Harugaoka Quartet/Episode 7

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Harugaoka Quartet
Episode 7
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SakuyaIf you don’t mind, will you play together with me? Manager has arranged a less-complicated score for us to play.
CitronSure, why not.
CitronYou’ve improved, Sakuya.
SakuyaBut I’m still far from good. If I were a fast learner like Masumi-kun, perhaps I could perform during the actual play too….
CitronIt’s enough if you are able to play this much within a short time. You’ve been practicing a lot, right?
SakuyaI’ve come to love this song when I heard Citron-san play it, so practice has always been fun.
I heard that the title of the song is….. “Spring” by Mozart. It’s perfect for us, the Spring Troupe. I’m happy.
CitronThis song is also very special to me. I’ve always performed “Spring” during the conferment ceremony.
The bright “spring” should be coming into my life someday. Even if my fate has been determined, I’m sure….
I used to perform the song while thinking about such upcoming “spring”.
SakuyaThinking about “spring”....
CitronI felt I was destined to come to this country and join MANKAI Company’s “Spring Troupe”.
The bright “spring” has entered my life ever since I met all the “Spring Troupe” members.
SakuyaI, too, have always thought that becoming a family with Citron-san and everyone in “Spring Troupe” was destiny.
Even though all of us are completely different from each other and have different ways of living, we are able to connect through theater.
This destiny feels like a miracle.
CitronYou’re totally right.
SakuyaCitron-san also felt that way, huh. I’m happy, somehow.
Citron….So Sakuya won’t ask anything too, huh.
SakuyaIs it about Prince Tangerine?
CitronYes. Aren’t you curious?
SakuyaI believe in Citron-san. Tell me when it’s absolutely necessary.
CitronThe leader of Spring Troupe has become really reliable.
SakuyaI actually talked about this too with Tsuzuru-kun and director. We all believe in Citron-san.
Citron….I’ll ask for your help when I really want to rely on someone.
SakuyaIt’s a promise.
TsuzuruAll right, I’ll turn off the light. Good night, you two.
MasumiGood night.
TangerineGood tingth.
MasumiGo sleep already.
Tangerine….Masumi, I’ve made up my mind.
TangerineI’ll return to Zahra.
There’s still a month left before the conferment ceremony, but I’m still lacking in skill. I need to return quickly and practice hard.
I’m orry for causing so much troubles.
Masumi...But the Spring Troupe play starts next week.
TangerineI actually wanted to watch nii-sama and everyone in Spring Troupe’s play. But I can’t take advantage of everyone’s kindness more than this.
Nii-sama is kind, so I’m sure he’s purposely being strict for my sake.
To be honest, I understand that I shouldn’t had come here right now.
But I wanted to meet nii-sama no matter what…. I was being selfish.
I assume nii-sama didn’t want to take such an attitude for real. I made nii-sama suffer.
I want to be a respectful person like nii-sama. Thus, I can’t keep acting spoiled like now.
TangerineI used to move to nii-sama’s bed whenever there was something bothering me, just like this.
Nii-sama would always stroke my head and comfort me. Nii-sama is the only one who acknowledged me.
But I can’t do this anymore….
Masumi….Back during my childhood, I also used to move to granny’s futon whenever something was troubling me.
I don’t think it’s wrong to lean on someone during difficult times.
That’s what family is for. I’ve come to realize that when I joined this theater company.
Even though I don’t say anything, even though I don’t want to rely on anyone and even when I find it annoying, director and everyone will come to help when I really need it.
That’s how a family is. That’s why, I think you can depend on someone too.
Tangerine…..Thenk you.
TangerineMasumi, you’re like nii-sama.
MasumiHow irritating.
TangerineBut that’s what you call a “family,” right?
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