Hisoka Mikage/Self-Proclaimed Time Traveler

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How to Make a Time Machine

Backstage Stories
TaichiSo cool!
KumonAh, sorry Hisoka-san! Did we wake you up...?
Hisoka…What are you guys reading?
KumonIt’s a science book!
TaichiIt was being sold cheaply at a secondhand bookstore. I felt nostalgic so I bought it!
I used to read it pretty often when I was in elementary school~
KumonI've been reading how props in anime and manga are made scientifically. I'm really enjoying the process of how they're doing it!
Look, like this… there’s a topic about theoretically being able to make a time machine if you wanted to.
HisokaA time machine…
TaichiAre you also curious, Hisoka-san?
IzumiWe’re home--
TaichiAh, welcome home! That’s a somewhat rare combination with Director-sensei, Tasuku-san, and Chikage-san!
IzumiI was out to buy dinner and stage props and these two happened to be free so I invited them.
It was helpful to have them carry the bags so thank you very much Tasuku-san and Chikage-san.
TasukuI also wanted to see my own props so it was fine. I can see the new plan for the play thanks to that.
ChikageTasuku is really eager on researching.
Hisoka...Tasuku, Chikage.
TasukuWhat’s up?
HisokaI want you to build a time machine.
TasukuA time machine…?
IzumiOh that’s right, Hisoka-san’s playing as a time traveler…
HisokaYeah, it’s for role-making.
CHOICE 1: You're working hard for the role-making, huh. [+]
IzumiYou’re working hard for the role-making, huh.
HisokaYeah. I want to know how it feels to go to the past from the future.
IzumiHow about using sci-fi movies as a reference?
HisokaI already borrowed from Kazunari before. And if there’s a time machine, I would want to get on it.
CHOICE 2: But isn't a time machine impossible... [+]
IzumiBut isn’t a time machine impossible…
IzumiWell… Maybe because it doesn’t look easy for an ordinary person to make.
HisokaBut if it’s Tasuku and Chikage, it’s possible to make it.
IzumiEh! I-Is that so…?
Izumi(Eh? Is Tasuku-san seriously thinking about it...?)
(Don’t tell me since it’s for role-making he’s actually going to build a time machine…!?)
TasukuNope, even if it’s for the sake of role-making, building a time machine is impossible.
HisokaBut the book they had said it’s possible to make one.
Chikage...Well, in theory, there’s nothing that can’t be made.
TasukuAre you serious?
ChikageHowever, no living being has the body to be able to withstand the movement of the speed of light to begin with.
MatsukawaIn that case, how about the Infinity Doll!?
IzumiMatsukawa!? Since when were you there…!?
HisokaBy Infinity Doll… You mean one of the Seven Mysteries?
MatsukawaCorrect! It’s not an overstatement to say that the Infinity Doll itself can go back in time as many times as it can.
TasukuLeave it at that!
TaichiWhat’s with the sudden frightening look?
TasukuIt’s nothing… It is what it is, it’s something troublesome, the Seven Mysteries, that is.
ChikageBut, the Infinity Doll has the power to go beyond time so it might make a good power source for the time machine.
TasukuAgain, the appropriate…
HisokaInfinity Doll...
Izumi(It somehow turned into a deep conversation…)
TsumugiAre you okay? If you sleep here, you might catch a cold.
Hisoka…I fell asleep while I was looking for the Infinity Doll.
TsumugiEh? The Infinity Doll…!?
HisokaTsumugi, do you know about it?
HisokaWhat kind of form does it have?
HisokaI searched all over the dorms but I couldn’t find it anywhere.
Tsumugi, if you know then I want you to tell me.
Tsumugi...Okay, hold on.
TsumugiI think... It looks something like this...
HisokaSo this is the Infinity Doll… It’s a bit different than I thought it would be.
TsumugiI-It’s just my imagination of it though.
HisokaThank you. I’ll try to look for it.
Hisoka...As expected, it’s nowhere to be found.
I’m so tired from searching for it all day...
Infinity Doll… Where could you be...
???re… you… kay..?
Infinity DollOh, are you up? I was worried because you were just lying on the floor.
Hisoka...Is this the Infinity Doll? It looks exactly like Tsumugi’s drawing.
Infinity DollSo that’s what I’m called… Well, it might be right from a human’s eyes.
HisokaHey, can you do a time-slip?
Infinity Doll...You can’t just wish for something like that.
Don’t look at the past. Open your own future yourself.
Hisoka...Then, I won’t be able to do role-making as a time traveler.
Infinity DollWhat are you saying? When you look at your past self, the present you is already something of a time traveler.
Hisoka...Is that so?
Infinity DollWell, it’s a long story. You’ll know when time comes.
Infinity DollWhat’s the matter?
Infinity DollWoah! What are you doing…!? Stop it! Don’t just handle me like that!!
HisokaSoft… Like marshmallows...
Infinity DollMarshmallows?
Haha, geez, it can’t be helped...
Homare--Hisoka-kun, Hisoka-kun.
HomareGet up. It’s time for dinner.
HomareI shall be going on ahead. You have better come quickly.
Hisoka...Got it.
TasukuMikage, you look drowsy. Did you fall sleep again?
Hisoka...I was looking for the Infinity Doll.
TasukuYou haven’t given up on that yet…?
HisokaNo. I’m giving up on the time machine… Hey, Chikage.
Hisoka...The Infinity Doll has a life, to use that as a power source is awful.
