed to the Frog Prince great.
TasukuIndeed, kindly calling out to the frog like that was very in character for the role of Hänsel.
YukiWhat they call well cast, I guess?
MukuCongratulations, Itaru-san!
MasumiGuess you were useful for a change.
ItaruEhm...thank you. I mean, hearing this from all of you is making me kind of embarrassed, so stop it.
YukiShall I make you an MVP sash?
ItaruI definitely have no use for that.
IzumiAhaha. Anyway, congratulations, Itaru-san, everyone!
KazunariSay, don’t you want to look around the theme park one more time before we head home?
MukuAh, I was thinking that too. Since we didn’t manage to go through all of it before.
IzumiThen, let’s head home after we’ve looked around once more.
This is...what you used in the performance just now, the witch’s house from Hänsel and Gretel, right?
MukuIt’s cute and yet kind of eerie. As the image for the fairy tale stands, it came out incredibly well.
KazunariDirector-chan, Mukkun, let’s look over there too!
ItaruI couldn’t afford to take a closer look before, but it’s been built to the smallest detail.
Oh? You can really enter this cage.
Eh? The door closed by itself?
Don’t tell me this is the type that can only be opened from the outside...?
This might seriously be impossible...
He~y, somebody. A little help.
Sakyo...What are you doing?
ItaruOh, Sakyo-san.
When I entered, I got locked in. ...I’m sorry, but please help me.
SakyoYour serious look is too forced, so I don’t want to.
SakyoYou become the precious MVP, and then you go and spoil it. You can stay in there for a while.
ItaruWai-, Sakyo-san!
KazunariEh~? Itaru, what is it that you are doing? Looks fun!?
So you were put into the cage? Maybe I’ll just take a pic and send it to everyone? Jk!
ItaruNo, seriously, anything but that, please.
YukiAnyhow, you got cocky because you became the MVP, right?
MasumiThe inside of the cage suits you.
ItaruWhat’s that supposed to mean, Masumi...
TasukuWhat are you doing, at your age?
ItaruLike I said, this was an accident...
MukuW, we should let him out...!
SakyoLeave him be for now.
ItaruThis treatment... was me becoming the MVP just an illusion?...
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