Seasonal Conversations/Frohe Weihnachten!

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Outing Destination #1: Present Factory

Kumon & Guy Talk

Misumi & Taichi Talk

TaichiMisumi-san, you look like you’re in a good mood!
MisumiYup! It’s cuz I love Christmas~
There’s triangle trees in a bunch of different places, and Santa-san’s hat is a triangle!
It’s sparkly and shiny here and there, and with joyful music playing, it’s all so fun and exciting~
TaichiI get you~ When it’s Christmas, the mood is so lively!
It’s fun helping out at Christmas Markets, and Christmas parties are super exciting!
MisumiYeah! Oh and I also want to give Madoka a Christmas present this year~
TaichiOoh, that’s nice!
MisumiSo, I’ll become Santangle~, I wonder if I should secretly go to Madoka's room on Christmas night.
TaichiEh!? D-Don’t you think that’s too surprising!?
Besides, wouldn’t Madoka-kun be happier to receive it personally from Misumi-san himself?
MisumiReally~? I’ll do just that, then!
TaichiI’m also gonna bring presents to my little siblings. I can’t wait to give ‘em each of our presents!


Azami & Homare Talk

Citron & Sakyo Talk

Yuki & Azuma Talk

Chikage & Tsumugi Talk

Outing Destination #2: Snow Resort

Masumi & Banri Talk

BanriHaaa… it’s cold.
BanriOhh, it’s Masumi.
BanriYou look even sleepier today…
MasumiI’m cold, I’m sleepy… I don’t want to get out of bed.
BanriWell, you really don’t wanna get out of bed on winter mornings, right?
‘Cept I’ve got class from first period today… same with you?
BanriThe lounge’ll be warm though.
How ‘bout we head there now for breakfast?
Masumi…If I go to the lounge, Director will say good morning to me.
Her saying good morning with a smiling face is also the absolute cutest.
…I've woken up and I’m not cold anymore.
I want to see her face and hear her voice right away.
BanriWoah, he’s fast!
Even though he was about to fall asleep while standin’ just a moment ago…
He's the same as ever, eh?


Tsuzuru & Tenma Talk

Muku & Tasuku Talk

Omi & Hisoka Talk

OmiBûche de Noël, Stollen, Rum Raisin Sandwich...
HisokaAre you making sweets for Christmas?
Yup. I thought of making all kinds of sweets for this year and was thinking what I should make.
By the way, it seems like the Director and Chikage-san are going to make gingerbread using special spices again this year.
They’re planning to make sweet, and mildly sweet stuff, so they said to look forward to it.
HisokaI see. I look forward to both Omi’s sweets and the gingerbread.
OmiOh right, I’m planning to make sweets using marshmallows, so do you have any requests?
Hisoka...Since it’s Christmas, how about melon or matcha flavored marshmallow tree, or a marshmallow wreath?
OmiSounds good. It’d be nice if the marshmallow wreath were to be decorated with snowball cookies, or the gingerbread.
Hisoka...Yeah. I’ll help out with the decoration.
OmiThank you. I’m sure everyone will be happy, too. I look forward to making it.
Ah, but please, take it easy when you’re going to be eating the marshmallows while making it.
HisokaFufu. Got it.


Sakuya & Kazunari Talk

Itaru & Juza Talk