Guy/The Footsteps of Winter

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An Android's Special Skill

Backstage Stories
AzumaGood work today.
TsumugiSome practice time in the morning really makes me feel refreshed.
TasukuSays the one who always sleeps in.
TsumugiHahaha.... Well, I woke up on time today at least.
HomareOf course Hisoka falls right asleep as soon as practice is over.
IzumiYou sure do have a lot of stamina, Guy!
GuyI make sure to exercise regularly.
IzumiOh, then I think you and Tasuku would get along well.
AzumaSpeaking of exercising, I hear you guys in the morning,
TasukuYea, you’re talking about the music, right?
Izumi? What’s this about?
AzumaIt’s just that I’ve been hearing some strange shouting in the early morning.
IzumiStrange shouting?
TasukuThat’s music you’re hearing, no one is shouting.
TsumugiIs that so?
TasukuYea, you hear it around the time I wake up for my early morning jog...
HomareWhen you say early morning, you mean at the crack of dawn, right?
AzumaI am positive what I am hearing is not Tasuku’s morning training.
TasukuOh, then I guess we aren’t thinking about the same thing.
GuyYes, well then--
HomareHisoka! Don’t fall asleep while standing!
HisokaBreakfast....... Yoghurt with.... Marshmallows....
HomareHey hey now. Tasuku, mind helping me take Hisoka to the lounge?
TasukuGood grief.... Come on, use your legs, Mikage.
IzumiGuy? What were you going to say?
Guy.... Nevermind, it’s nothing.
IzumiHmm.... Huh, what time is it now....?
Mmmm just a little while longer, I don’t wanna wake up.... I’m gonna try and sleep a little more....
IzumiThat... voice...
KumonHGNN! HA!
GuyNice movements.
Izumi..... It’s Kumon and Guy?
KumonHey, director! Good morning’ssu!
GuyGood morning.
IzumiWhat are.... What are you two doing at this hour?
KumonIt’s Guy’s Karate class’ssu! Early morning practice is really the best~!
IzumiI see.... Is this what Azuma and Tasuku were talking about when they said they heard voices in the morning?
GuyMy apologies. I wanted to tell everyone yesterday, however the conversation was interrupted.
KumonGuy is soooo cool, he is really good at karate, super strong and megaaa fast!
IzumiReally... So Guy is skilled at karate.
Guy?? I never told you, I guess.
IzumiThis is the first time I have heard about it!
So all this time the noise people have been hearing in the morning was you two practicing karate. Wow, you two really wake up early.
KumonI’m an early bird, I love waking up early!
GuyI set my own internal alarm. Waking up is not a problem for me, even in the early morning.
KumonThat’s right! Hey director, you should practice karate with us too!
GuyYour first objective is to break these five tiles, do you think you can do it?
Izumi.... I think I will pass.
