Soak to Your Shoulders ♪ Velu~do Baths/Episode 8

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Soak to Your Shoulders ♪ Velu~do Baths
Episode 8
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MisumiOmi, over here~!
OmiWow… such a beautiful flower bed.
MisumiRight~? Mister cat told me about it~.
The people of the town plant them according to the season, so there're all kinda flowers~.
OmiI see… another picture worth to be taken.
MisumiMany cats live behind this shrine here!
OmiSo it's a cat spot. I didn’t know that.
MisumiThe kitties are holding meetings here. And you see, here is a nap spot recommended by the kitties~.
OmiYou're right. The wind feels nice here, it looks comfortable.
MisumiYep! And then, over there there's~….
OmiWe visited so many places. I took many pictures thanks to you Misumi. Thank you, I mean it.
MisumiYou're welcome~! I had fun too~.
OmiWe’ve been walking since morning though, so unsurprisingly I'm exhausted. Let's stop somewhere to rest.
MisumiThere's somewhere I want to go then!
Yaaay! A big triangle~!
OmiSo you wanted to go to the bathhouse. To think the two of us will end up coming here again.
MisumiI love it here~! The bathhouse feels great~.
OmiYou don't visit the bathhouse much, Misumi?
MisumiHmmm… I might've come with my grandpa once~.
You've been coming here a lot Omi~?
OmiYeah, I often went with me brothers.
KaiIn the bathhouse you can stretch your limbs as much as you like, that sure is nice~.
OmiYou can't really do that in the bath back in home right.
GakuAll of us have big bodies after all. Speaking of which, my growing pains are so bad I'm about to lose it.
KaiSame here buddy. You're still growing too right, big bro Omi.
OmiYeah. When I measured my height the other day I grew a bit taller.
GakuI wonder just how big we're going to get~.
OmiIt means you're eating well and growing.
KaiYou're right. Say, what milk should I drink after bath today?
GakuI'll go for coffee milk. And you big bro?
OmiLet's see, maybe I'll go for coffee milk too. Wait, but strawberry milk is nice too.
I used to talk with my brothers about such silly things while taking a bath.
In the bath, we were able to talk about things we don’t usually talk about at home for some reason.
MisumiI see~….
Omi…my bad, I was talking too much about myself.
MisumiThat's okay, you love your little brothers too Omi.
OmiI guess so. You have a brother too right Misumi?
MisumiYup! It would be nice if I could come here with Makoda someday~.
OmiRight… I'm sure you'll be able to come together.
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