Guy/Jasmine’s Passenger Seat

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The Scent of Home

Backstage Stories
File:Guy Jasmine's Passenger Seat 1-01.png
Izumi(Haah, I’m tired from today…)
Hm? A LIME from Tsumugi-san.
Tsumugi Tsukioka
Director, where are you right now?
In front of the station. I just got back.
Tsumugi Tsukioka
Would you like to come to Guy-san’s bar? Winter’s here.
Izumi(What timing…! I have no plans tomorrow, so I suppose I could get rid of this tiredness with alcohol!)
Heading over!
IzumiGood evening!
TasukuYou’re here.
TsumugiGood work.
Hisoka… We were waiting.
GuyI hope beer is alright, Director.
IzumiYep, works for me!
AzumaI see Tsumugi’s LIME was timely.
IzumiYeah, I just got back to Veludo Station and was about to head to the dorms—
Huh? Is Homare coming?
TasukuArisugawa’s at a publisher’s party.
AzumaHe said he’d come here as soon as it finished.
IzumiI see.
TsumugiI texted you the moment he left the venue, so he should be here any minute…
HomareI see everyone was waiting for me!
Hisoka… He’s here.
TsumugiGood work, Homare-san.
AzumaFufu, speak of the devil.
TasukuCan’t you come in with less energy.
HomarePerhaps everyone’s energies are just too low! Aren’t we drinking!?
GuyIt seems Arisugawa’s already drunk from the party.
AzumaIt’s fun to watch.
HomareI am not drunk!
TasukuThe ones who usually are drunk say they aren’t.
IzumiAhaha, I suppose he has a point.
GuyBy the way, Arisugawa. You seem to have some bags, would you like to keep them over here?
HomareOh, thank you very much, Guy-san!
But first, let’s have everyone gaze upon it. Like this bouquet!
IzumiWaa, it looks gorgeous!
TsumugiIt’s a beautiful bouquet.
HisokaIt smells like roses…
TasukuDid you get those flowers from the party?
HomareMhm! Since it has been decided to reprint a previous published poetry collection, my editor gave these to me.
AzumaCongratulations. We should toast to it.
GuyWhat would you like to drink, Arisugawa?
HomareThen, a drink with high alcohol content should suffice!
IzumiEh, is that okay?
HomareIsn’t it for celebration!? What else would the protagonist drink!
TsumugiAhaha, I suppose you’re right.
TasukuShouldn’t you say that without laughing, Tsumugi.
GuyDon’t worry, Takato. It is my bar, I can handle it.
TasukuJeez… Just keep it moderate.
IzumiAh, we all have glasses! Well then…
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File:Guy Jasmine's Passenger Seat 2-01.png
HomareZzz… Zzzz…
File:Guy Jasmine's Passenger Seat 2-02.png
TsumugiLooks like it’s time to go home~...
IzumiNeither of them are gonna wake up any time soon.
AzumaTasuku’s our only hope to bring them home.
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TasukuDon’t say such ridiculous things. Honestly, these two…
AzumaFufu, I’m kidding.
TsumugiMoreover… We have to help clean.
File:Guy Jasmine's Passenger Seat 2-04.png
GuyIt’s no problem. Thanks to everyone’s carefulness, I have little to clean.
All that’s left is to close the store, so everyone can head home now.
But I suppose if these two don’t wake up, you can leave them here…
TasukuNo, we’ll take them home.
AzumaGuy hasn’t drank enough yet, I’ll be waiting at the dorms with some sake.
GuyThank you.
IzumiYou’re gonna drink more!?
TasukuLook at Arisugawa and Mikage.
HomareHnn… beef tongue for dinner in reprint… unnecessary.
HisokaStill sleepy…
TsumugiWell then Guy-san, we’ll be waiting at the dorms.
GuyYes. Please be careful on your way home, everyone.
IzumiBe careful too, Guy-san.
GuyNow, time to close up.
Hm? That flower—
(I forgot to return it to Arisugawa. I suppose I’ll bring it to him at the dorms.)
ClerkThen, I’ll get back to you in a second, please look around while you wait.
