Tsuzuru Minagi/MANKAI Encore

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Encore: Luke

Backstage Stories
SakuyaWah, we’re already above the clouds!
MasumiCan we move now? Director, I’m coming over.
CitronMasumi, the Director could not pull sideways[1] because she has given up! You do not know when to give up!
ItaruThe desire sensor works for the seating arrangement too. ...Aw, my internet connection.
ChikageRegional performances are always like an outing with more clamor.
IzumiChikage-san and Itaru-san seem like they’re used to riding a plane.
ChikageOf course.
SakuyaI’m really looking forward to the revival performance of Clockwork.
CitronI’m also excited~! Practicing the lines through manzai with Tsuzuru is a good memory!
ChikageHey, Tsuzuru, did you practice that much?
SakuyaSpeaking of Tsuzuru-kun, he’s very quiet today, isn’t he?
ItaruDid you pull an all-nighter?
IzumiOr maybe he’s not feeling well...
MasumiHe’s been like that since he re-read the script for Clockwork yesterday.
IzumiIs that so?
ChikageIt’s been a while since the first performance, maybe he’s nervous?
ItaruCould be. It’s got a lot of strong emotions in the performance.
CitronIt is okay, Tsuzuru. Slacks, slacks~.
Tsuzuru...Hn? Did you just say something? Sorry, I’m a little distracted.
CitronThis is a mysterious despair!
Masumi...Serious affair.
Sakuya...Should we take a mental break?
IzumiYeah. The revival performance will be tomorrow, how about we all go somewhere before then?
CitronThat is a good idea! Leave it to me!
MasumiI’m worried about leaving it to Citron.
ItaruBig agree.
CitronOoh, but I am the co-lead. You can trust me.
IzumiAll right, Then, let’s go to a place that Citron picks.
CitronWe have arrived!
TsuzuruHere... a factory?
ChikageIt’s an abandoned mine. It also seems to be a World Heritage Site and a tourist spot.
SakuyaIt feels like the world in Clockwork! It’s perfect for role-studying.
MasumiIt’s certainly steampunk-styled.
ItaruBut why’d we come at night?
CitronIt must be at this time! There is a lot of fun that is not just role-studying or sightseeing~.
StaffCome here for the beginning of the puzzle-solving game!
ChikagePerhaps that’s the reason?
CitronYes! It is a puzzle-solving game in an abandoned mine at night. It is okay, the flyer said it is low level!
Itaru...That’s why it looks like there are only children around.
StaffThis is basically just held for children, so the difficulty level is low.
ItaruNice. It’s like an IRL RPG adventure into an abandoned mine.
SakuyaBut... It’s a little creepy, isn’t it?
MasumiDirector, I promise I’ll protect you.
IzumiTh-thank you. I’m okay.
TsuzuruThe Director isn’t scared.
ChikageShouldn’t we still stay alert even if it’s for children? Children can be more imaginative than adults.
StaffYes, I think that adults can still enjoy it too.
Citron...What do you think, Tsuzuru?
TsuzuruDid you even listen?
Well, abandoned mines are rarely entered and it could be considered for future scripts.
CitronIt is decided! We will rush into the abandoned mine at night~!
ChikageIt’s an orthodox mystery solution.
SakuyaAh, there’s the first one already!
TsuzuruWell, this problem is–.
MasumiThe answer to this one is “ma”.
ItaruHey. You can’t enjoy it by solving it that fast.
IzumiWow. I can’t even solve it if I’m told the answer.
ChikageAh, so this is–.
MasumiI’ll explain.
CitronOh! The second problem is found! Tsuzuru, this time we will solve it first!
TsuzuruYeah, yeah.
Tsuzuru6 characters so far. One more to go….
CitronTsuzuru. ...Tsuzuru.
TsuzuruWhy are you suddenly whispering?
CitronI found a treasure! I will only inform Tsuzuru!
TsuzuruOnly me? I mean, this game is a treasure hunt….
CitronI had a set~!
TsuzuruWait, Citron-san–!
Steel frames, high ceiling, bare walls…. It’s like Luke’s workshop.
It’s amazing. Thank you for bringing me here, Citron-san.
Citron“Yes, Master”
“What will you teach me today? Cooking? Dance?”
Tsuzuru“Whatever is good”
Citron“–I have forgotten one important thing”
Tsuzuru“Important thing?”
Citron“It is a handshake. We must shake hands first”
Tsuzuru“...Ah, that’s right”
Citron“Master, I am glad to see you again”
Citron...Tsuzuru? Was my acting that good?
The night before last, while I was reading the script, I remembered the night before the premiere….
At the end of the story, S said goodbye to Luke before his long sleep.
I remember feeling really lonely the moment the curtain closed.
After the revival performance, I’ll have to part with S again– When I think about it, I feel sad again.
CitronTsuzuru... so you were not fine?
But, I just laughed since S was happy to see me– that’s why I remembered.
Before parting, there will always be an encounter.
Until a while ago, I was thinking about the farewell and I wanted to be happy when I met him.
CitronThat’s right! Encounters and farewells repeat.
The story ends with a farewell but we can meet when we perform again. The is no reason to be sad!
TsuzuruYeah, you’re right.
Thank you. I’ll do my best at tomorrow’s performance.
CitronTsuzuru, that’s the split!
TsuzuruThat’s the spirit! This is definitely intentional now.
CitronOh, the straight man is severe!
TsuzuruWhy do you look so happy?
