Tsuzuru Minagi/Oriental Note

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Who sent the chocolate?

Backstage Stories
Drama Heroine“I attached a card with my feelings with the chocolate, I don’t have the courage to give it to Osamu-kun though....”
“First Love Realized” already begun?
MukuIt’s okay, it’s just getting started!
TsuzuruIt’s Valentine’s Day themed this week.
Drama Heroine“Please, I want you to give this to Osamu-kun!”
TaichiWha, you’re asking Osamu’s best friend?
That’s no good~ You shoulda given it to him yourself.
MukuBut, I get how nervous she must feel with giving a card with her feelings in it.
CitronYes, this is called a maid in art!
TsuzuruWhat are you talking about, It's maiden’s heart!
CitronThat’s it!
By the way, what do you think of it, Tsuzuru?
TsuzuruNo, I’m just observing it as a reference point for the script--
TsumugiOh, Tsuzuru-kun, you’re here.
Here, it’s a Valentine’s gift.
TsuzuruEh, Tsukioka-san are you giving this to me...?
TsumugiFufu, it’s from a lady, not me.
Muku, Taichi and CitronE E H ! ?
CitronTsuzuru, I should not have underestimated you!
MukuIs it chocolate from someone who fancies you...!?
TsuzuruFa, Fancy...?
TaichiWait, why does Tsumugi-san have it?
Tsumugi(That lady’s looking at the dormitory. Who could it be...?)
Excuse me, are you looking for someone?
WomanOh, are you from the theater company?
I came to hand this over to Tsuzuru-kun...
TsumugiI’m sorry. Unfortunately, I think he went out today and won’t be back until tonight.
WomanIs that so?
Then... excuse me but could you please give this to Tsuzuru-kun? It’s Valentine’s day sweets...
TsumugiEh? If that’s the case it’s better for you to give it yourself...
WomanNo, there’s a message card inside so it’s fine if I don’t give it to him directly.
I’ll hand it over to him then.
WomanThank you. It was nice meeting you.
TsumugiAh, what was your name again--
........and she’s gone.
*End of flashback*
Tsumugi.... So that’s the story.
Sorry, I didn't catch her name.
TsuzuruNo, it’s okay.
MukuOh, let's look at the message card, was it signed with a name?
CitronTsuzuru, try to open it!
What? It’s not in here...
TaichiAll that's left is just some delicious looking chocolate.
MukuDid they forget to put it in?
CitronWe cannot tell who it is from then!
TsumugiTsuzuru-kun, do you have any ideas?
TsuzuruHmm... No, not really...
TaichiMaybe a fan of Tsuzuru-san!?
CitronMizuno’s the only fan of Tsuzuru who comes to the dormitory!
TsumugiBut the sender was a woman.
CitronThen, Mizuno dressed as a woman!
TsuzuruYeah, no... That’s definitely not the case.
MukuTsumugi-san, what kind of woman was she? We might get an idea if we know what she looks like!
TsumugiLet’s see... she was a beautiful woman.
I think she was older than Tsuzuru-kun.
CitronA madam then!
TsuzuruA madam.....
No, unlike Citron-san I’m not really close with any older madams.[1]
MukuThe fact that she meant to include a message card means that she wanted to tell Tsuzuru-san about something.
TaichiAfter all, isn’t this chocolate from someone who’s into you?
It’s like the drama from earlier!
Tsuzuru(Is this really confession chocolate?[2] It’s kinda making my heart act up... )
(Well no, it can’t be, right...)
-Phone rings-
TsuzuruHmm? It’s my big brother. 'scuse me for a bit.
TsuzuruHey, bro?
Meguru“Tsuzuru, how are you?”
TsuzuruAh, still the same as ever.
Meguru“That’s good to hear.
-- By the way, did you receive some chocolates today?”
How do you know about that?
Meguru“You don't get it, do you?”
Tsuzuru? What the hell are you talking about--
Meguru“You see,
The lady that handed it was my wife.”
Meguru“I heard she gave it to a fellow troupe member of yours because you weren’t around, apparently she only realized later that she forgot to put the card in.”
“My name wasn’t given and you didn’t know the sender so that’s why I’m calling you.”
TsuzuruAh... I get it, so that’s what’s up.
Meguru“Is something wrong?”
TsuzuruNot at all, I was getting worked up cause I didn’t know who it was from. Thanks for calling me.
Meguru“....... really now, knowing you, Tsuzuru, you probably went crazy from getting Valentine’s day chocolate from an unknown woman.”
No, of course not!
Meguru“Haha, sure let’s leave it at that. So that’s what the chocolate thing is about.”
I get it already. Please say thank you to your wife for me.
-Call ends-
Tsuzuru..... Sigh.
TsumugiHow’d your call with your brother go?
TsuzuruAh, yeah.....
CitronTsuzuru, you don’t seem to be feeling well!
TsuzuruHaha, no no, it’s fine.
....... I just found out who sent the chocolate.
MukuHuh? Who is it?
TsuzuruMy brother’s wife...
Muku, Taichi and Citron.......
CitronTsuzuru... cheer up.
TaichiWell, uh, at least you got some chocolates from it!
MukuThat’s right!
It’s really nice to be friends with your family!
TsuzuruNo, I don’t need this kind of pity!



  1. A nod to Citron befriending the older ladies of the supermarket referenced in some of his stories.
  2. The literal translation would be honmeichoko which is chocolate given to someone on Valentine’s day out of genuine feelings