Let's Meet by the Milky Way/Episode 3

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Let's Meet by the Milky Way
Episode 3
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SakyoFirst, let's split up and help the townspeople and Ginsenkai guys with preparing the festival stalls.
SakyoThere's six stalls that they said the need help with.
TsumugiTakoyaki, masks, shooting game, beer, shaved ice, and baby castellas[1], right?
SakyoDirector-san since you're in charge of supervising all our members, you can patrol around once the festival starts.
IzumiAlright, got it.
AzamiAnyways, who gets to work at which stall?
CitronOoh, ooh! I want to work at the mask stall ne! I'm very interested in it!
SakyoWell, I guess that should be fine. So Citron will help out with the mask selling stall.
CitronYay ne! I'll do my best!
TasukuFor the beer-selling, is it any different from a normal drink-selling stall?
SakyoThere isn't much difference, but when selling beer you usually have to walk around to get customers rather than letting them come to you.
TasukuI see. Since it requires carrying a heavy load around, it'd be best if someone stronger did the job. I'll help out with the beer-selling then.
SakyoAah, we'll be counting on you.
MukuU-uhm! Would it be okay if I go help out at the baby castella stall?
MukuI, really like baby castella, so... I want to see them getting made from up close...
TsumugiIn that case, I'll go help with the shooting game.
SakyoAlright then, Bou can help at the shaved ice booth, and I'll go work at the takoyaki stand.
Azami... Guess I gotta do it after all. Fine.
IzumiI'll help out with the stall preparations until the festival starts!
SakyoSo we've decided on jobs for all our members. Don't you dare slack off, got it? Put your backs into it.
CitronAye aye, sir!
IzumiOkay, so we just finished setting up the mask shop's stand, so why don't I take a look at how the others' are coming along?
IzumiMm? Over there isn't that...
Izumi(Azami-kun's looks really serious. I wonder what he's up to? Wouldn't want to distract him so I'll just sneak over and...
AzamiMatcha... Blue Hawaii...
Izumi(I see, so he's writing the menu)
Azami...Like this, I guess?
IzumiGood work, Azami-kun. I see they're having you write up the menu.
AzamiYeah. But writing vertically is pretty hard. My writing keeps getting slanted.
IzumiReally? I think you're writing quite nicely as is, though.
AzamiI was also asked to write up the flyers we're gonna stick over there. Director, if you're free right now, would you mind helping me out?
IzumiAlright, got it.
TasukuOkay, it's done.
Yakuza ATakato-san, couldn you lend a hand over here next?
Yakuza BPlease, over here too!
IzumiAhaha, Tasuku-san's really gotten himself popular, hasn't he?
IzumiHe's used to building props and things like that, so he's pretty good with his hands, huh.
AzamiIt's cause there's lots of guys in the Ginsenkai who've got the strength but not the skill.
MukuDirector-san, Azami-kun!
IzumiMuku-kun, thanks for you hard work! What is it?
MukuWe've settled a bit with the stall preparations for now, and I just met with Citron-san and Tsumugi-san.
MukuWe're at a good point to leave off for now, so everyone said that they wanted to go check out the stage.
IzumiAah, is that so?
AzamiGot it, once we're done here we'll be right over.
MukuOkay! Well then, I'll be off to look for Sakyo-san as well.
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  1. Takoyaki is a common street and festival food made of wheat-flour balls filled with minced octopus. The shooting game is your usual carnival/arcade game trying to hit targets for different sized prizes with a toy rifle. Baby castella is the bite-sized ball-shaped version of a popular sponge cake.