Tsumugi Tsukioka/I Come with the Night.

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Hot-Blooded! Tsumugi-Sensei

Backstage Stories
TsumugiA physical education teacher role, huh...
(Appearance-wise I don’t think I look sports-minded, so to make up for that I’ll have to bring out a physical education teacher feel through my acting.)
(To get into character, first I’ll get Tasuku to teach me how to work out and build strength...)
KumonOne, two, three, four! Two, two, three, four! Next, from the right!
Tsuzuru*pant, pant*...
TaichiI think it’s working on my leg muscles!
TsumugiOh? What are you doing?
TaichiRadio calisthenics!
KumonTsuzuru-san is always sitting in front of the computer writing scripts and reports, so——
I was thinking he should get some exercise like this once in a while!
TsuzuruI thought it’d be good for my body so I’m trying it out, but it’s surprisingly intense...
TsumugiAhaha, I see.
TaichiI think it’s pretty fun! It reminds me of morning radio calisthenics during summer vacation when I was in elementary school~!
KumonDoing radio calisthenics every morning with everybody in the dorm sounds like so much fun!
TaichiNice idea! It’ll be good for the health too!
TsuzuruThere are people here who mostly hate getting up early in the morning, so that might be difficult.
TsumugiRadio calisthenics with everybody every morning, huh...
In that case, can you let me help?
BanriHm...? Footsteps?
TsumugiSettsu, Hyodo! It’s time for radio calisthenics!
BanriHah? Tsumugi-san? Radio calisthenics?
BanriWhat’s going on all of a sudden...
TenmaBanri-san, Juza-san. Good morning.
BanriYou guys got woken up too?
YukiYeah. Tsumugi came to our room, saying we’re doing radio calisthenics.
SakuyaI wonder what the radio calisthenics is for?
KumonIt’s part of Tsumugi-san’s role study!
GuyRole study?
TsumugiThis week, I’ll have all of you participate in radio calisthenics every morning!
TsumugiI... want to do radio calisthenics together with everyone in this class!
ChikageLooks like he’s completely gotten into the physical education teacher role.
BanriPlus it’s a hot-blooded guy.
IzumiI was a little surprised when he discussed it with me last night though.
SakyoIt’ll be good for reforming the lifestyles of the normally sloppy ones.
TsumugiNow that you’re all here! Let’s start a refreshing exercise under the morning sun——
ItaruSensei, I don’t see Mikage-kun anywhere.
TsumugiWhat!? I woke him up just now though...
TasukuA problem child, huh...
TsumugiNow then, let’s get fired up and do radio calisthenics again today!
AzumaHomare and Hisoka aren’t here.
IzumiI don’t see Tsuzuru-kun... and Masumi-kun either.
BanriHe’s probably having a hard time waking Masumi up.
MisumiItaru’s not here either~?
ChikageI woke him, but he didn’t get up. So I left him.
TsuzuruMasumi, wake up! Didn’t Tsukioka-san say we’d do radio calisthenics?
*door opens, whistle blows*
TsumugiYou two! You’re late!
TsuzuruUwah!? That scared me!
MasumiSo loud...
HomareHisoka-kun, it’s morning. Hisoka-kun!
*door opens, whistle blows*
TsumugiArisugawa! Mikage! We’re starting radio calisthenics!
Mikage, marshmallows in the morning right after exercise are surely delicious. Now, look lively and get up!
HomareOhh, that’s an impressively hot-blooded act...
*door opens, whistle blows*
TsumugiHey, Chigasaki! You stayed up late again yesterday? Geez, what do I do with you...
Look out the window! Basking in the bright rays of the sun feels great. Now come on, give me your hand. One, two!
Itaru...So bright.
TasukuIt’s been a week since we started doing radio calisthenics, huh.
OmiThis would be the last day.
TsumugiGood morning everyone!
SakuyaGood morning!
ItaruGood morning...
TsumugiYou guys... You’re all here!
ItaruWell, after being greeted with that...
Masumi...That whistle was loud.
TsumugiWe can do radio calisthenics with everybody on the last day without any late students. I’m so happy...!
Now I can have everybody graduate without any problems... Thank you guys!
KumonThat’s great, Tsumugi-sensei!
TaichiTsumugi-sensei! We should be the ones thanking you!
TenmaSo it’s a happy ending...?
OmiWell, Tsumugi-san looks satisfied too.
ChikageI wonder if this even was a role study. It feels slightly off from the character in the script...
CitronDon’t sweat the details!
