Tasuku Takato/An Angel's Close Friendship

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The Man Who Watches Over

Backstage Stories
GuyWelcome—Ah, Takato.
TasukuSorry I’m late.
Beer, please.
AzumaYou came, hm, Tasuku?
HomareWe have been waiting.
Hisoka…Here, your beer.
TsumugiGood work today.
Tasuku…Is something the matter, Tsumugi?
TasukuAh, no, it’s because you look kind of out of it.
It’s fine if it’s nothing though.
HomareOh, does he?
Goodness, I didn’t notice.
AzumaThat’s a childhood friend for you, huh?
GuyDid something happen, Tsukioka?
TsumugiAhaha, I’m no match for Tasuku, huh?
There was actually something that was bothering me today.
I don’t think it’s a big deal, but…
For some reason, I feel like I was being watched by someone all day today.
GuyBy someone?
TsumugiYes. I had today off, so I was inside the dorm all day. But there were several times I felt someone’s gaze on me out of nowhere.
Like when I was eating lunch, or gardening, or reading a book on the balcony…
AzumaCould it be a stalker?
HisokaThere aren't that many places in the dorm that you can see from the outside, so I doubt it.
TasukuIt's not like the people inside are stalkers.
TsumugiMy perception isn’t that sharp, so I thought I might’ve been mistaken. But I can’t help but worry.
HomarePerhaps it’s a psychic phenomenon?
TasukuThat’s impossible, you know?
AzumaIs this the first time something like this happened?
Ah. Come to think of it, something similar happened in the past as well.
That’s right, it was during the time of our debut performance.
I was curious and tried asking the Manager about it, but he said there was nothing like that in the Theatre’s seven mysteries…
Hisoka…It’s the eighth mystery.
TsumugiHmm, I wonder about that.
AzumaTasuku? What’s wrong?
TasukuNo, it's just, this was around the time of our debut show, but...
*flashback starts*
Tasuku“How is life in the world below, Michael?”
No, I should sound a little more friendly there…
HomareSelf practice?
You sure are serious.
AzumaHow about you take a break soon?
We’re going to have tea now, so how about you join us too, Tasuku?
TasukuNo, thanks. We’re in the final stages for our rehearsals already, so I’d like to work out the details on Michael and Raphael’s relationship a bit more.
AzumaOh, do you? I think you’re able to feel the length they’ve known each other and the depth of their relationship enough already though.
TasukuNo, we’ve still got a ways to go.
AzumaA ways to go—huh?
Fufu, that reminds me, Tsumugi said the exact same thing.
AzumaWhen I went out earlier, I happened to see Tsumugi concentrating reading his script.
But when I came home, he was still in the same spot.
I felt a little worried and called out to him, but he said he was so absorbed in his work that he lost track of the time.
I was surprised.
And when I said, “you’re amazing, Tsumugi”…
TasukuHe said he “has a ways to go”, huh?
That guy’s the same as always.
There were lots of times he spent the whole night reading his script like that in the past… I mean, I can’t speak for others either though.
—I see, then isn’t that it!
HomareI just thought that Tasuku-kun speaking about Tsumugi-kun, who is absent here, is similar to Raphael who worries over Michael.
Just like Raphael watches over Michael with concern, why don’t you try watching over Tsumugi-kun as well?
TasukuUh, I’m not sure about that…
HomareBut wouldn’t something like that serve as role study as well?
AzumaAs beginners, we may not be able to give you any advice, but isn’t it a good idea to try out lots of different things?
TasukuHah… I guess so.
Well, I’ll just try it out.
(—Having said that, isn’t this just like a stalker?)
(Also it looks like Tsumugi’s just tinkering with the garden—)
TsumugiI got ahead of myself and bought too much fertilizer.
Let’s store the portion I won’t use today in the storage room for now.
—Up we go, uh.
(Wait, no, Raphael only watches over Michael.
Should I not lend a hand here…)
MisumiYou’re staggering, Tsumugi.
Are you ok~?
TsumugiAhaha, it looks like it was heavier than I thought.
MisumiI’ll lend a hand too~.
TsumugiThank you.
Tasuku(*Sigh*… I see, it’s like that, huh?
This certainly does feel helpful.)
Tasuku(The hallway’s wet… at this rate, Tsumugi’s going to slip and fall…)
TaichiUwah, the floor’s soaked!
Watch out, Tsumugi-san!
TsumugiAh, you’re right.
I didn’t notice at all. Thank you.
OmiI’ll go get a mop right now.
But why is there a puddle of water here…
ManagerWahhh, I’m sorry! I spilled some water when I was cleaning earlier. And I thought I’d wipe it up but I forgot~!
Tasuku(He’s still half-asleep…
Does he intend to go down the stairs in that state?)
Oi, Tsumu—.
SakuyaGood morning, Tsumugi-san.
CitronIs Tsumugi not awake yet?
He looks drowny[1]!
TsuzuruWho does?
By that, you mean drowsy.
TsumugiAh, good morning, everyone.
Could it be you all have morning rehearsal?
SakuyaYes! Actually, for today’s practice—.
CitronOhh, my tummy’s rumbling already!
We can talk about rehearsal over breakfast!
TsumugiAhaha, right.
Then let’s get going.
Hah… I can’t deny it’s good for role studying, but it’s way too bad for my heart.
Maybe I’ll stop now.
*flashback ends*
—So that’s why that was me.
HomareI do feel like I gave advice like that to Tasuku-kun now that you mention it.
AzumaI had forgotten about that until you brought it up now, but something like that happened too, hm?
TsumugiWhat the—so that was Tasuku?
TsumugiI was surprised, but I’m glad the mystery is solved.
Hisoka…So what about today?
AzumaOh yeah, it was to prepare for Raphael’s role last time. But what kind of role study was it this time?
HomarePerhaps another childhood friend? Or a separated parent and child—or possibly the actual role of a stalker?
TasukuWhat do you mean?
GuyWasn’t the gaze Tsukioka felt today due to Takato’s role study as well?
TasukuWhy would it be?
AzumaTasuku was the only one who came late to our drinking party, so we just thought that must be it.
TasukuNo, today was different.
To begin with, I was away from the dorm the whole day.
TasukuYeah, I went back home.
Look here, my mom gave me this as a parting gift…
TsumugiIt’s the stewed dish that auntie always makes…
GuyThen that means it wasn’t possible for Takato to be the one looking at Tsukioka inside the dorm.
HomareThen what in the world was that gaze Tsumugi-kun felt today…?
Winter troupe
AzumaHow about we stick a talisman up at the dorm?



  1. Citron originally says "色気マナ子" (iroke mana ko), which Tsuzuru corrects as "寝ぼけ眼" (neboke manako: ~half-asleepy/drowsy).