IzumiYes, thank you very much!
(This flower shop is good, after all. All of the flowers are so beautiful—)
File:Guy Jasmine's Passenger Seat 2-05.png
Guy… Director?
IzumiEh? Guy-san?
GuyI didn’t expect to meet you in this place by chance.
IzumiMe too! I’m rather surprised.
GuyWhy is Director here?
IzumiSince a friend of mine has a performance, I was thinking of getting flowers for them. What about Guy-san?
Guy… I decided to decorate the shop with flowers.
IzumiI see… I can’t really imagine Guy-san’s shop decorated in flowers.
GuyThe other day, I was examining the bouquet that Arisugawa left behind—
I concluded decorating the shop with flowers would be nice.
IzumiThat’s a good idea! It’ll make the shop look lovely.
GuyYes. However…
IzumiWhat’s wrong?
GuyI can’t decide on a flower. The longer I searched, the more I couldn’t decide.
IzumiAhh, I understand! To think it’d stump you like this.
Guy… Since we met here. If you’d like, Director can choose.
File:Guy Jasmine's Passenger Seat 3-01.png
IzumiEh? Is that okay? I would think Guy-san is more familiar with flowers…
File:Guy Jasmine's Passenger Seat 3-02.png
GuyIt’s alright. Go ahead.
Izumi… Got it!
Hmm… But when deciding things, it’s kinda hard.
The flowers in Homare-san’s bouquet of roses were beautiful, and Chinese bellflowers look nice and all but…
… But that’s right, this flower looks great on Guy-san!
Guy… Jasmine?
IzumiThese pretty jasmine flowers seem to fit Guy-san’s vibes—
Plus, the jasmine tea that Guy-san makes is so delicious!
… Is that so? In that case, this flower it is.
IzumiGuy-san came by car.
File:Guy Jasmine's Passenger Seat 3-03.png
GuyI was also shopping for ingredients.
IzumiHow convenient. Thank you!
GuyOf course. We’re close to the dorms.
And Director. Did you happen to have plans after this?
IzumiEh? Not anything in particular…
GuyThen, there is a place I wish to take you.
IzumiThe place you wanted to take me… was Guy-san’s bar?
File:Guy Jasmine's Passenger Seat 3-04.png
GuyYes. I wanted to thank you for choosing the flowers.
IzumiIt’s not that big of a deal—
GuyPlease wait here.
Sorry for the wait.
IzumiThis is… jasmine tea?
GuyThe leaves arrived from Zahra fairly recently.
IzumiThis smell…! Did you have to thank me with this tea?
… Weren’t you the one who said my jasmine tea was delicious?
File:Guy Jasmine's Passenger Seat 3-05.png
CHOICE 1: When you said it just arrived… [+]
IzumiWhen you said it arrived recently, it’s like I was hit instantly with the scent of Zahra.
GuyYes, I suppose jasmine tea is a common drink in Zahra.
IzumiDo you get reminded of Zahra when you smell it?
GuyThat is the case occasionally—
When I was in Zahra, I would suddenly remember Japan.
To me, both Zahra and Japan are home.
I am forever indebted to Mankai and Director for helping me find my place here.
CHOICE 2: The making of jasmine tea… [+]
IzumiSpeaking of, Guy-san told me how to make the delicious jasmine tea.
GuyI suppose I did. I did take you along to the tea shop…
IzumiYep! I had fun taste testing at that shop.
I can take you again if you’d like. We haven’t gone together in quite a while.
IzumiLet’s go then!
Guy… It’s enjoyable to go out with Director anywhere.
GuyNow, drink it before it gets cold.
IzumiAh, right. Got it!
… Mm, it’s as delicious as ever.
GuyI’m relieved.
As for the flower that Director chose, I’ll display it on the counter now.
IzumiSounds good! With this shop’s atmosphere, jasmine really was perfect.
… I suppose I should stop patting myself on the back, huh?
GuyIt’s not that. I am grateful for this flower.
IzumiIf you say so!
Guy… Hm.
I think every time I see jasmine, I’ll be reminded of Director.