IzumiWe’ve got 7 characters! Then we have to combine them….
MasumiMarriage. (Ke-k-ko-n-shi-yo-u)
TsuzuruOnly one character matches!
ItaruGacha hit. (Ga-cha-a-ta-ru)
ChikageMaybe, marjoram. (Ma-jo-ra-mu)
TsuzuruI don’t wanna be the straight man.
SakuyaI wonder…. Ude, hima, atama...?[2]
CitronOh, I understand!
Tsuzuru & Citron...Until the day we meet again. (Ma-ta-a-u-hi-ma-de)
Masumi...I will guard only you for the rest of my life.
IzumiLet’s crack down on mechanical dolls properly instead.
SakuyaChikage-san as a soldier is also cool!
ChikageThanks. Can you see me as Masumi’s subordinate?
ItaruIn spite of being a minor role, you can still get a strong enigma feeling from the character.
MasumiI’d be in trouble if my subordinates aren’t strong. If you can’t protect the Director, you’re fired.
Citron...Tsuzuru, are you nervous?
TsuzuruHaha, just a little.
–But, my excitement about meeting S again is greater.
CitronIt’s too soon to be pleased. The show is about to start!
Izumi(Fufu, Tsuzuru-kun and Citron-kun look happy. I think it’s going to be a good show today.)[3]
Izumi(A young man comes to his senses as smoke rises vigorously from a small workshop in a back alley–)
Luke“I finally finished it... you are my first friend, S.”
S“Friend? Master? Master is a friend?”
Luke“That’s right, S. Let’s shake hands. It’s a human greeting.”
Izumi(Tsuzuru-kun has a nice expression with the joy of finally meeting a friend. Even the audience is happy. ...This is a good start.)
Izumi(Luke patiently teaches S human-like gestures and lifestyles.)
Colt“Hello, Sir! Huh? Did you take on a new apprentice?”
Luke“Hi, Colt. This is S. He’s a friend of mine.”
Colt“Eeh?! You have a friend even though you go weeks at a time without talking to anyone?!”
Boyd“Do you really want to take such a risk for a doll?”
Luke“He’s my friend. Not a doll. Please stop saying that, Master.”
Boyd“Geez. I should’ve taught you how to make friends rather than alchemy.”
Izumi(Itaru-san said he likes the world and setting of Clockwork. He seems to really enjoy playing Boyd.)
Izumi(As Boyd mentioned, the guards have tightened their crackdown on homunculi. Even if you beg the government, they won’t tolerate the existence of S...)
Alf“Mechanical dolls are just machines. Treating them in the same line as humans is arrogant.”
Alf“Machines and people are incompatible. If you try to mix them, it will, without fail, cause disaster. The law is there to prevent that.”
Izumi(Alf’s ruthlessness doesn’t change, but you can still catch a glimpse of sympathy. Masumi-kun is really good at delicate facial expressions.)
Izumi(Injured while saving Luke, with wind-up key and clockwork exposed, S is chased by the guards–)
Soldier[4]“Mechanical doll, halt.”
“After all, a machine is a machine. It can’t beat humans. There’s no use in running.”
Izumi(The tight movements and inorganic feel of the guards is machine-like. Even though they’re human, you can’t feel any heart and it contrasts with S.)
(Colt’s quick-wittedness helps Luke and S flee.)
Colt“Help! There was an explosion here too! A lot of people are trapped inside!”
Colt“S! Carry Sir and get away!”
Izumi(In the first half, Colt’s facial expressions give you a cute impression, but in the second half he shows he has the reliability to protect Luke and S.)
(Both of Colt’s sides seem much more charming than before! It’s proof that Sakuya-kun’s acting abilities have improved and his expression range has expanded.)
Izumi(As S and Luke escape the city, S tells Luke to take out his wind-up key to stop his movement.)
Luke“That... That will absolutely break you, I don’t want that.”
S“Even if I stop moving, I will always be Luke’s friend.”
Luke“That’d be terrible of me to create you and then destroy you.”
Izumi(This last scene is the one Tsuzuru-kun was worried about. It’s sad to see the two of them say goodbye...)
S“We will meet again someday.”
S“I am sad to say goodbye. But if we can meet again, I will be fine.”
Izumi(S’s laughing smile is aimed at Luke as a friend, not a master... It’s full of compassion and friendship.)
(Luke’s pain and S’s kindness. The both of them are really close, my chest feels tight.)
(The atmosphere and facial expressions are due to how gentlemanly Tsuzuru-kun and Citron-kun are...!)
S“Tha... yo... Lu...”
Luke“Thank you, S. I’m sure I’ll be able to wake you up again, so goodnight until then.”
Luke“...Until the day we meet again.”
Izumi(That was from yesterday–)
Spring TroupeThank you very much!
Citron...Tsuzuru. Do you feel lonely?
TsuzuruYeah. I’m a little lonely, but...
I’ll be able to meet you again.


  1. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what this meant. Like I kinda get what Citron is trying to say, but I couldn’t figure out how to translate it.
  2. Sakuya could also be saying something like “arm, leisure, head...?”. I couldn’t tell if he was trying to guess answers or if he was just piecing together sounds. All of it was written in katakana so all I had to go off of was sounds.
  3. I’m kinda iffy on the accuracy of a lot of parts where it’s the director talking to themselves. So, take those in particular with a grain of salt.
  4. This is Chikage’s role for Clockwork, just in case anyone was wondering!