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Episode 7
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Homare | Ohh, it's a splendid stage. |
Juza | ......More than I'd thought. |
Izumi | It's amazing that we can have a stage like this prepared specially for us......! |
Itaru | Still, it's cold. |
Sakyo | You get cold too easily. |
Chikage | Didn't you put a heat pack in your pocket? |
Itaru | Cold is still cold. |
Tenma | Oi, looks like it's almost our time. |
Staff | MANKAI Company, you can join the rehearsal. |
Homare | Ohh, it feels like a television program, doesn't it! |
Juza | Yup. |
Izumi | Everyone, work hard! |
| |
Staff | Okay, MANKAI Company, that's a wrap! Thank you very much! |
Izumi | Yeah, you were all perfect! |
Sakyo | We were able to check our places and movements, so there shouldn't be a problem. |
Homare | We'll work hard during the real performance too so that Tenma-kun's fan and the audience that gathers will all be happy with it. |
Juza | Yeah. |
Chikage | But first is the success of the surprise. |
Itaru | We can't put on airs if that fails, and if it's being broadcast on TV, everyone in the troupe will be watching too, right? |
Tenma | O-Of course it'll go well! Leave it to me. |
Homare | Ohh, how reliable. We're looking forwards to it. |
| |
Juza | ......Looks like we've arrived at the school. |
Homare | The boy goes to that school. |
Izumi | Tenma-kun, are you ready? |
Tenma | Perfectly; I've put on the uniform too. |
Sakyo | As the target leaves school after classes have finished, Sumeragi calls out to him and takes him to the indoor baseball field. How nice. |
Tenma | Yeah. |
Staff | I think Tomokazu-kun will come after this, so could Sumeragi-san please be on standby. |
Tenma | Then, I'm off. |
Chikage | Keep it together. |
Homare | Do your best, Tenma-kun! |
| |
Tomokazu | ....... |
Tenma | Sorry, I've gotten a bit lost....... |
Tomokazu | Eh? Ah, yes....... |
Tenma | ――. |
Tomokazu | ......!?!? |
Tenma | ......Hey. You're Tomokazu-kun, aren't you. |
Tomokazu | Eh......Eh? T-That's right, but......! |
| T-Tenma Sumeragi......-san......!? Why are you in a place like this......!? |
TV Camera | Hello, Tomokazu-kun! This is the "We'll Make Your Dream Come True Special"! |
Tomokazu | Eh!? N-No way ――. |
TV Camera | Congratulations! Your dream was chosen!! |
Tomokazu | R-Really!? Wow, what do I do; I'm super happy......!! |
Tenma | Thanks for saying you wanted to meet me. |
Tomokazu | Amazing, it's the real Tenma Sumeragi......! |
| |
Izumi | Yes! The surprise was a success! |
Itaru | That's the most important thing. |
Homare | As expected! |
Juza | ......Looks like Tenma and the others are moving. |
Sakyo | Yeah. We'll also move according to the plan. |
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