Taichi Nanao/Ouka Public High School

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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original by Koko here.

Hyper Origami

Backstage Stories
Izumi(It’s around time to prepare for dinner…. hm?)
Yuki & Muku………
Juza & Banri………
Izumi(S-Somehow everyone has a serious look……while folding origami?)
IzumiAh, welcome back, Kazunari-kun.
Kazunari――Woah!? What!? MANKAI ORIGAMI CLUB?!
SakuyaAh, sorry for monopolizing the discussion room’s table.
KazunariWhats that~? Is that a crane?
SakuyaYes. My classmate was hospitalized, so we are planning to fold one thousand cranes for him.
Hey hey, can I help with folding too?
SakuyaYes, of course!
YukiHey, if it’s too sloppy it won’t be used.
KazunariWhat are you saying, Yukki. You know I am currently attending an art university, right?
MukuUu…… The wing is so difficult to fold. Maybe the origami didn’t want me to touch it…..
BanriWoah!? Hyodo you bastard! Fold every part including the beak more seriously!
Juza…….I’m doing so.
TaichiI’m back~!
IzumiAh, Taichi-kun, welcome back.
TaichiHm? Why is everyone gathered?
SakuyaI have to fold a thousand of cranes, so everyone is helping.
If so, then leave it to me!
I am very skilled at folding origami! God-level!
BanriIs there even god-level for folding a mere crane.
TaichiWell, just watch.
This part…… Like this~……then this!
Ta-dah! Finished! My speciality,「Folded Wing Crane」~!
KazunariOoh! Somehow it’s really high quality!?
MukuIt’s a bit slightly different from normal cranes, this one seems a bit more elegant.
YukiThis is the first time I've seen an origami crane folded like that.
TaichiHehe~ I can fold many others too!
For example~….. Here! An alligator!
TaichiNext is a mantis!
TaichiThen one with more impact, gorilla~!
MukuWow! It’s cute!
KazunariFor real! Taicchan, it’s a work of god!
TaichiLong ago, I used to practiced a lot~! There is nothing I can’t fold!
SakuyaU-um! Taichi-kun!
TaichiOh, Sakkun, you wanna request? Feel free to say anything! I can fold anything!
SakuyaYes, um….. If it’s possible, I think I would like you to fold cranes……
BanriCome on Taichi, stop playing and fold the cranes seriously.
YukiSeriously, stop getting off track so easily.
KazunariAh, I will fold with the golden origami paper so lend it to me~
TaichiUwaaan, so mean! All of you were getting all hyped too!
Fine, I will fold in super fast speed~!
SakuyaS-sorry! Thank you!
IzumiIt’s quite fun to fold origami with everyone once in a while.
SakuyaYes! Everyone, thank you very much!
