Fantastic Fairy Tail/Episode 4

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Fantastic Fairy Tail
Episode 4
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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original by rainbowpacifiers here.
MukuNext to a certain forest lived a poor woodcutter couple, as well as their children, the siblings Hänsel and Gretel.
At last, they could no longer obtain any bread, and the parents decided to abandon the children in the woods. Having heard their parents’ conversation, the older brother Hänsel consoled his crying sister, went outside on his own and in the moonlight, gathered lots of bright, white pebbles in his pockets.
The following day, while on their way to being taken into the woods, Hänsel dropped the white pebbles along the road, as a signpost for their way home.
In the middle of the forest, the parents said they would come and pick them up later, and left the siblings behind.
Once night had fallen, Hänsel took the crying Gretel by the hand, and while following the white pebbles, they walked all night through the forest, until it became morning and the two of them finally reached their home.
But the following day, the two were once again abandoned in the woods. Hänsel had left a trail of bread crumbs, but because the birds of the forest had pecked at the crumbs, they could no longer find them.
In that time, the two who were wandering about the woods, discovered a small house, its roof built of cakes, its walls made of bread, its windows made of candy.
When the two of them were eating the house as if in a dream, an old woman appeared from inside, took the two of them by their hands and invited them into the house, and gave them food, sweets and beds.
However, this old woman’s real nature was that of an evil witch who lured young children, then killed and ate them–.
ItaruIf I’m not wrong, they kill the parents at the end too, right?
SakyoWait, was it that kind of story…?
ItaruHuh, am I wrong?
YukiThey don’t kill the parents. This is probably wrong knowledge you gained through a game or something.
ItaruWas the story of the game I was playing altered from its original content?…
MasumiI don’t mind if I am Hänsel, and you are Gretel.
IzumiNo, we still haven’t decided which fairy tale we will go with!
MukuUhm…. for now, this is how the stories go.
TasukuIt’s on to which fairy tale we will perform.
KazunariEach one has appeal, so whatever we choose, it feels like it will be worth doing, right?
MukuIf we’re talking about range of roles, wouldn’t Peter Pan have the most characters?
YukiWell, as far as clothes go, I’d like to give all of them a try.
ItaruHmm… if that’s the case, can’t we just do all of them?
A game I played in the past had all kinds of fairy tales mixed together, and mixing them up isn’t against the rules, right?
IzumiIt’s true that there’s nothing written in the rules that says you can’t.
And that’s just like the manga Muku-kun said he was into lately, right?
MukuIt is! Just as Itaru-san said, doing a play of the 3 fairy tales mixed together seems like it will be fun.
SakyoLet’s go with a play that’s a mix of the three tales then. That way, we will probably stand out to the audience.
KazunariNow that the decision has been made, let’s decide who will do which cosplay!
SakyoI’m fine with anything, so if there’s a role you want to play, decide on it first.
TasukuI don’t have a particular preference either.
Itaru….anything’s good? That’s not right. There is something called the right man for the right job for this kind of thing.
SakyoThere he goes again…
IzumiNow that you mention it, it was like this when we were deciding on the glasses-wearing character for the Actor’s Café too, wasn’t it?….
SakyoIn that case, you should decide again, Chigasaki.
ItaruUnderstood. I will try to make the most optimal casting.
IzumiAs usual, I will take on the role of being everyone’s support, so there’s no need to cosplay–
MasumiNo way. You do the cosplay too, Director. You can just both support us and do the cosplay.
KazunariI want to see Director in a cosplay too~!
MukuWe might as well all cosplay!
IzumiNo, but…
YukiWell, it’s no problem if it’s just adding on another costume, like we do during Halloween.
ItaruLeave the casting to me. I’ll definitely assign the perfect role to you, Director.
MasumiIt’s decided then.
IzumiF, fine.
MukuI only described a part of the tales to you, but if you want to, I can lend them to you, so please read them.
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