Banri | Oh, Kazunari. |
Kazunari | Setzzer too, are you going out somewhere? |
| Perhaps to the convenience store? |
Banri | Nah, I was just talking to Director-chan and Tsumugi-san. |
Kazunari | … |
| Actually… Settzer, anything worrying you? |
| Previously too, when I bumped into you in the dorm, you seemed to be having a consultation with Frooch-san… |
| Even now, you were talking about that with Tsumutsumu and the others right? |
| I might not be that reliable, but… |
| I’m still more or less your senpai in university. |
| That’s why I think if Settzer is worried about something, I’ll be more than glad to be your strength. |
Banri | Kazunari… |
Kazunari | I mean! You might have issues with the course or something… |
Banri | …Pfft. |
Kazunari | Eh!? Are you supposed to laugh now!? |
Banri | No… My bad. I didn’t know that you thought of it like that. |
| By the way, the thing that I talked about with Sakyo-san and Tsumugi-san was not about the course, it’s not that big of a talk. |
Kazunari | Really…? |
Banri | Anyway, let’s change place. |
| You were going to the convenience store right. |
| *Shifts to Outdoor* |
| …Actually, I got an audition for the supporting role in the movie this time. |
Kazunari | An audition for the supporting role? |
Banri | There was a day when I went to the university with Kazunari right? |
| On that day– |
| *Recall* |
Amabi Student A | …Ah, anyway, have you heard? |
Banri | Hah? What is it. |
Amabi Student A | There’s going to be a change in the production work in Amabi, that Western movie. |
| The supporting role’s actor has dropped out for various reasons I heard. |
| It seems that they are going to choose students from our university’s theatrical and dance department for the audition to fill the opening. |
Banri | Ha? So that kind of thing actually happened. |
| But the shooting’s starting soon right? |
| Even with the audition, there won’t be enough time isn’t it. |
Amabi Student A | About that, they’re going to hold the supporting role audition after you reach the actual location! |
Banri | What’s that, that’s so absurd… |
Amabi Student A | That’s why, they make the arrangement to convenience the students, isn’t it a good thing. |
| It seems that there’s no other restriction to the application other than that you’re a student from theatrical and dance department, it’s just a supporting role, but it seems that you might be able to get roles with actual dialogue. |
Banri | I see. |
Amabi Student A | This kind of chance won’t come again, maybe I should try taking it too. |
Banri | … |
| *Back to Present* |
| It’s not like I want to appear in the movie or anything— |
| Other than my own experience in the performance, I was just thinking that it might be a good experience to learn about movie performance too. |
| Since I got the chance and I’m majoring in theatrical and dance department in the university anyway. |
| Then, I was just consulting Sakyo-san who had the Onmyouji performance taken for the screen before. |
| At that time, then I bumped into you. |
| *Recall* |
Sakyo | It’s rare to be called by you. |
| So, what is it about? |
Banri | …About the performance for the screen, I want you to tell me about it. |