Exciting! Misoshiosa Island/Episode 2

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Exciting! Misoshiosa Island
Episode 2
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IzumiI-I’m sorry, guys…
Sakyo…Well, I’m not going to talk about things that have passed.
TenmaBut holding a training camp for Summer and Autumn will be hard at this rate, right?
KumonEh-! That can’t be~!
In order to ensure fairness, the training camp for Summer and Autumn will continue as planned. I’ll make arrangements.
KumonYeaay! I’m counting on you, Sakyo-san!
MukuEhehe, I’m looking forward to it.
Azami….Oi, shitty Sakyo. Just because we’re lacking of funds, that doesn’t mean you can be stingy, okay.
Sakyo….Well, we’ll see.
Izumi….Sakyo-san, is it all right?
SakyoYou don't have to worry about money. I have a reasonable plan up my sleeve.
Izumi(Hi, his smile is scary, somehow.)
SakyoRest easy. Leave the training camp issue to me.
IzumiI don’t mind that, but…
SakyoWe’ll be saved. Well then, I shall carry out the arrangements.
Izumi(Where on earth is he going….)
Kazunari‘Kay, ‘kay! I’m going to distribute the travel guide! Everyone will get one~.
JuzaKazunari-san is in charge of the guide again this time, huh.
KumonAmazing! It’s so pretty, just like a travel agency pamphlet!
AzamiThe quality is wastefully high….
SakyoNow that everyone has received their guide, I’d like to start the meeting for Summer and Autumn’s joint training camp.
We will depart at 8 by cruise. As for lunch, we’ll have it at the cruise.
JuzaEating lunch at the cruise…?
YukiAre we going to a resort too?
TaichiSweet! I’m hyped!
BanriAnyway, is this all of the guide?
OmiThings that we should do after arriving to the site are not written in here at all.
TenmaIn other words, this guide is meaningless.
IzumiYou’re right. The cover is indeed beautiful, but the information given is extremely few….
KazunariTee-hee! I tried to create the cover design to cover up the small content in this guide!
Things that we’ll do on the site are kept secret until D-day☆
MukuSecret… Do you know about it, Kazu-kun?
KazunariWell, I’m in charge of the guide, after all.
YukiYou don’t know about it, Director?
IzumiYeah. I’ll leave everything to Sakyo-san…
Azami….I have a bad feeling. That Sakyo looks like he’s up to something…
Izumi(He said he had a reasonable plan b, but… are we really going to be okay…)
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