Tsuzuru Minagi/Dressing Formally

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Crazy for Curry

Backstage Stories
ItaruIt's now been a week since we've all moved in into the dorm. And tonight is the 4th night that we'll be having curry for dinner.
IzumiI'm sorry, I didn't think that I would get all the proportions wrong while measuring.
CitronThe amount of curry you've made is more that just a small error of judgement. It is enough to feed a feast for kings.
SakuyaI don't mind though! I like the way she makes her curries!
CitronI, too, like how it tastes, but I simply can't eat it everyday.
MasumiI'll eat anything you make for us, regardless of what it is. I'll eat your curry for weeks, months, or maybe for a year.
TsuzuruYeah right! You'll be malnourished by then!
IzumiJust curry for a year? I can deal with that.
TsuzuruPlease don't even consider it!
IzumiI mean they do say that curry will taste better the next day, no?
Then that means it will taste even better the following days it's--
ItaruDon't treat it like it's some kind of wine.
TsuzuruI do like curry, but I want to eat other dishes too.
CitronI agree..
IzumiWith everybody's help for the past few days, the curry is almost finished! It's a big help to have plenty of guys with sizeable appetites around.
CitronFinally, it is almost all finished. I am glad I went for a second plate.
SakuyaI had loads as well!
IzumiYou all had a good amount. I do feel a little sad with how little is left. Perhaps I'll make some more.
TsuzuruNonono! NO! It's quite alright, really!
CitronWhen it's all about curry, you can't seem to get a hold of yourself, Director.
MasumiI like how crazy for curry she is, though.
ItaruCrazy for curry? Do you mean that as a compliment, or some sort of catchphrase?
Anywho. You HAVE TO make something different for today, Izumi.
IzumiSomething else aside from curry? i think I'd need some time to think about other ideas.
CitronHave you not yet come across other food beside curry?
TsuzuruI'll try to make something for tonight, how about it?
IzumiOh, you did say that you used to cook back home, right?
TsuzuruI did. I grew up with only boys in the family, so the dishes I know how to make are sort of just put together.
Let me see what we have in the fridge..
I think I'll be able to make something with this. I'll go and get started.
IzumiReally? Thanks so much for volunteering!
SakuyaI'm excited to know what Tsuzuru will be making!
IzumiYou're great at handling the frypan, Tsuzuru!
CitronHe definitely has a knock for cooking!
MasumiI think you meant "knack".
TsuzuruAll finished! I made some pepper steak and fried rice.
SakuyaThe smell is so good! I can't wait to dig in!
ItaruHehh.That actually looks bomb. Let's see if it tastes as good as it looks.
IzumiThank you for the food... Mhmm! It tastes amazing!
CitronOh, yes I agree! I can't help myself but eat!
Masumi...It isn't as good as Izumi's curry, but it's alright.
SakuyaIt tastes amazing, Tsuzuru! I can eat loads more of this!
TsuzuruHehe, you're just exaggerating now.
IzumiYou really are a good cook... I sort of feel like I lost.
TsuzuruOh, don't say such a thing. Your curry is the best I've tasted.
SakuyaI love your curry too!
CitronYour curry is most delicious!
ItaruUh huh. You and Tsuzuru are great at cooking..
MasumiI say that you're the best at cooking in the world.
IzumiAw, thank you guys. I didn't know that you all liked curry so much.
IzumiThen I guess I'll try to make curry rice pilaf tomorrow!
AllNo, thank you!
