Juza Hyodo/Banquet of Blooming

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Starring "Juza"

Backstage Stories
OmiYup. It looks like all the screening events we've done so far have been received well.
AzamiWe just talk like we usually do for the talk show, though, so it hardly feels any different.
IzumiIt looks like that atmosphere is why people enjoy it, though.
Izumi? Juza-kun, what's wrong?
JuzaNothing, 's just... I don't have anything interesting to say... I wonder if I'll be able to entertain the audience like the other guys...
OmiHaha, so that's what it is. We just said people enjoy it because the atmosphere is the same as always, didn't we?
IzumiYup. It's fine if you act the way you usually do.
JuzaThe way I always do, huh...
AzamiThat negativity is a lot like Kumon and Muku-san. You guys really are related.
OmiWell, we'll be there too, so you'll be fine. Try to relax.
How I prepared for my role, huh...
OmiWe watched western dramas and used them as reference.
AzamiSince I play an inventor, we talked about whether I should try inventing something.
Because of that, we held a survey for the company, asking what kind of invention they'd want to see.
JuzaAh, we did.
OmiI thought that was a pretty fun role study.
Speaking of which, Juza, you did something with Muku, too, right?
Blood's a janitor, so for a while, I spent my free time cleaning my room or the rest of the dorm.
AzamiI remember that. You even picked up trash outside, right? I used to see you on my way home.
JuzaYeah. Even when I went outside, I got too into it...
OmiI'm sure it was a great help to everyone around.
AzamiWhat do these stories about cleaning have to do with Muku-san, though?
JuzaWhile I was cleaning up outside, Muku saw me just like you did.
He asked me if I had started trying to do three good deeds a day...
OmiAh, he did something like that for his role study as Florence, right?
I don't know if the audience here knows about that, but...
For Summer Troupe's play, "The Floral Prince", Muku's role as the protagonist, Florence, was a very kind prince.
With that, Muku wondered if he'd feel more like a prince by being kind to people, and--
Instead of doing one good deed a day, for his role study, he tried doing three good deeds a day.
AzamiThat's just like him.
JuzaYeah. And since he saw me picking up trash outdoors, he asked if I was tryin' to do the same...
He seemed so happy when asking about it, I couldn't say he was wrong, so for a while, I started doing three good deeds a day with him.
OmiHaha, I see.
JuzaDoing three good deeds a day with him was fun, though.
Audience AWaah, that's such a cute, fluffy story.
Audience BI feel so soft...
IzumiGood work on the talk show!
There were a whole lot of visitors saying Juza-kun and Muku-kun's story healed them as they left.
JuzaThat so... I was worried about whether such a small story would be okay, but... I'm glad they liked it.
IzumiIn that case, can we start taking the Polaroid photo we planned as a present for the fans?
JuzaYeah, Sakyo-san explained it to me. I'll leave it to you.
IzumiOkay, I took one. How is it?
Azami... He looks totally expressionless.
Juza... Sorry.
OmiHaha, but this photo is really Juza-like, and feels like Blood at the same time, so it's fine, isn't it?
IzumiYup, I think so, too.
Juza... Thanks.
???You're awake.
IzumiHuh, Juza-kun... Sorry, looks like I fell asleep.
? Why do you look like that...
... Wait, huh!? Where am I...!?
(It's dark, but somehow I recognize this place...)
???"Where"... You went and fell asleep here, but you don't even know where it is?
Izumi(Could this be the match grounds where Huey fought...?)
(And does that mean... the Juza-kun standing in front of me is Blood?)
Izumi(Umm, maybe... I'm dreaming right now. Yeah, probably!)
IzumiS-sorry, I think I'm still half asleep.
BloodThat so. ... When I first found you, I thought you were dead.
BloodBut you were still breathing, so I left you there.
IzumiDid you... wait until I woke up?
Izumi(I wonder if I can take that as a yes.)
(Huh, there's a mop in Blood's hand...)
Sorry. Were you in the middle of cleaning?
IzumiThen, as thanks for being so kind, can I help you clean?
BloodI didn't do that much.
IzumiNo, no, it was a lot. Please let me help you.
Izumi(He didn't answer, but... it's okay to help, right? Okay, I'll grab some of those cleaning tools, and...)
I'll start cleaning from there.
(Pick up the trash, wipe up this spot, and... Mm, this place is pretty small and hard to clean.)
Blood... For hard-to-reach spots like that, you gotta do it like this.
Izumi! I see.
(So he even cleans up relatively small places properly.)
(The Blood I saw on stage was naturally more involved with action scenes, so seeing him in an everyday situation like this feels kinda fresh.)
Thank you. I'll keep this in mind even when I'm cleaning up my own things.
Blood... Yeah.
Izumi... Mm...
(It's morning...)
(Blood taught me a lot of things about cleaning in my dream... Okay, let me try cleaning the living room today.)
Wipe up this spot, and...
Juza? You doing some spring cleaning?
IzumiAh, Juza-kun. I have some free time today, so I thought I'd clean up every nook and cranny of this place.
JuzaI see... I'll help out, then.
IzumiCan you? Thank you.
CHOICE 1: This helps a lot. [+]
IzumiThis helps a lot.
JuzaJust this much is nothing. Whether it's cleaning or carrying your bags, don't hesitate to ask me to lend a hand whenever you need it.
IzumiHehe, how reliable.
JuzaI'm always in your care, after all.
Just like you're always helping me out... I want you to be able to depend on me, too.
That's why, I want you to rely on me anytime.
IzumiMhm. Thank you, Juza-kun.
CHOICE 2: Actually, I had a dream about cleaning. [+]
IzumiActually, I had a dream about cleaning.
JuzaOh, did you?
IzumiYeah. I had been thinking I should clean the living room soon for a while, but...
JuzaThings that happen or that you think about during the day do show up in dreams.
I feel like when we're rehearsing, I dream about rehearsing more, too.
JuzaYeah. I see myself acting with those guys, practicing stage combat, and I even see you there.
When I wake up, I don't remember much about the dreams, but I just feel like I want to practice and act.
Izumi(Hehe, that's just like him, and at the same time... I can really tell how much he loves acting.)
JuzaOkay, I'll start cleaning around here.
IzumiThank you so much!
(... Huh? Juza-kun is cleaning things the same way as Blood showed me how to do in my dream just now.)
Where did you learn to clean like that?
JuzaAh... While cleaning places here and there, I ended up learning how to clean the smallest of places before I knew it.
IzumiAhaha, I see.
(For Juza-kun and Blood to do things the same way... it's mysterious, but it makes me happy, somehow.)