Nocturnality/Episode 1

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Episode 1
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Guest ATo think that the family would get into an accident...
Guest BDidn’t the older brother just get into college...?
Guest CThe two were just talking about being able to take it a little bit easier from now on too...
Guest ASo, who’s going to be the caretaker?
Guest BThe uncle’s place would be the best——
Guest CNo can do. We have three kids. You live alone, don’t you?
Guest BI live in a small apartment. There are no extra rooms.
Guest AThe poor thing...
Guest BTo think that he would be left alone...
AzumaI see... I’m—— all alone now.
*ding dong*
Courier DriverI have a delivery for Yukishiro-san. Please stamp or sign here.
IzumiThank you very much.
Courier DriverThank you very much.
Izumi(The sender is... Oh, it’s the Long-legged Witch who always sends colouring books to Azuma-san.)[1]
(I wonder what kind of colouring book it is this time.)
AzumaI’m home.
IzumiWelcome back, Azuma-san! Perfect timing. There’s a package for you.
AzumaOh. I was just thinking that it’s about time for another one to come in.
IzumiIs it a colouring book?
AzumaYup. Why don’t we colour it together for a change?
IzumiI’d love to!
*door opens*
Hisoka...I’m home.
TsumugiWhat are you two up to?
IzumiOh, welcome back, Hisoka-san and Tsumugi-san!
AzumaBack home from work?
Hisoka...Yeah. I’m tired.
IzumiGood work. Oh, once you’ve settled, would you two like to colour with us?
AzumaI just received a new colouring book.
TsumugiOh, that’s what you meant. That sounds nice.
Hisoka...I’ll join.
AzumaWill you be okay? Aren’t you tired?
Hisoka...My brain is tired, so it’s just as well.
TsumugiWe were making tests today.
AzumaI see.
*door opens*
TasukuI’m home.
HomareI’ve returned.
IzumiWelcome back.
AzumaWelcome back. Did you two go somewhere together?
TasukuNo, I was at a workshop.
HomareI was in a meeting. I ran into Tasuku-kun on my way home.
TasukuWhat are you guys all gathered here for?
IzumiPerfect timing. Let’s all do it together!
TasukuDo what...?
HomareMhm, why not? I’ve no idea what’s going on, but we shall participate.
Perhaps it’s fate that we’re all present here after all.
TasukuWhat fate? Don’t just agree to something without knowing what it is.
TasukuSo you meant colouring...
HomareHow truly exciting to have a new book.
IzumiColouring together like this somehow feels like we’re in kindergarten.
TsumugiFufu. We’re all gigantic kindergarteners.
Azuma...Hm? That’s strange.
IzumiIs something wrong?
AzumaMy colour pencils aren’t here. I always keep them here though...
TsumugiHow about in this drawer?
AzumaHmm. Can you check it for me?
TasukuWe’ll look around too.
Hisoka...Found it.
Hisoka...A whip.
IzumiT-that doesn’t have anything to do with the current situation, right!?
(Just what does he use it for...)
AzumaFufu. You just imagined something suspicious, didn’t you?
It’s a riding crop. In the past one of my regular clients occasionally invited me to horse riding, so they gave me a complete set of equipment.
TasukuThat’s so misleading.
AzumaYou have a surprisingly rich imagination too, Tasuku.
TasukuAnyone would be suspicious.
Izumi(What do we do if more strange things pop up...)
Izumi(...A pair of keys?)
Excuse me Azuma-san, these seemed to have dropped from somewhere——
AzumaOh, can you put those in that drawer? They’re the keys to the apartment I used to live in.
TasukuYou haven’t moved out yet, huh.
AzumaIt’s a hassle.
Izumi(I wonder if they’re both keys to his apartment. They look different though...)
HomareHowever, the colour pencils are nowhere to be found.
TsumugiHmm. Where else have we not looked...
KazunariAzuu, you here~?
MukuAzu-neesan, thank you for these.[2]
TsumugiThe colour pencils...
AzumaCome to think of it, I lent the whole set to the two of them.
TasukuNo wonder we couldn’t find them.
AzumaSorry, sorry.
AzumaNow we can start colouring. Thank goodness.
TasukuAlready starting to forget things?
AzumaHow rude. I’m not at that age yet.
TsumugiThis new colouring book is detailed and beautiful as always.
HomareI shall go with this one.
Hisoka...I pick this one.
IzumiI’ll go with this one!
Tsumugi...Colouring like this without a care in the world feels strangely calming, somehow.
AzumaI wonder why.
HomareBeing able to heal minds is the beauty of art.
Hisoka...Arisu’s colour scheme hurts my eyes.
HomareGood grief. To think that you can’t comprehend this magnificent sense of colour...
AzumaTsumugi’s has gentle hues. Your personality is showing.
TsumugiYours looks delicate, Azuma-san. But it somehow has a sensual feel to it too...
IzumiTasuku-san seems to like bold colours.
TasukuI just naturally end up choosing them.
TsumugiDirector, yours has bright and cheerful colours. It feels uplifting.
IzumiWhen you look at them, everyone’s personalities really show.
Hisoka-san’s is...
Homare...Not enough colour! This is not grayscale! Use more colours!
Hisoka...Arisu, shut up.
AzumaNow, now. It’s best to colour as you please.
Event Story Next


  1. Apparently, Azuma talks about the witch lady in his initial SSR backstage. I don’t have the card so I can’t comment further!
  2. As you might already be aware, ‘nee-san’/ ‘nee’ / ‘anesan’ means older sister in Japanese
