Taichi Nanao/MANKAI Memory

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Childhood Memory: TAICHI

Backstage Stories
*skates by*
TaichiHm, hm~.
It sure feels great skateboarding when the weather’s nice~.
Ah, spotted Omi-kun!
Oiii, Omi-kuuun!
OmiAhh, Taichi?
TaichiGood work today!
OmiYou skateboarded to school today, huh?
TaichiYep, since I had class from second period!
The streets are free at that time.
I've been going to the skate park with Sakkun and Hisoka-san a lot lately, so I've been feeling like skating more and more~.
OmiOh, I see.
So that’s why you went to school on your skateboard, huh?
Actually, the three of us plan to go to the park again this weekend.
I’m super stoked!
OmiHave fun, and take care not to hurt yourselves.
OmiThat reminds me, Taichi. Have you chosen the accessory you’ll use for your birthday bromide?
I think it’d be a good idea to start thinking it over.
TaichiOh, snap. There was that too!
Err, I’m supposed to prepare a memorable item from before I joined the troupe, right? What should I choose…
OmiLet’s see… it seems lots of troupe members up until now went home to search for something.
TaichiOh, yeah. They did!
I guess I’ll try dropping home too.
OmiIn Taichi's case, it looks like you’ve been skateboarding for a long time, so you might be able to find an item you used back then.
TaichiRight! Ahh… but the stuff might’ve gotten beaten up and thrown away.
Anyways, I can't say for sure until I head back home and look.
OmiHaha. Well, that’s true.
Whatever it is, I can’t wait to see what you’ll prepare.
TaichiUrgh, I have way too many memorable items, it’s gonna be so hard to choose~!
Anyhow, I guess I’ll look for the skateboard I rode in the past that I talked about with Omi-kun.
Ohh, I bought this thing when I went to the beach!
That sure takes me back. Ah, this was back from junior high…
MiraiOnii-chan, welcome back!
TaichiMii-chan, Maa-kun!
I’m home!
MasatoWelcome home, nii-chan!
Hey, let’s play!
TaichiI’d love to play… but I have something I gotta do today. Can you guys wait a bit until I’m done?
MiraiSomething you have to do? What is it?
TaichiI’m on the look-out! I have a birthday bromide photoshoot coming up at the Theatre, so I’m searching for something to use for that.
MiraiEh, a bromide!
Mii-chan wants A-chan’s!
MasatoI want Yuki-chan’s too…!
TaichiI got it. I’ll ask Director-sensei about it next time!
But… umm, I’m kinda shocked you two didn’t say you wanted mine…!
MiraiGive yours to us too, of course!
MasatoI can’t wait to see nii-chan’s cool picture!
TaichiY-you two~!!
MiraiAnyways, you’re looking for something?
We’ll help out!
TaichiAre you sure?
MasatoIf we find it fast, then we can play with you lots, right?
MiraiI wanna hurry up and play with onii-chan!
So, what should we look for?
TaichiUm, you see. I’m searching for the skateboard I rode in the past!
MasataYour skateboard, huh? Got it!
MasatoHm… it might be in the back of the closet?
MiraiAh, maybe!
MasatoI found it, nii-chan!
TaichiOh, that’s it, that’s it! Thanks!
MasatoThis was also sitting in the same spot though. Did you use this too, nii-chan?
TaichiAh! That’s…
TaichiMom, I want roller shoes too!
Tons of kids at school have them!
Taichi’s momThose are boys and girls who are older than you, aren’t they?
It’s still too early for you, Taichi…
Taichi’s momIt would be dangerous if you accidentally ran into the road or bumped into someone when you go out with them on… understand?
Taichi’s cousinYo, Taichi.
TaichiAh, onii-chan!
What’s up?
Taichi’s cousinI heard.
You weren’t allowed to buy roller shoes?
TaichiUh huh… mom said it’s because they’re dangerous.
Taichi’s cousinDon’t look so down.
Look, I’m gonna give these to you.
They’re roller skates.
TaichiWoah…! What? They’re sick!
Taichi’s cousinThey’re a little different from roller shoes and they’re my hand-me-downs, so sorry about that.
TaichiThat’s totally okay with me!
Ah… but even though you’re giving them to me, mom might say they’re dangerous again.
Taichi's cousinNo worries about that. I promised you wouldn’t use them outside the park, so I got permission from your mom.
Taichi’s cousinYep.
TaichiWowie, thanks, onii-chan!
I’m gonna play with these roller skates all the time!
Um, roller skating sure is hard.
(The best I can do is just stand and not fall down.
Just when will I be able to glide smoothly…)
Older student AYou got this, Nanao~.
Older student BYou can stand already. Next is just gliding!
TaichiI-I’m trying my best, but… UWAH!
Older student AOi, you okay!?
TaichiOw, ow… I think I’m fine…
(I’m not getting any better even though I’m practicing everyday.
*Sigh*… maybe this isn’t for me.)
(Was that… a skateboard just now?
Awesome! Skateboards are super cool…!)
*flashback ends*
(…In the end, it didn’t go as well as I expected, so I gave up roller skating completely.)
(But onii-chan smiled and let it slide.)
