Kazunari Miyoshi/SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring

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Role Study 【Kiichi】

Backstage Stories
Azami—Then, Misumi-san appeared outta nowhere.
He was sayin’ it was “ninja arts” or somethin’ though.
AzumaWell, everyone in Summer troupe are mastering ninjutsus to prepare for their roles, right?
KazunariSpot on~!
SakuyaSummer troupe’s role study seems really fun!
KazunariI’m thinking of mastering a ninjutsu too, but I’m still trying to decide what I should do~.
Say, what do you guys think would be good!?
SakuyaNinja arts… What kind of thing would work well for that?
AzumaSpeaking of well-known ninjutsus, wouldn’t it be the “Art of Cloning”?
KazunariThe Art of Cloning… that’s deffs possible!
SakuyaKazunari-san, are you going to clone yourself?
AzumaIt’ll look like you cloned yourself if you move around quickly like Misumi, right?
AzamiBut doin’ that’d be hard if you can’t move like Misumi-san.
KazunariFufufu… I just thought of a way to do my own cloning technique!
SakuyaIn Kazunari-san’s own way?
Imma do the Art of Cloning ninja art, Miyoshi-style ☆
IzumiOh, Kazunari-kun, you’re already here.
You’re early today.
Izumi? Kazunari-kun?
KumonOkaaay, let’s do our best for practise today too~!
Err, huh? What’s up, Director?
IzumiEveryone, I’m glad you’re here.
Kazunari-kun doesn’t respond even when I talk to him…
MisumiKazu~? What’s wrong~?
YukiIsn’t he asleep?
TenmaBut his eyes are wide-open.
MukuD-don’t tell me, Kazu-kun…
Got turned into a wax doll…
KumonEHH!? A w-wax doll!?
KazunariNice work piko~!
IzumiT-there’s two Kazunari-kuns!?
YukiWhat’s going on?
KazunariAh, could it be, did I fool you guys~!?
MukuW-what do you mean?
KazunariActually, I made a doll that looks exactly like me during class at uni the other day~!
Everyone’s mastering ninjutsus right now, so I thought the timing was perf! This is, like, a Miyoshi-style “Art of Cloning”, right!?
TenmaThat’s way too complex!
KumonI was so surprised!! I was fooled for real!
IzumiIt's really well-made, huh…
MisumiIt’s just like the real Kazu~!
It feels like he’s going to start talking~!
YukiThat’s a weird skill.
KazunariEhe piko!
Sorry I surprised you guys~!
IzumiAlright, next we’ll do etude practise …
TenmaIt seriously feels like the Kazunari doll’s gaze is on us…
MisumiHe’s reeeeally staring, right~.
YukiHey, that’s a disturbance, so can we leave it outside the practise room for now?
KazunariYukki, calling it a disturbance is mean!
IzumiHow about we take it out to the hallway for the time being?
TenmaCan we go over this scene one more time?
KumonAh, I was worried about that part just now too!
I wonder how we should act it out—.
MukuT-there was a terrible scream from outside…!
YukiWhat’s that fuss about?
IzumiFor now, let’s go check it out!
KazunariAhh, oopsies! My arm came off~!
I gotta be careful~!
TaichiHUH!? There’s two Kazu-kuns!?
MisumiThis is a doll that looks exactly like Kazu~.
What the~. That gave me a heart attack…
ManagerWhat happened~?
I heard an earsplitting scream from here just now…
KazunariSorry, sorry.
My arm kinda came off~!
ManagerAhh, so that’s it, your arm—.
Izumi...It seems like this'll cause confusion, so this technique is banned too, ok?
