Kumon Hyodo/『Firsts』 Are Fun

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My Very Own Character

Backstage Stories
IzumiHas everyone gathered?
TaichiYep! All the members are here.
KumonWhat’s up today, Director?
I heard everyone appearing in the show are meeting up, but…
Err, huh? Kazu-san!?
What the? Are you in the upcoming show!?
KazunariNo, no! I’m not going on stage!
IzumiFufu. You’ll understand the reason Kazunari-kun is here soon.
Alright, as everyone knows, the theme of the upcoming play is skateboarding.
We're going to incorporate lots different of staging on the stage while having everyone actually ride their skateboards.
HomareYes, indeed. I have been practicing riding a skateboard along with rehearsing for the play.
MukuIt was difficult riding it at first, but I can finally skate a little bit.
IzumiSo then, we decided to make new skateboards for each member to use on stage!
TaichiEH, LEGIT!?
KumonYou mean we can have our very own skateboards!? SICK! That’s so cool!
IzumiKazunari-kun will be in charge of the designs.
KazunariYes! Pleased to work with ya!
MasumiIs that why Kazunari also joined our meeting today?
KazunariThat’s right!
By the way, I can come up with the skateboard designs all on my own…
But I'd love to hear everyone's opinions on what kinda design they’d like.
You can tell me you’d like a specific design, or just be simple about it!
TsumugiTo think we can design a skateboard according to our own image. That’s amazing.
OmiYou don’t come across a chance like this very often.
TaichiApart from riding them on stage, there’s lots of scenes where we hold them in our hands…
The design’s gotta be eye-catching for the audience too!
AzumaThe stage will look brightened up with all of our skateboards lined up with their different designs on them.
KumonYeah, totally!
KazunariThat being said, lemme know after you’ve come up a design that works for you, ‘kay?
IzumiWe’re going to set a deadline, so please let Kazunari-kun know your ideas and requests by then.
MukuYou got it!
HomareThis is my first time designing a skateboard, so I'm very much looking forward to it.
TaichiI’m getting pumped up!
KumonI’m super stoked too!
…My very own skateboard, huh?
What kinda design should I go with?
AzamiYou’ve been frettin’ for a while.
KumonWell, you see…
GuyWhat is the matter?
KumonAh, Guy-san.
Um, I’m sorta torn right now.
GuyWhat are you worried about?
AzamiIt’s about his skateboard design.
Apparently, Kazunari-san’s gonna design some based on everyone’s ideas. But I guess he can’t make up his mind about his request.
GuyI see. So that’s it.
KumonI know Kazu-san’s gonna make it really cool and hip no matter what request he gets…
But when I’m asked what kinda design I want, I’m just at a loss~.
AzamiI mean, it’s not like I don’t get how you feel.
GuyThe skateboard isn’t a mere prop. You’re really going to use it.
If you skate with your very own board, then you will grow attached to it. And I think that will also connect with your role study as a skateboarder.
AzamiRidin’ a board you like is bound to be fun, right?
GuyIndeed. I hope you can come up with a great design while discussing with Miyoshi and the other cast members.
KumonHehe, good point.
Thanks, you two! I’ll give it some more thought!
(…I’ve been thinking about it this whole time. But in the end, I still haven’t been able to settle on anything.)
(The deadline Director told us about is coming up, so I gotta decide…!)
Ah, Taichi-san!
KumonSay, Taichi-san. Have you chosen what design you’ll use for your skateboard?
TaichiYep, it’s totally settled!
KumonReally! What’s the design like?
TaichiI’m gonna put Akapoyo-kun on it!
KumonTaichi-san and Akapoyo-kun really do go hand-in-hand, huh?
TaichiHe’s my favourite character after all~.
Hey, but that’s not all!
KumonWhat do you mean?
TaichiAkapoyo-kun’s always cute and popping… and that’s one thing I like about him.
But this time I wanna do something different—something chic and cool!
TaichiI bet that gap between a cool vibe and a cute character would hit!
And I think it fits with Touma’s image.
I wanna show my cool and dashing side along with my board on stage~!
KumonThat sounds awesome! I can’t wait to see it!
…I see. I could have a character like Akapoyo-kun drawn on mine too.
Akito skates with Touma, and there’s lots of scenes where he and Touma hold their skateboards together…
Alright… I’ve got it!
*knock, knock*
KazunariCome in~!
*door opens*
Taicchan and Kumopi?
What are you two doing together?
TaichiI came to ask for my skateboard design!
KumonSame here!
KazunariOhh, I’ve been waiting!
What do you have for me?
TaichiI’d like a design of Akapoyo-kun.
But not with Akapoyo-kun’s adorable, pop vibe like usual. I want it chic and cool!
KazunariOoh, I gotchu! It’ll be Taicchan-core, and have a gap. The vibes are immaculate!
Okay. I’ll whip up a super cool Akapoyo-kun skateboard design.
TaichiThanks! I’ll leave it to you!
KazunariHow about you, Kumopi?
KumonI want a board with a cool monster character drawn on it too!
A Kazu-san original monster, please!
KazunariYou’re chill with me thinking up and drawing my own original monster?
KumonYep! Can I ask you for that?
KazunariOf course! I’ll get hyped to the max and create the design!
KumonWoohoo! Man, I can’t wait!
I’ll leave it to you, Kazu-san!
(I wonder how my skateboard design will turn out?)
(Will it be a dragon-like monster…
Will it be like a chimera? Or maybe it’ll look like Cerberus!)
AzamiWhat’re you doin’ smiling by yourself?
KumonAh, was it showing on my face!?
I was thinking that I can’t wait to see my skateboard design~.
TaichiI feel you! I’m super excited too~.
BanriYou guys have asked Kazunari for your designs already, right?
AzamiOh yeah, Kumon. What was your request in the end?
KumonYou’ll see when it’s done!
*door opens*
KazunariTaicchan, Kumopi—you guys here?
TaichiAh, Kazu-kun!
KazunariYour skateboard design sketches are hot off the press!
KumonReally!? Show us, show us!
KazunariFirst up, here is the rough sketch of Taicchan’s Akapoyo-kun board!
TaichiWOAHHH. It’s cool as hell!
BanriOhh. Ain’t that nice?
KumonIt’s so rad!
AzamiThat design also has Taichi-san’s essence in it.
TaichiThanks, Kazu-kun! I’m totally in love with it!
KazunariGlad to hear~. I’m happy if you like it ♪
Next, here’s the sketch of Kumopi’s monster board!
Tah daaah!
(HUH!? It’s totally different than what I imagined!?
KazunariI tried drawing the original monster you requested~.
AzamiHeh. An original monster, huh?
BanriIt has a pop-art flair to it too, doesn’t it?
TaichiIt’s cool, cute, and it’s full of style!
KumonI LOVE IT!! Thanks so much, Kazu-san!
KazunariYou’re very welcome~!
I had fun putting lots of thought into it too.
KumonThese will become our very own, original skateboards. I’m so happy!!
Alriiight. Let’s do our best to practice with these boards!
Taichi & KumonYEAH!
