Sakuya Sakuma/Literary Impasse

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Role Study 【Tomohisa Oe】

Backstage Stories
IzumiGreat job with rehearsal!
MasumiGood work.
TsuzuruGood job.
SakuyaUm, could I have a second?
I actually have something I’d like Spring troupe to do together.
ChikageSomething you want to do? What is it?
SakuyaI’m not sure if this will help us prepare for our roles, but the story in our upcoming show has a literary master theme…
So what do you say to reading the works of literary masters and writing a book report?
ItaruBook reports sure take me back.
CitronSounds good! I saw Kumon and the others doing them for their homework over summer break, so I wanted try writing one too!
TsuzuruYeah, that might be nice for role study.
Itaru‘Cept senpai and I edit, so we don’t have to do this, right?
TsuzuruNo, wouldn’t it be better for the editors to do this too?
IzumiI agree. All of the characters read lots of novels, after all.
CitronYes! Let’s all do it together!
ChikageAlright, then we’ll read various different works and then write down our impressions.
SakuyaGreat, thank you very much!
ItaruWell, I am an expert at reading and playing works and then talking about my impressions of them.
TsuzuruSometimes Itaru-san rapid talks about his impressions of the games and light novels he’s into…
Masumi…The reading part is fine, but writing our impressions is a pain.
ChikageNow, don’t say that. Give it a try, Masumi.
IzumiInstead of just reading it, I think you’ll reflect deeper on the work by writing out your thoughts. Plus, it’ll be a great way to build up your role as a novelist.
MasumiI got it. If you say so.
ItaruHave you decided what you’ll read already, Sakuya?
SakuyaNo, I haven’t thought that far yet…
Tsuzuru-kun, do you have any recommended works by literary masters?
TsuzuruYeah. I can only think of a few on the spot, so I’ll send you a LIME later.
SakuyaWow, thank you very much!
CitronI’d like you to think of recommendations for me too!
Please do, Tsuzuru!
TsuzuruNo problem. Alright, I’ll send some to everyone.
ItaruThat’s Tsuzuru for you. Ever so dependable.
ChikageBy the way, what are we going to do after we’ve written our impressions?
TsuzuruAhh, right, after they’re written…
SakuyaI’m sorry. I didn’t think that far.
Izumi(Everyone’s book reports, huh…)
If you don’t mind, then won’t you leave that to me?
MasumiI got it.
We’ll leave it in your hands.
SakuyaOkay then. Please take care of it, Director!
ChikageHow about we read a book and write our book report within a week, and then submit it to Director-san?
Izumi(I can’t wait to see what kind of books they’ll read and what kind of impressions they’ll write.)
*notification sound*
SakuyaAh, it’s a LIME from Tsuzuru-kun!
I’m sending the lineup of books I recommend for Sakuya
SakuyaWow, there’s so many listed here!
I’m curious about them all.
…Ah, “Night on the Galactic Railroad” by Kenji Miyazawa is included too.
(I’ve flipped through the picture book in the past, but I’ve never properly read the original before.)
Alright, I’ll go with this one then…!
(I’ve borrowed “Night on the Galactic Railroad” from the library…)
*flips page*
The contents are basically the same as the picture book I read before, but the presentation is different and fresh.
(I’ve been reading it little by little, but the story is already reaching the end.)
(The best friend Campanella who was travelling by train together with the protagonist Giovanni…)
(It’s so sad and heart wrenching…)
(I want to write my impressions with these feelings from finishing the story fresh in my mind.
I’ll start writing right now!)
“Once again, I thought it was truly amazing to be able to write a work that stirs people’s emotions.”
“I want to be able to act so I can last in someone’s heart as well.”
…And finished.
I’ll bring it over to Director later.
IzumiGreat job with rehearsal, everyone.
Also, I have something I want to give you all today.
Here you go.
I tried making an anthology by compiling all your impressions together!
SakuyaEh, you made this for us?
That’s amazing. Thank you!
ItaruI’m curious about the reports, so let’s give it a read.
CitronI read Sakuya’s impressions!
I was so moved…!
MasumiWell, I’m a bit interested in this book.
TsuzuruI like how Sakuya’s feelings were written honestly.
ChikageI think you can already act in a way that leaves a lasting impression.
SakuyaI-I really appreciate it…!
Reading the book and writing the report made me think and reflect on many things.
I’ll do my best to act so I can leave an impression on even more people’s hearts!
