Sakuya Sakuma/Sweet noblewoman

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Enhance the Tea Party with a Touch of Colour

Backstage Stories
—Backyard (Night)—
*knock knock*
SakuyaDo you mind if I come in?
TsumugiSakuya-kun? Sure, come in.
—Room 204—
SakuyaI've got a request to ask of you...
Will you come with me to choose some flowers?
TsumugiFlowers? That's fine by me, but why the sudden request?
SakuyaYou see...
TeacherSakuya-kun, come here for a bit.
TeacherI'm sure you've heard of this but recently, the girls have been wanting a tea party...
So, we'll have the staff members prepare some sweets and hold a tea party for them.
SakuyaThat sounds like fun!
TeacherThere's nothing in particular that we want you to prepare, so taking a reminder that there'll be a tea party is enough.
I've been told that I don't need to prepare anything, but I still want to give something for the children.
So, I've been thinking...
If I add some flowers on the table for the party, it'll be more gorgeous, and the children will be happy too.
TsumugiI see, so that's what it was. That's very like of you.
SakuyaI'm not sure which flowers to choose though, since I don't really know much about them...
TsumugiIf that's the case, just leave it to me. We've got to make it a good one if we're going to be making something.
TasukuSo, where do you want to go?
TsumugiTo the Flower Festa, please.
Sorry for making you go out with us too...
TasukuYou don't need to feel bad.
I was wondering why Tsumugi asked me to drive, and he said it's important for Sakuma. I thought that if it's you, then it really is important.
SakuyaTasuku-san... Thank you very much!
TasukuWe've arrived. I'll be waiting in the car.
TsumugiGot it.
SakuyaRight, we'll be going now!
I'm glad this festival is being held right now.
TsumugiIf we're going to use flowers to decorate, we might as well create something with them.
There's a workshop here that allows us to do that. Should we go there?
SakuyaYes! Lead us, please!
TsumugiOoh... Seems like you can try making a flower basket using the flowers in the park here.
SakuyaWow! They look really wonderful!
TsumugiSince we're already here, should we try making one?
Which flower should I get...?
TsumugiTry to choose one that stands out the most for you.
SakuyaLet's see...
These are poinsettias, right?
I was thinking they would be perfect since it's almost Christmas...
TsumugiThey really do match with the current season, so I think they'll make a cute flower basket.
SakuyaThen I'll take these!
Should I include some small flowers?
TsumugiSure. Poinsettia's really big, so it'll look good together with these small ones.
I've made a really cute flower basket! It's all thanks to your advice, Tsumugi-san.
TsumugiNo, it's because you worked hard at it.
SakuyaN-now that I think about it, we've kept Tasuku-san waiting in the car for quite a while...!
TsumugiOh, you really don't need to worry about that. I'm the one who brought you here.
SakuyaBut that's because I asked for your help in the first place...
I know! We should buy some flower ice cream for Tasuku-san before we get back to the car.
TsumugiI'm sure he'll be happy with that.
SakuyaLet me treat you one too! As thanks for helping me!
TsumugiReally? I'll take up on your words then. Fufu, thank you.
Child AWow! That flower looks so pretty!
Child BDid you prepare this, Sakuya-sensei?
SakuyaThat's right, I made this just for today.
Child CYou're amazing, Sakuya-sensei!
Child DI'll sit near this flower!
Teacher AThank you for preparing this lovely flower basket, Sakuya-kun.
Teacher BThe tea party became even more wonderful thanks to your flowers.
SakuyaI'm glad you're happy with it!
Child AI shall eat a macaron while admiring this flower~.
Child BThen I shall have some cookies as well.
Teacher AFufu, seems like they've started their tea party now.
SakuyaHaha, they sure did.
(Seems like everyone took a liking to the flowers. I'm glad I made a flower basket.)