The Amazing Museum/Episode 9

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The Amazing Museum
Episode 9
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HomareEveryone, the day has finally arrived.
SakyoThe number of customers is good.
ChikageIt’s great that the script was made in time too.
KazunariTsuzuroon worked hard to the last minute after all~!
TsumugiThat’s the power of his concentration.
TsuzuruThanks to everyone.
Izumi(The only thing left was to move forward with the script without any regret…)
IzumiTsuzuru-kun, are you alright?
TsuzuruYes. It’s just because it’s a kind of performance that I’ve never done before, I’m quite excited to see whether it will succeed or not—
I might be able to see an unknown scenery unfold before me, that’s why I’m really excited.
HomareGetting to know the unknown and experiencing things you never do before will never get old.
Everyone, please enjoy today’s performance as much as you can.
NarratorThis is a story about a museum on the outskirts of a town.
RyuuhouWelcome to the Night Museum.
I’m Ryuuhou, the Chief.
Tonight, I will bring you on a tour at this museum.
RatsutouI’m Ratsutou, the assistant.
Everyone seems to be ready ♪
KougetsuWhy do I have to take the trouble to change into a uniform?
RyuuhouWhy I wonder, it’s so we can differentiate ourselves from the customers and the exhibits.
FukitaniThat’s obviously not the case isn’t it.
RyuuhouOn the tour this time, we will introduce the content of each of the display items to the customers.
FukitaniThe case of Fukitani and.
NarratorThe two would lead you through the exhibition room called the dark unknown zone.[1]
RyuuhouI’ll leave it to the two of you with the glasses to continue from here.
NarratorInside the item that the Chief introduced was a horrifying alien mummy.
KougetsuAlien mummy?
FukitaniWhy this kind of thing.
RyuuhouThere’s a secret behind the eyes of this mummy.
NarratorThe two people who were wondering whether it’s real went ahead and looked straight into its eyes…
RyuuhouIt was said that people with bad eyesight will improve their eyes when they look into this light.
KougetsuMy eyes will die instead if it’s this bright!
FukitaniI wear glasses for show so there will be no effect on me.
HoshiThe case of Hoshi.
NarratorThis man requested to the Chief to present about a living creature.
RyuuhouIf that’s the case, you can introduce her.
NarratorThe one to be introduced by him was a Karakuri puppet with a beautiful black hair.
HoshiWhat’s this, it’s just a doll isn’t it.
It’s not alive, it’s a man-made item.
RyuuhouThen, I’ll give you an admission ticket to the Museum.
NarratorWhen he complained, the chief took out 5 admission tickets from god knows where.
HoshiWhat do you expect me to do with that kind of thing.
RatsutouThis doll grows its hair every day.
It’s a secret that only people who have taken it before know.
RyuuhouBy the way, on the third Saturday of each month, we have to hold a haircut show for her without fail.
Hoshi…For a non-living being, it really doesn’t sound like one.
TakanashiThe case of Takanashi.
NarratorThis is a story of a boring man, who fails to express his interest in anything due to his knowledge of the world.
The Chief was getting that man to introduce a special exhibit.
RyuuhouI’m sure you can’t help but be interested in this thing too.
TakanashiI’ve seen dinosaur fossils a lot of time before.
How can I even get more wisdom from this.
NarratorThe moment that the man said that he was not impressed with it, bang, a loud sound was heard.
NarratorAnd when the man looked up—
The dinosaur opened its mouth wide and tried to attack him.
Customer AThe fossils really move!
Customer BWhat an amazing force…!
Izumi(Alright, the customer’s reception is good.
We consulted the Chief about moving the fossils, I guess it was the correct choice)
TakanashiU, uwaaaaaah!?
RyuuhouDon’t anger him please!
Otherwise he will swallow everyone whole.
RatsutouWell, if you get swallowed, you’ll only be left with the bones, there’s no way to survive ♪
NarratorIn the end, the museum was closed safely that day.
RatsutouYou worked well today ♪
RyuuhouYeah. Then, let us go back to our positions too.
NarratorWith that said, the two returned to the pedestals in front of the fossil, “The Figure of Knowledge” and “The Figure of Curiosity”.
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  1. Throughout the play, the narrator kept changing.
