Tsumugi Tsukioka/Appetizing Bouquet

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Interior of Summer

Backstage Stories
TsumugiAlright, I guess that’ll do.
(I started cleaning to help the Manager, but it does feels nice having things neat and tidy after all.)
ManagerAre you finished, Tsukioka-san~?
I just happened to finish just now.
ManagerYou know, you really saved my skin by lending a hand.
Thanks so much!
TsumugiOh, no, if it’s simply cleaning, then I’ll help out any time.
ManagerAnyways, it’s hot today, isn’t it?
Let’s take a break and drink some barley tea. I’ll prepare it!
TsumugiThank you very much.
ManagerThen, to the lounge—.
Tsumugi…Um, Manager!
ManagerYes, what’s the matter~?
TsumugiI thought this while I was cleaning just now… but doesn’t it look a little lonely around here?
ManagerYou mean..?
TsumugiIt's fine to keep things simple by not placing too many things out. But it's been getting hotter recently—.
So I thought it would also be nice for this place to have some cool interior designs to give it a summery feel.
ManagerA summer-like interior, huh~.
Do you have any items that would work?
TsumugiI mean, I haven’t come up with anything concrete yet…
ManagerI see. I’ll do my part to search too, in that case.
I bet there’ll be something or other if I go to the storage room!
And if you’ve got anything nice, you can place it out, Tsukioka-san.
I’ll search a bit as well.
The flowerbed care tools… I wonder if this many is enough?
Excuse me, I’d like these.
Store clerkThank you very much.
(A small potted plant that has colourful sand instead of soil? It’s the first time I’ve seen this…!)
This is really beautiful!
Store clerkThat’s called sand art.
I’m the one who made that pot.
TsumugiEh, by yourself?
That’s amazing.
Store clerkNot at all. It’s relatively simple if you use a special kit.
Actually, this is just a quick sample of a kit I made.
TsumugiHeh, a sand art kit…
Store clerkIf it’s piqued your interest, then please give it a try as well, dear customer!
We have good number of kits that just arrived.
Tsumugi(This might be perfect for our summer interior design, right?)
Alright, I’ll take one of these as well.
Store clerkThank you very much!
TsumugiAlright, I wonder if I’ll be able to make it well.
(I see, you can add original plants in addition to the decorations that come with the kit.)
First off, I’ll read the instructions—.
IzumiI’m back.
Ah, Tsumugi-san.
TsumugiWelcome home, Director!
Izumi(Tsumugi-san looks like he’s in a good mood.
I wonder if something nice happened?)
Hm? “Homemade Kit”?
Are you going to make something, Tsumugi-san?
TsumugiYes, I’m thinking of attempting this thing called sand art right now!
IzumiSand art?
TsumugiYou place decorations or insert small plants on top of colourful sand that’s been layered… see, just like this picture here.
IzumiWow, you can make something this pretty yourself?
TsumugiYes. This is the kit for that!
IzumiHeh, that sounds interesting…
TsumugiDo you want to make one with me, Director?
I thought one would be lonely, so I bought two.
IzumiIs that ok? You’re the one who bought them wanting to make them…
TsumugiNot at all, I’m sure it will be more fun making them together.
So let’s do it together!
IzumiIf you insist.
Alright, I’ll take this challenge on with you then!
TsumugiLittle by little while turning the glass…
Ahh, the colours got mixed.
IzumiIt’s fine, just act like you mixed the colours on purpose!
TsumugiY-yeah, right!
I’ll do that.
IzumiHuh, the colours don’t match as well as I thought.
Maybe it would’ve been better to add another colour?
TsumugiI think it’s nice that it has originality to it this way.
IzumiT-thank you very much.
Tsumugi…Hmm, the layers aren’t coming out as pretty as I imagined.
I guess it's better to pack it down more firmly before adding more on top.
IzumiYou’re right. The previous layers fall apart if you just shake it a little…!
TsumugiIt’s surprisingly difficult even when we use a kit…
IzumiPhew, it’s done…!
TsumugiThey’re finally finished, huh?
TsumugiIt was hard to get the hang of it at first, but it became quite fun once we got used to it, right?
CHOICE 1: I want to do more [+]
IzumiI feel like I want to do more now!
TsumugiWe made them this time with a summer interior in mind, but it might be nice to change them up according to the seasons.
Depend on the decorations and sand colours, you could probably make them with the feel of each season.
IzumiThat sounds great!
And you can choose seasonal flowers to place on top.
TsumugiAh, that’s a great idea.
I know, let’s add a few flowers from the garden into these later as well.
IzumiWow, that’d be wonderful!
I bet they’ll become even cuter!
CHOICE 2: They’re not like the sample [+]
IzumiHow do I put it? They’re a little different from the sample photo…
TsumugiUmm, I can’t deny that. The one the staff made was just like the sample…
But I think the one you made is lovely.
I like it even if it’s different from the example.
IzumiThanks so much for saying that!
*Sigh*, I wish I could do better now on the bottom part, which is what I did first~.
*door opens*
ChikageI’m home. …Oh my?
The two of you are holding some interesting looking things.
IzumiWelcome back, Chikage-san.
These are sand art!
TsumugiI thought they might work for the summer interior of the dorm. So we used kits to make them.
ChikageHeh, so they’re originals by you two.
No wonder…
IzumiW-what do you mean?
ChikageAh, no. I think they’re creative designs.
No one else could have made them but you two.
ChikageThe layers of sand are blended together, and the thickness of the layers stabilize as they go up from the bottom…
Well, they’re designs I don’t usually see around.
So I thought, “this is the originality of the two of you”.
Right, Tsumugi-san!
TsumugiEh? Y-yeah.
ChikageThey’re for the interior of the dorm, right?
I’m looking forward to seeing them displayed.
IzumiUmm… If Chikage-san praised us, then does that mean we were able to hide the parts we messed up on?
TsumugiAhaha… I feel like we were probably being told we’re clumsy in a roundabout way.
