Kumon Hyodo/Blue Heart in a Downpour

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Searching for the Hydrangea of Happiness

Backstage Stories
MukuHm? What are you reading there, Kyu-chan?
KumonThis? It’s a magazine I borrowed from Kazu-san!
It features hydrangea gardens.
MukuWow, they're really pretty!
KumonRight! Kazu-san bought this to use as reference for an assignment.
MukuI see. I wonder what kind of painting he’ll create this time.
KumonI’m sure it’ll be a fluffy, sparkly, and super pretty painting just like these hydrangeas in this magazine.
See, like this!
MukuThey look like they belong on the cover of a shoujo manga!
How nice. I’d love stand surrounded by hydrangeas like this.
KumonI wanna visit a hydrangea garden too!
MukuI wonder if there’s any place nearby…
Ah, this garden’s close to the dorm.
KumonIt is! There was one this close?
I had no idea.
Look here, Muku!
It’s a heart-shaped hydrangea!
MukuSo cute…!
This kind of hydrangea really exists, huh?
KumonUmm, it says that it’s rare in this garden too.
If you’re able to find one, then you might become happy…?
MukuBecome happy…!
KumonLet’s go there next time, Muku!
*door opens*
IzumiI’m home…
KumonWoah! What happened, Director!? You’re soaked!?
IzumiAhaha… I went to help with a friend's theater company, and it suddenly started to rain.
I always bring a folding umbrella with me, but today was the only day I forgot it.
And then on the way home, I got splashed with water by a car and plunged my foot into a puddle. So it was just one bad thing after another.
KumonUwahh, that sounds like an awful time…
MukuI understand how you feel, Director-san.
In the past, I was wearing rubber boots, but the rainwater got inside them…
Then when I slipped and fell in the rain, my clothes got covered with mud and my umbrella also broke.
So I’ve come home soaked to the bone before, just like you, Director-san…
IzumiThat sounds like a disaster…
Anyways, today just wasn’t my day…
You better hop in the bath before you catch a cold, Director!
IzumiGood idea. I’ll go take a bath like you said, Kumon-kun.
Muku…Is Director-san really alright?
*knock, knock*
KumonDo you have a minute, Director?
IzumiKumon-kun? Come in.
*door opens*
You’re acting kind of formal. What’s up?
KumonUm, I… have somewhere I’d like to take you, Director…!
IzumiSomewhere you want to take me?
KumonI wanna visit this hydrangea garden!
IzumiWow, it’s beautiful!
And it’s pretty close to the dorm, huh?
Kumon…Is it ok with you?
IzumiOf course it is. I’d love to go there too!
KumonThat’s great…!
Are you free this weekend?
IzumiYeah, I shouldn’t have anything going on.
KumonAlright, it’s a promise then!
IzumiYeah. I’m looking forward to it.
KumonThe ones I saw in the magazine were beautiful, but the real ones are amazing too…!
IzumiThey really are super pretty. It’s like we’re inside a painting.
KumonOh yeah.
I’ll send a pic to Kazu-san!
Sending, sending.
Wait, he read it already!?
Ummm, he said, “wowie it’s pretty af! That’s totes legit!”!
IzumiAhaha, I’m glad he liked it.
KumonAh, this is a great chance, so let’s take a picture together!
IzumiEh? With me?
KumonYep. Come on, come on, get close!
Okay, pose!
Hehe, it came out great! I’ll sent to you later, ‘kay!
IzumiGreat, thanks.
It’s amazing, huh? The hydrangeas go on as far as you can see.
KumonI wanted to show them to everyone else too…
The truth is, I also wanted to invite Muku and nii-chan. But both of them had things to do so they couldn’t come…
IzumiThen let’s say we came to scope the garden out today.
You can guide those two around next time.
Alright, I gotta do my best to find it!
IzumiHm? Are you looking for something?
KumonOh, you see, there’s a heart—.
KumonAH, uhhh… i-it’s nothing!
I meant~, I wonder if we’ll find any cool spots to check out!
Yeah. Alright, should we head deeper into the garden?
KumonSure! Okay, time to search…
No, I mean, let’s scope it out!
…Umm, am I not gonna find it?
IzumiHuh, the clouds are looking kind of ominous…
KumonOh, true… uh, UWAH!
What do I do? I didn’t bring an umbrella.
IzumiDon’t worry, I brought an umbrella just in case something like this happened.
I forgot it last time and got soaked, after all.
*opens umbrella*
Kumon…Director, isn’t that a hole?
Y-you’re right…
Things like this seem to be happening to me lately…
*rain gets heavier*
KumonAh, Director! It’s really pouring now!?
IzumiLet’s run to that rest stop for now!
IzumiIt’s really coming down, huh?
IzumiI really am unlucky, aren’t I? Like this time and last time…
I’m sorry, Director.
I didn’t mean to make you look so sad.
KumonActually, I wanted to cheer you up.
They said that there’s a heart-shaped hydrangea in this hydrangea garden, and that you’ll become happy if you find it.
You were looking down the other day, so I thought you’d smile lots if I found it.
IzumiOh, so that's what was going on.
…Fufu, you’re so kind, Kumon-kun.
KumonBut I'd be sad if I couldn't find it, so I kept it a secret from you... I'm sorry I kept it from you, Director.
IzumiDon’t apologize. I really appreciate the thought, Kumon-kun.
You can search for the heart hydrangea another time.
The hydrangeas in this garden were beautiful so I had lots of fun!
KumonThat’s good to hear…
Izumi…Ah, it looks like the rain stopped.
KumonI guess it was a passing shower?
IzumiIt seems like it.
Alright, shall we start heading home now?
Izumi(Kumon-kun looks down. I guess it’s because he couldn’t find the heart-shaped hydrangea…)
CHOICE 1: Let’s come to look at it again. [+]
IzumiLet’s come to look at it again, Kumon-kun.
I swear I’ll find it next time!
IzumiYeah. Then, let’s search for it together.
I’m sure we’ll find it if we both work together.
KumonEhehe… it’s a promise between us two.
I’m happy since it’s kinda like a promise for a date~!
CHOICE 2: Don’t worry too much about it. [+]
IzumiDon’t worry too much about it.
The heart hydrangea is really rare, isn’t it?
KumonThat’s what it said in the magazine.
IzumiThen let’s invite Muku-kun and Juza-kun and all search together next time! I bet we’ll find it if we do that.
IzumiKumon-kun? What’s wrong?
KumonDirector! Look!
Amazing! There really was one.
KumonYeah, I’m surprised too.
It’s actually heart-shaped…!
IzumiAhh… look at the sky, Kumon-kun.
Wow… there’s a rainbow!
And it’s super huge and pretty…!
KumonAh, you smiled, Director!
Ehehe, it’s all thanks to the heart hydrangea, right?
Thank you, Kumon-kun.
(If I had to say, I think it was Kumon-kun’s smile that cheered me up.)
