Tenma Sumeragi/Youkai's Bath Temperature

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Yumomi Practice in the MANKAI Dorms

Backstage Stories
Tenma…Alright, the bath water should be this hot.
Then the rest is just how I learned–.
KazunariOh, it’s Tenten!
MukuWhat is he doing dressed like that?
TenmaYou guys, what is it?
MukuWe came to fill the bath with hot water.
KazunariIt looks like Tenten beat us to it. So like, what ARE you doing?
TenmaI’m practicing yumomi.
KazunariCome to think of it, you’re gonna be helping out at the inn Azu’s acquaintance owns soon, right?
MukuHow do you do yumomi?
TenmaYou use this yumomi board to stir the hot water.
By doing so, you cool the water down enough to where someone could bathe in it.
MukuWoah. I’ve always added cold water when I thought it was too hot.
TenmaIf it’s just your house, that’s fine, but in an onsen setting, cold water lessens the hot spring’s effects.
KazunariI see. If you add colder water, it dilutes the hot spring itself!
Additionally, by stirring the hot water it mixes with the ingredients, so the water becomes softer.
KazunariTenten’s well informed!
TenmaHmph, it’s thanks to my research.
MukuHey, Tenma-kun. Yumomi, could I watch for a bit?
KazunariMe too, me too!
*water splashing*
KazunariBy the way, it caught my attention earlier, is that the costume?
TenmaYeah. I borrowed a costume and some onsen tools from the inn so I could practice somewhere similar to the actual performance.
MukuWow, you’re really going all-out.
TenmaOf course. Furthermore, the material the costume’s made with is okay to get wet.
KazunariIf you say it like that, you’ll jinx yourself~.
TenmaWhat are you talking about. I have no intention of having something like that happen.
KazunariIf you say that, you’ll REALLY–.
MisumiMuku and Kazu, what’s taking so long~?
TenmaGeh, Misumi.
MisumiAh~, it’s Tenma~! I wanna join too~!
TenmaOi, wait, wait hang on! –Gh!!
*Misumi jumps on Tenma*
KazunariTenten, are you okay!?
TenmaI could’ve fallen in!
MukuHe almost jinxed himself just like we said…
CitronWhat’s going on?
TsuzuruI heard a scream, is everyone okay?
KazunariAh, actually–.
CitronOh! I want to try shoulder massaging too![1]
KazunariYumomi, you mean.
TenmaI have two boards, actually. Why don’t we do it together?
CitronI’ll do my best to not cut off your legs!
TsuzuruThat’s too scary. I hope you meant ‘not to get in your way’![2]
MukuThe water still looks pretty hot, doesn’t it? Be careful not to fall in.
CitronTenma, is this right?
TenmaIt’s more like you’re massaging the hot water with the board.
CitronLike this?
*water splashing*
TenmaIt’s hot!! It’ll stay hot like this if you let the water splash so much!
CitronNngh~, shoulder massaging is difficult![3]
TsuzuruSo, at the inn, you’ll be performing while in costume, right?
TenmaIt seems like everyone will be acting like a youkai, and we’ll be dressed as youkai while serving the customers.
TsuzuruI see.
MukuIt’ll be like a theme park where youkai serve the customers!
MisumiAre there triangle youkai~?
TsuzuruA triangle youkai… Do you ever take a break from that?
KazunariHuh… You do yumomi in front of customers?
TenmaThere’s a time scheduled for customers to watch the yumomi.
I was put in charge of the yumomi since I can’t really show my face out in the open.
KazunariI get it! Then, let’s get some practice in now! Tenten, act like a youkai and do some yumomi!
MukuThat’s a good idea, it might be a good idea to add some comedy elements too.
KazunariAgreed! If you did that, kids would get a kick out of it too!
TenmaWait a second, let me think about this–.
TsuzuruBut, you said you’re going to be a youkai, how would that work?
MukuAfter all, aren’t they supposed to be creepy?
CitronHow about this!
Spread your feet 60 cm apart, get in a crab-like crouch, then jump and put your feet back together like–
*water splashing*
TsuzuruYou’re falling in!
MukuA-Are you okay!? Citron-sama!
CitronIt seems I’ve made a mistake. But thanks to the shoulder massage, the water is just right![4]
KazunariSee! Tenten’s should do something like that!
TenmaHah! T-That’s right… Comedy is also profound.

  1. citron says 肩もみ (katamomi) instead of yumomi
  2. citron says 足を切り裂く (ashi wo kirisaku) and tsuzuru corrects him with 足を引っ張る (ashi wo hipparu)
  3. See first note
  4. See first note