Exciting! Misoshiosa Island/Episode 4

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Exciting! Misoshiosa Island
Episode 4
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Tenma“The eight big catch” is written in here…
BanriThis is totally a fishing boat...
KumonBut this is my first time boarding a fishing boat! So this is what it feels like, huh~!
MisumiAre there any triangles~? Can I look around~?
KazunariAs expected of Kumopi and Sumi! You think positive at any places! I should take some pics~.
YukiNow that I think about it, didn’t the guide say something like having lunch at the cruise?
TaichiI think so too…..! When it comes to fishing boat, it has to be fresh seafood, right!
FishermanHere, have this dried squid! You can keep it as snack.
JuzaDried squi…
FishermanI have sardine senbei and dried sardine as well.
IzumiIs this perhaps…. the lunch at the cruise thing?
SakyoFishing basically ends in early morning. There are no fresh fish at this time.
BanriWhy do we have to eat dried fish when we’re boarding a fishing boat?
MukuUggh… I’m getting seasick…
KazunariWhoa! Mukkun, are you all right!?
Say… somehow I’m getting sick too when you say that…
IzumiBo-both of you, are you okay!?
TenmaAre we going to be okay in this condition…?
MisumiWe’ve arrived!
KumonSo this is Misoshiosa island, huh!
AzamiThere’s nothing here, not even sign of people.
FishermanWell then, I’m going to pick you up in three days! The weather in this island is uncertain, so be careful. Good luck!
TaichiEh!? The fisherman uncle went away…
YukiWhat did he mean by three days?
SakyoIt’s just like what he said. He’s going to pick us up in three days. By the way, there are only us in this island.
JuzaWhat do you mean…?
SakyoFor this time’s training camp—we’re going to do it in a deserted island.
MukuDe-deserted island!?
OmiThat explains why there are no sign of people…
AzamiI’ve already had a bad feeling about this…. You’re fucking kidding me, shitty Sakyo!
SakyoI’m not kidding. Through this training camp, we’re going to respect independence and expand our vision by being close to nature. Blah blah…
BanriIs this a principal speech at morning assembly!?
IzumiBut a deserted island is really..
SakyoI thought you told me to handle everything.
My reasonable plan b is reserving a deserted island. For the time being, there’s a hut that can protect us against the rain and an oil drum bathtub.
YukiOil drum bathtub… you’re lying, aren’t you.
SakyoThere aren’t any people here; it’s perfect for practice, right?
OmiYou have a point. No one will complain even though we practice loudly.
TenmaThat’s not the problem!
SakyoWe reach the point of no return. Prepare yourself.
KumonAmazing! I’ve seen something like this on TV! Survival life seems fun!
MisumiAre there any triangles too in the island~? I wonder if there are animals~?
KazunariI’m getting a little bit excited! It’s not often that we get a chance like this~!
Azami….You’re really positive.
JuzaWe’re already here, so it can’t be helped. There may be some practices that can only be done here.
OmiThat’s right. We may discover a lot of new things as well.
BanriGod damn it… That means we should just do it, right.
Izumi(Living in a deserted island, huh—at this rate, we have no choice but to do it.)
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