The Last Runway/Epilogue

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The Last Runway
Scarf of Memories
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IzumiWe have wrapped the final show. Good work, everyone!
YukiGood work.
TaichiCheers to a job well done~!
MasumiGreat job.
OmiI’ve prepared Yuki and Taichi’s favorites for dinner today, omelette rice and hot dogs.
TaichiYeaaay! Let’s dig in.
YukiIt looks tasty.
TenmaSo we’re having junk food today.
OmiI’ve made some salad too, it’s all right. We have minestrone soup and plenty of veggies as well.
IzumiThe soup also looks delicious!
MisumiI draw Sankaku-kun on the omelette rice~!
KazunariAh, me too, me too! I’m gonna draw something.
MukuYou’re so good, Kazu-kun!
KumonAmazing! You can draw even with ketchup!
TenmaWe were worried whether the costume would suit us or not at first, but we pulled it off without any problem.
MasumiI’m tired.
IzumiThe costumes were really good because you guys helped make it. They all looked so cool onstage.
YukiOf course they were.
IzumiI’m glad Taichi-kun’s family came to watch the play yesterday.
TaichiYeah, me too!
BanriYour sister is still in kindergarten, right? Did she understand the dialogues?
IzumiI actually talked to her a little bit after the show. Looks like she enjoyed the play.
TaichiAh! Now that I think about it, she told me to hand over a letter to you, A-chan!
AzamiMe? Why? I wasn’t casted.
TaichiShe said she drew a portrait of you.
Azami...This one?
IzumiIt’s a cute drawing.
BanriSo it’s a fan letter.
OmiYou’re popular, Azami.
AzamiIt’s, It’s not like that!
IzumiTaichi-kun’s brother and sister get attached to Yuki-kun as well, it seems.
YukiThey like me for some reason.
TaichiEver since he came to my home, those two seem so into Yuki-chan…
Mi-chan told me she wanted to be like Yuki-chan, while Ma-kun said he wanted to meet Yuki-chan…
All they only talk about is either Yuki-chan and A-chan instead of me. I have mixed feelings about this…!
YukiNot only a siscon, but you have also developed brocon.
Izumi(I guess siblings also have similar taste when it comes to the person they like…?)
MukuWith this we have bought all the requested items.
YukiI’m going to stop by the craft store, you can go home first.
MukuAh, I’m coming with you. I want to buy some materials for wool felt.
You too, Yuki-kun?
YukiYeah. I also want to buy various new tools and more yarn and cloth.
MukuI see.
MukuAre you going to buy that red wool?
Yuki...I’ll buy this for now.
...I guess I really should make this part the same.
TenmaThat’s rare of you. Are you knitting?
Yuki...Can you not look here?
TenmaI can’t help it, you know! We share a room!
YukiDo something about that, then.
TenmaDon’t be unreasonable!
TaichiHmm, I see…
SakuyaTaichi-kun, what are you reading?
TaichiFortune telling corner. Seems like my luck will be very good this week!
SakuyaHeh, that’s good, then!
MasumiHow about my love luck?
TaichiMasumi-kun is an Aries, right. Uhh… Looks like your luck will raise if you have curry items with you!
Masumi...Give it to me.
TaichiAh! But I’m still reading it!
MasumiCurry items… I’ll sew a felted curry on the curry pochette and give it to director…
YukiAh, you’re here.
TaichiWhat is it, Yuki-chan?
YukiI want to properly thank you for helping me out during this play.
TaichiYou, You don’t need to!
YukiAll right, here it is.
This felted wool… Ah, is this bear that bear that you designed yourself, Yuki-chan?
YukiIt’s for your sister. She told me the bear is cute, after all.
TaichiWhoaah! I’m sure she’ll be happy! Thanks, Yuki-chan!
YukiAnd then--this one.
YukiThat scarf is ragged.
TaichiAh, is this for me?
YukiUse this one.
TaichiYuki-chan… thanks!
Does it suit me!?
YukiYou don’t have to wear it right now, though.
...But well, it looks good.
OmiHm? What’s with that?
TaichiIt’s a scarf!
OmiNo, I mean, I know that. Doesn’t it feel hot to wear that now?
TaichiNope, I’m fine. This is my treasure, after all!
OmiI see. That color looks really good on you.
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