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Episode 7
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HomareOhh, it's a splendid stage.
Juza......More than I'd thought.
IzumiIt's amazing that we can have a stage like this prepared specially for us......!
ItaruStill, it's cold.
SakyoYou get cold too easily.
ChikageDidn't you put a heat pack in your pocket?
ItaruCold is still cold.
TenmaOi, looks like it's almost our time.
StaffMANKAI Company, you can join the rehearsal.
HomareOhh, it feels like a television program, doesn't it!
IzumiEveryone, work hard!
StaffOkay, MANKAI Company, that's a wrap! Thank you very much!
IzumiYeah, you were all perfect!
SakyoWe were able to check our places and movements, so there shouldn't be a problem.
HomareWe'll work hard during the real performance too so that Tenma-kun's fan and the audience that gathers will all be happy with it.
ChikageBut first is the success of the surprise.
ItaruWe can't put on airs if that fails, and if it's being broadcast on TV, everyone in the troupe will be watching too, right?
TenmaO-Of course it'll go well! Leave it to me.
HomareOhh, how reliable. We're looking forwards to it.
Juza......Looks like we've arrived at the school.
HomareThe boy goes to that school.
IzumiTenma-kun, are you ready?
TenmaPerfectly; I've put on the uniform too.
SakyoAs the target leaves school after classes have finished, Sumeragi calls out to him and takes him to the indoor baseball field. How nice.
StaffI think Tomokazu-kun will come after this, so could Sumeragi-san please be on standby.
TenmaThen, I'm off.
ChikageKeep it together.
HomareDo your best, Tenma-kun!
TenmaSorry, I've gotten a bit lost.......
TomokazuEh? Ah, yes.......
Tenma......Hey. You're Tomokazu-kun, aren't you.
TomokazuEh......Eh? T-That's right, but......!
T-Tenma Sumeragi......-san......!? Why are you in a place like this......!?
TV CameraHello, Tomokazu-kun! This is the "We'll Make Your Dream Come True Special"!
TomokazuEh!? N-No way ――.
TV CameraCongratulations! Your dream was chosen!!
TomokazuR-Really!? Wow, what do I do; I'm super happy......!!
TenmaThanks for saying you wanted to meet me.
TomokazuAmazing, it's the real Tenma Sumeragi......!
IzumiYes! The surprise was a success!
ItaruThat's the most important thing.
HomareAs expected!
Juza......Looks like Tenma and the others are moving.
SakyoYeah. We'll also move according to the plan.
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