Tsuzuru Minagi/The Clockwork Heartbeat

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Tsuzuru's Role Study: Luke

Backstage Stories
TsuzuruThis scene can't be too crazy, but still...
There has to be something good I can put in this scene.
Arghh! I can't think of anything!
Might as well get myself something to drink to clear my mind a bit.
TaichiTraitor! How cruel of you! I thought you were with me on this!
What have you done to my soda?!
TsuzuruIt's quite noisy in here. What happened, Taichi?
TaichiTsuzuru! Itaru mixed my precious soda with juice! Can you actually believe it?!
ItaruIt's my very own invention. And I call it, cyclops.
TsuzuruFine, I'll ride. What's a "Cyclops"??
ItaruSince I'll be playing an alchemist, I thought I'd try making some elixir of some sort to get into my character.
TaichiI can't believe you actually mixed something with cola! I don't even think I can look at it! It's a waste of some good cola!
ItaruOh, don't worry. Since you're my lovely assistant, the rest of this can be yours later. You're going to love it.
TaichiWhat?! Me?! Why me?!
TsuzuruYou're both acting like grade schoolers...
ItaruOh shhh. Why don't you try some, too? It actually tastes nice.
TsuzuruLike I'll ever drink something with that color.
ItaruThen I guess it'll be Taichis'. It really is pretty good. Come on, take a sip.
TaichiNo, Itaru.. Please.. Don't-- Ahhhh!!
These lines just cant seem to fit together.
Maybe changing locations will give me ideas.
Store employeeGood afternoon sir! What can I get for you?
TsuzuruA few drinks, please. There will be free refills, right?
Store employeeYes, sir.
TsuzuruOkay then, let's order some coffee first..
TsuzuruIn this part, Colt will.. Or maybe he wouldn't.. Luke would stand up instead...
Argh! Nothing is still coming together. I've been thinking so much that my brain is already hurting.
(Now I want something sweet.. Maybe I should get some hot chocolate.
Then again, there's some soda... and juice..
I mean, I won't know until we try.
TsuzuruThe color really is something. Just a sip won't be too bad..
Wah! It actually tastes pretty nice!
I think this is... the legendary elixir recipe that was invented by the wise alchemist, Ita ru... Brightdark Vegathoul!
Wow.. I sounded just like Itaru right there.