(Thinking back on it now, I feel like I didn't try hard enough.)
MiraiAre you okay?
You suddenly dazed off…
TaichiMy bad, my bad. I’m fine!
…I was just thinking maybe I’ll use these roller skates as my accessory for the bromide.
MasatoYou’re not choosing the skateboard?
I think this’ll work this time.
TaichiToday’s a great day to skate too, huh~!
HisokaI’m glad the weather’s nice.
SakuyaBy the way, Taichi-kun. Those are…
TaichiHehe, they’re roller skates!
HisokaWhy roller skates?
TaichiI just felt like using them all of a sudden, so I bought some!
I want you two to watch me skate around.
SakuyaGood luck, Taichi-kun!
TaichiThanks, guys!
‘Kay then, I’mma head out~.
Ohh, I’m off to a pretty good start!
…Err, WAHH!
Are you okay!?
TaichiOw, ow… I fell right away…
But I’m good to go!
HisokaYou said you wanted us to watch, so I thought you were good at roller skating.
TaichiYeah, no, I’m not good at it…
You can’t just suddenly become good at something, huh?
No matter what you do, you gotta train properly!
(…I see. I had that experience of giving up on roller skating because I couldn’t get the hang of it back then—)
(So that might be why I could practice skateboarding so hard, naturally, until I was able to do it.)
IzumiHappy birthday, Taichi-kun!
Troupe membersHappy birthday.
TaichiThanks so much, everyone~!
BanriHey, why’s the birthday boy all scratched up?
TaichiOh, that’s… I was roller skating at the park before this and fell pretty spectacularly~.
IzumiEhh, really?
Are you okay!?
TaichiIt’s not a huge biggie, so no worries!
OmiSpeaking of roller skates, I was surprised you chose those as your accessory for the birthday bromide.
AzamiTrue. It seems like you’d roller skate too, but Taichi-san’s a skateboarder.
TaichiI can’t deny that, but…
I wasn’t allowed to buy roller shoes, so an older cousin of mine gave those to me instead.
SakyoOh, I see.
You have a special attachment to them, huh?
TaichiI say that, but I totally forgot about them until I went searching back home!
JuzaYou’re pro at skateboardin’, so I bet you were good at roller skatin’ too.
TaichiActually, I was a total flop. I said earlier that I fell down at the park, but that wasn't because it's been a while—.
The truth is, I've never been able to roller skate well.
BanriHeh, that’s surprisin’ to hear.
IzumiI imagined you’d be able to do it well since it’s you, Taichi-kun.
TaichiI tried my best and practiced hard at first.
But it didn’t go so well, and I ended up giving up.
So that’s why roller skating is a bitter memory for me—.
But looking back, that might be one of the reasons why I decided to do the things that I can’t do until I’m able to get the hang of them.
I think the disappointment and regret I felt back then is connected to my current attitude towards acting.
CHOICE 1: You did your best. [+]
IzumiYou did your best, Taichi-kun.
TaichiYou think so?
IzumiI think it's amazing that you're not just leaving that bitter memory as your negative past, but that you’re using it as motivation.
TaichiI gotta take advantage of these experiences and connect them to what’s up next.
Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to face my teammates who forgave me and acknowledged me!
CHOICE 2: You’re a hard worker. [+]
IzumiI see. That’s why you’re a hard worker, Taichi-kun.
But everyone’s working hard!
BanriMaybe so, but it’s hard to keep giving it your absolute all like you always do, Taichi.
AzamiIn Taichi-san’s case, he doesn’t just put all his effort into acting, but also playing.
JuzaThanks to you, we have lots of fun too.
OmiThey’re right.
You’ve saved us a lot, so we're grateful to you, Taichi.
SakyoThe fact you're always working frantically and passionately on everything that you take on is your strong point.
TaichiYou guys~…!
AzamiWell, you should be careful not to overdo it though, Taichi-san.
TaichiI-I'll be careful to control myself…!
More importantly, have you guys played with roller skates before?
AzamiNot me. I’ve seen it before, but there aren’t many kids my age who do it.
JuzaI haven’t either. People around me might’ve been doing it, but I wasn't really interested.
OmiI don’t think I’ve done it before.
SakyoSame here.
TaichiOkay, okay, I see~!
So everyone’s pretty much a beginner, huh!
BanriI've done it before though, by the way.
TaichiUh, as expected of Ban-chan…
BanriYou do you look so disappointed?
TaichiIf no one has experience, then I was thinking we could all go together and I could teach everyone…!
IzumiDon’t worry, Taichi-kun! It looks like everyone’s a beginner besides Banri-kun, so you can teach the other guys.
And if it’s alright with you, can I also get you to teach me?
JuzaI wanna try it too, after hearin’ your story, Taichi.
AzamiI mean, I guess I can try it once.
OmiYou roller skate at the skate park, right?
I think it’ll be fun if we all bring bentos and go together.
SakyoDon't get carried away and get injured.
BanriThe guy who says that is always the first to wipe out.
Sakyo…Who’re you talkin’ about?
TaichiE-everyone…! I’ll do my very best so I can teach all of you how to roller skate!
But I still have tons of training to do, so wait for me until I've mastered it~!
