Taichi | Today’s a great day to skate too, huh~! |
Hisoka | I’m glad the weather’s nice. |
Sakuya | By the way, Taichi-kun. Those are… |
Taichi | Hehe, they’re roller skates! |
Hisoka | Why roller skates? |
Taichi | I just felt like using them all of a sudden, so I bought some! |
| I want you two to watch me skate around. |
Hisoka | Sure. |
Sakuya | Good luck, Taichi-kun! |
Taichi | Thanks, guys! |
| ‘Kay then, I’mma head out~. |
| Ohh, I’m off to a pretty good start! |
| …Err, WAHH! |
| *falls* |
Sakuya | T-Taichi-kun! |
| Are you okay!? |
Taichi | Ow, ow… I fell right away… |
| But I’m good to go! |
Hisoka | You said you wanted us to watch, so I thought you were good at roller skating. |
Taichi | Yeah, no, I’m not good at it… |
| You can’t just suddenly become good at something, huh? |
| No matter what you do, you gotta train properly! |
| (…I see. I had that experience of giving up on roller skating because I couldn’t get the hang of it back then—) |
| (So that might be why I could practice skateboarding so hard, naturally, until I was able to do it.) |
| |
Izumi | Happy birthday, Taichi-kun! |
Troupe members | Happy birthday. |
Taichi | Thanks so much, everyone~! |
Banri | Hey, why’s the birthday boy all scratched up? |
Taichi | Oh, that’s… I was roller skating at the park before this and fell pretty spectacularly~. |
Izumi | Ehh, really? |
| Are you okay!? |
Taichi | It’s not a huge biggie, so no worries! |
Omi | Speaking of roller skates, I was surprised you chose those as your accessory for the birthday bromide. |
Azami | True. It seems like you’d roller skate too, but Taichi-san’s a skateboarder. |
Taichi | I can’t deny that, but… |
| I wasn’t allowed to buy roller shoes, so an older cousin of mine gave those to me instead. |
Sakyo | Oh, I see. |
| You have a special attachment to them, huh? |
Taichi | I say that, but I totally forgot about them until I went searching back home! |
Juza | You’re pro at skateboardin’, so I bet you were good at roller skatin’ too. |
Taichi | Actually, I was a total flop. I said earlier that I fell down at the park, but that wasn't because it's been a while—. |
| The truth is, I've never been able to roller skate well. |
Banri | Heh, that’s surprisin’ to hear. |
Izumi | I imagined you’d be able to do it well since it’s you, Taichi-kun. |
Taichi | I tried my best and practiced hard at first. |
| But it didn’t go so well, and I ended up giving up. |
| So that’s why roller skating is a bitter memory for me—. |
| But looking back, that might be one of the reasons why I decided to do the things that I can’t do until I’m able to get the hang of them. |
| I think the disappointment and regret I felt back then is connected to my current attitude towards acting. |
CHOICE 1: You did your best. [+]
Izumi | You did your best, Taichi-kun. |
Taichi | You think so? |
Izumi | I think it's amazing that you're not just leaving that bitter memory as your negative past, but that you’re using it as motivation. |
Taichi | I gotta take advantage of these experiences and connect them to what’s up next. |
| Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to face my teammates who forgave me and acknowledged me! |
CHOICE 2: You’re a hard worker. [+]
Izumi | I see. That’s why you’re a hard worker, Taichi-kun. |
Taichi | Me? |
| But everyone’s working hard! |
Banri | Maybe so, but it’s hard to keep giving it your absolute all like you always do, Taichi. |
Azami | In Taichi-san’s case, he doesn’t just put all his effort into acting, but also playing. |
Juza | Thanks to you, we have lots of fun too. |
Omi | They’re right. |
| You’ve saved us a lot, so we're grateful to you, Taichi. |
Sakyo | The fact you're always working frantically and passionately on everything that you take on is your strong point. |
Taichi | You guys~…! |
Azami | Well, you should be careful not to overdo it though, Taichi-san. |
Taichi | I-I'll be careful to control myself…! |
| More importantly, have you guys played with roller skates before? |
Azami | Not me. I’ve seen it before, but there aren’t many kids my age who do it. |
Juza | I haven’t either. People around me might’ve been doing it, but I wasn't really interested. |
Omi | I don’t think I’ve done it before. |
Sakyo | Same here. |
Taichi | Okay, okay, I see~! |
| So everyone’s pretty much a beginner, huh! |
Banri | I've done it before though, by the way. |
Taichi | Uh, as expected of Ban-chan… |
Banri | You do you look so disappointed? |
Taichi | If no one has experience, then I was thinking we could all go together and I could teach everyone…! |
Izumi | Don’t worry, Taichi-kun! It looks like everyone’s a beginner besides Banri-kun, so you can teach the other guys. |
| And if it’s alright with you, can I also get you to teach me? |
Taichi | D-Director-sensei…! |
Juza | I wanna try it too, after hearin’ your story, Taichi. |
Azami | I mean, I guess I can try it once. |
Omi | You roller skate at the skate park, right? |
| I think it’ll be fun if we all bring bentos and go together. |
Sakyo | Don't get carried away and get injured. |
Banri | The guy who says that is always the first to wipe out. |
Sakyo | …Who’re you talkin’ about? |
Taichi | E-everyone…! I’ll do my very best so I can teach all of you how to roller skate! |
| But I still have tons of training to do, so wait for me until I've mastered it~! |