Valentine's Magic/Episode 5

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Valentine's Magic
Episode 5
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IzumiAlright, done!
HomareI think they turned out rather nicely.
Hisoka......A creation to be proud of.
OmiAhh, they all look delicious. You wouldn't think they'd been made by beginners, with that quality.
TenmaIt's thanks to you, Omi-san.
TsuzuruThen, next is the wrapping, huh.
YukiI've prepared materials for the wrapping. Make sure they're cute.
IzumiThere are lots of cute materials! That's our Yuki-kun.
TaichiThis is sure to make the customers happy!
Tomorrow will be my first time working there, so I'm looking forwards to it!
TenmaI'll be going to work for the first time tomorrow too.
IzumiThe middle school and high school students had school, so there might be a lot of first timers tomorrow.
HisokaIt'll be my first time too.
HomareYou were busy with your part-time job for a couple of days, weren't you.
TsuzuruI had my first shift earlier, but......
While the cafe work was fine, the Theatre Time was hell......
OmiAhh......That was ridiculous, wasn't it.
TaichiThat bad!?
YukiLast time there was no Theatre Time......I'd rather not go through anything too ridiculous.
HomareHmph, then shall we practice to defend against that ridiculousness, or whatnot?
TsuzuruAll right, let's begin.
TaichiFor the time being, I borrowed situation cards from Kazu-kun!
Hisoka......Situation cards?
TaichiCards with a situation and a line of dialogue to act from written on them.
Starting from Ten-chan, please pick a card!
TenmaMe, huh......Then, these two.
TsuzuruThe situation is 'A clothes store attendant and the customer', and the dialogue is 'Your life ends here!'......?
Yuki......I can already sense that it's going to be pretty ridiculous.
TenmaA-Anyway, we'll just have to do it!
HomareThen I'll play the customer. I'll count on you to be the shop attendant, Tenma-kun.
TaichiThen, start!
Tenma'What sort of clothes are you looking for, Sir?'
Homare'Ahh, I'd like a knit coat. Do you have this in a large size?'
Tenma'Yes, we do. Would you like to try it on?'
Homare'Yes, I'll do that.'
Homare'――Yeah, it's perfect! I like it.'
Tenma'It suits you very well! The sleeves on this knit are a particularly fashionable design ――'
'That scar on your hand......Are you......Dark Night Wing!?'
'......To think I'd meet someone who knew of my true identity in a place like this.'
Tenma'As I thought......! Because of you, I lost my friends, and my pride was torn to shreds......'
'It's the end of the line for you......! I'm going to take my revenge for that day!'
Homare'Bring it on! You cannot defeat me!'
Tenma'Prepare yourself! Your life ends here!'
TaichiA genuine battle has started in an apparel shop......
Hisoka......It is in line with the theme.
TsuzuruWell, it is, but!
HomareHmph, let's leave it there. Next is Tsuzuru-kun; please draw a card.
TsuzuruMe? Well then, this and......this.
YukiThe situation is 'An Earthling who meets an alien', and the dialogue is 'Tanaka, switch with me for cleaning duty tomorrow.'
TsuzuruThe worldbuilding!
TaichiAll right, then I'll play the alien!
Tsuzuru'Welcome to earth! I've been waiting. It's an honour to meet you.'
Taichi'Me 2! My nam3 is Fifanialparpero Tanaka!'
TenmaTanaka's the alien's name!?
HisokaBut it is according to the theme.
TenmaIt is, but, you know!?
Yuki......Will it be okay like this?
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