Let's Meet by the Milky Way/Episode 2

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Let's Meet by the Milky Way
Episode 2
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SakodaAll aboard, please have a seat, everyone!
TsumugiHello, Director.
IzumiThanks for your help today.
MukuWe'll do our best![1]
Yakuza ASup!
Yakuza BThank y'all for helpin' us out!
Yakuza CYo.
CitronOh, Muku, what's wrong?
IzumiTh-they really are kind of scary... Come to think of it, it's rare that I get to see Ginsenkai members other than the ones in Autumn Troupe...
Yakuza AIs, is this kid alright? His face's gone all pale!
Yakuza BMotion sickness already? Oi, open up the window over there so he can have some fresh air!
Yakuza CYa' all right? Need some water?
CitronOh- could this be a gaggle of gentle gangsters?
SakyoGeez, nobody knows what you're talking about. Relax, it's not like these guys are gonna eat you.
MukuS-s-s-s-sorry! I didn't mean to cause you all trouble...
IchirouOi, Muku. Wanna sit over here?
MukuAh, Makita-san!
IzumiSo Makita-san's going to be coming along as well.
SakodaAlrighty then, less' head out!
TasukuCome to think of it, Izumida, have you ever gone to help out with this festival before?
AzamiI guess...
TsumugiThey hold the Star Festival in a small town up in the mountains, right?
SakodaThat's right! It's way out in the boonies, but that makes the stars out there look reaaal beautiful!
MukuWaah, I can't wait to see them!
IchirouI think I still have some pictures from last year saved on my phone... Aah, here.
IzumiWow! You can see so many stars in the sky!
TsumugiAnd there'll be all sorts of food and game stalls at the festival too, seems like it'll be a good time.
TasukuHuh, you guys draw a pretty big crowd.
CitronAnd the bamboo looks magnificent too!
SakodaWe only order the most magnificent of bamboo for the event!
MukuSeeing such big bamboo decorations is pretty exciting!
SakyoWell, it takes a while for the bamboo to get delivered to town, so it probably won't arrive unti around evening.
SakodaEvery year, when the Star Festival's just about at its end, we finish the event off by writing our wishes on the tanzaku together!
SakodaAnd then it's total chaos when everyone rushes to hang their wishes on the bamboo...
IchirouWell, that's one of the highlights of the festival as well, ain't it?
SakodaWe've arrived!
CitronAll the green is so beautiful!
TsumugiThe air feels really clear as well. I'm glad the weather's so nice today.
TasukuIt seems like all sorts of preparations are already underway. Where should we start helping out?
SakyoFirst, we start with building the festival stalls.
SakodaAniki! I gotta help out with the stage over there, are you guys gonna be alright from here?
SakyoYes. If anything comes up, let me know.
SakodaAye aye, sir!
IzumiWell, let's start with helping with preparations as well then!
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  1. Actually, this and the previous line are both "yoroshiku onegaishimasu" but it's a bit weird to have the same phrase repeated one after another.