Tasuku Takato/In the Resonating Cheers

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Awkward Kindness and Warmth

Backstage Stories
IzumiMake sure I’m not forgetting anything…. Okay.
TasukuYou’re heading out, Director?
IzumiAh, Tasuku-san.
The script’s finished, and I heard they’ve set a special venue for us around the skating rink. I thought I’d check it out.
TasukuI was just about to go for a run but, could I join you?
IzumiAre you planning on practicing for the performance?
IzumiFigured. Of course you can, let’s go together!
IzumiIt’s pretty crowded.
TasukuThere’s more people than last time I came.
IzumiHuh? You’ve been here before, Tasuku-san?
TasukuYeah, with Minagi for practice. It might’ve been because we came before winter vacation, but there wasn’t nearly this many people.
Speaking of, can you skate?
IzumiTechnically yes, but it’s been so long I’m not sure if I still can…
Tasuku…I see. Don’t hurt yourself.
IzumiThank you.
TasukuThe skate rental’s over here. Let’s go.
IzumiI’ve got my skates on, I’m ready to go!
TasukuYou’re not wearing gloves?
IzumiAh! ….I forgot.
TasukuYou should wear some. I’m pretty sure you can rent them over there.
IzumiOkay. Hang on just a little longer!
Tasuku….That was a close one.
TasukuDon’t worry about it. It’s easy to fall if you’re not used to wearing skates, so be careful.
IzumiThanks for being patient, Tasuku-san. Let’s go!
Izumi(Wow, Tasuku-san is skating so fast…)
You said you wanted to practice, but you already seem more than prepared.
TasukuWell, I’m just skating normally.
But acting on ice is different from acting on a stage. It’s better for me to be fairly familiar with skating so I can concentrate on my acting.
IzumiI see…
(He’s as stoic as ever… That’s part of Tasuku-san’s charm, though.)
(I think skating side-by-side with Tasuku-san is helping me get used to this.)
I think I’m getting the hang of this! I might even be able to surpass you, Tasuku-san!
TasukuJeez… don’t get carried away.
TasukuHere, give me your hand.
IzumiThank you.
Izumi(My fingers are getting cold…)
TasukuAre you cold?
IzumiWhen I fell, my gloves got wet. They’re a little cold.
TasukuIt’s nothing. Are you ready to go home?
But, Tasuku-san, don’t you want to skate a little more? Don’t worry about me!
TasukuNo, I got enough practice in. Besides, I don’t want you to catch a cold.
Izumi(Maybe this is Tasuku-san’s way of being considerate?)
Thank you. Now, let’s head home.
TaichiThe advent calendar’s opened up a lot!
AzumaI thought it would be too small to hold everything, but it seems I’m mistaken.
TasukuIt’s bigger than I expected.
MisumiI drew a triangle on my day~!
TsumugiYeah, this triangle symbol on the calendar, that’s Misumi-kun’s day.
AzamiI could’ve guessed that.
TaichiWinter Troupe’s advent calendar is about to start~!
TsumugiYou’re right. What did everyone put in it?
MisumiI put a triangle flower~!
TsumugiAh, so that’s why you came ask me about flowers.
MisumiYep! I’m glad Director-san was pleased~.
AzamiI put a face mask. Winter dries you out.
TsumugiSpeaking of, I think Juza-san said he put some sweets he ordered.
AzumaFufu, everyone put what they like.
TaichiEach one is unique, it’s fun to look!
TsumugiTaichi-kun, what did you put in?
TaichiI put some curry-flavored ramune candy!
AzamiThat exists?
TaichiI found some at a candy shop nearby, since Director-sensei loves curry, I figured it was perfect!
Tasuku…I can’t even begin to imagine what that tastes like.
AzumaIt sounds interesting.
TaichiHas everyone in Winter Troupe decided on their presents yet?
TsumugiWell, I’m still thinking.
AzumaI think I’ll put in something that Director and I can use together.
TaichiH-How mature…!
AzumaHisoka said he was going to make gingerbread cookies, he’s going to eat them with her.
TaichiThat’s a lot of sweets~! Oh, Tasuku-san, have you decided on what you’re gonna put?
TasukuNo, not yet…. Well, I have an idea, at least.
MisumiWhat are you gonna put~?
TasukuI’m not saying.
AzumaI wonder what kind of gift Tasuku will give.
TsumugiI’m curious.
TasukuSigh… This is why I didn’t want to say anything.
MisumiTasuku, here! I’ll give you triangle rocks, so don’t get angry, ‘kay~?
TasukuNo, it’s fine…
TaichiEhh!? Tasuku-san, are you angry!? I-I’m sorry~!
TasukuI assure you, I’m not angry.
AzumaFufu, I’m looking forward for your day.
TasukuGood grief…
IzumiOof… I did a lot of shopping. There’s so many bags…
Theatre Company Member“–Rise! Knights of the Holy Night!”
It’s a street act! I’m gonna go watch.
Theatre Company Member–Thank you for watching!
Izumi(That was funny!)
(I’ve been standing out in the cold, so I caught a chill…)
IzumiAh, Tasuku-san! Were you watching the street act too?
TasukuYeah, I was just passing by. It was pretty interesting.
IzumiI thought the same thing while I was watching!
TasukuI want to try and approach like that, too.
IzumiThat’s a good idea.
That bag… You also did some shopping, didn’t you?
Tasuku…Well, a little.
Izumi? Oh, that’s right! I bought a lot of stuff too—Brrr!
Tasuku…We should hurry home. You’ll catch a cold if we don’t. *takes bag*
IzumiAh, those are heavy!
TasukuI don’t mind. Besides, we’ll get home quicker if I carry them.
Izumi(Tasuku-san, you may be blunt, but you’re kind.)
Fufu, well then…I’ll take your word for it. Thank you very much!
IzumiThe advent calendar, today’s Tasuku-san’s day, right?
IzumiThen, I’m going to open it!
Huh? Isn’t this the bag you had yesterday?
(But, this fabric is awfully thin for winter clothes…)
They’re a little unusual.
TasukuThey’re made for pro ice skaters.
IzumiFor pros!?
TasukuWhen we were skating the other day, you fell. These gloves are water-repellent, so even if you fall, your hands won’t get wet and cold.
Izumi(Tasuku-san remembered that?)
Fufu, thank you so much.
CHOICE 1: They seem easy to use. [+]
IzumiI can see why pros use these, with the fabric and all. They’re thin and lightweight, so they seem really easy to use.
TasukuI don’t know what presents women like… I figured this would be practical.
IzumiYeah, gifts like this are typical of you, Tasuku-san. I’m really happy with it.
TasukuWhat’s that supposed to mean… Well, anyways, I’m glad you’re pleased.
CHOICE 2: So my hands won’t get cold even if I fall, huh. [+]
IzumiIf that’s the case, even if I fall, the gloves won’t get wet and my fingers won’t get cold.
TasukuWhat happened the other day was dangerous.
IzumiAhaha… sorry about that. I want to be able to skate as well as Tasuku-san.
TasukuIt’s safest not to fall.
TasukuUse them, and get some more practice.
Tasuku….I plan on inviting you again.
Izumi….Yeah! Let’s go skating again!