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Episode 3
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Tenma―― All right.
(It's been a while since I've worn a glove.)
(I hadn't thought the glove from First Crush Baseball would be useful again this time.)
Sorry, Tenma-san! My thing went on longer than I'd thought so I'll be a bit late!
TenmaJuza-san, huh. Good work today.
JuzaThat glove.......Are you going to play catch?
TenmaYeah. I'd planned to have Kumon help me with pitching practice, but it seems he'll be a bit late.
JuzaI see......Sorry about that.
TenmaNo, there's nothing for you to apologise for ――.
Juza......If it's catch, would you let me play it with you until Kumon comes?
TenmaHuh? Juza-san, you can play baseball?
JuzaWell......I don't have any particular experience, but due to Kumon's influence, the two of us used to play catch a lot together.
TenmaHuh, I see.
Then I might as well take the opportunity to have you accompany me. I'll be counting on you.
TenmaAs expected, your balls are pretty powerful. Is it because you have strong shoulders?
JuzaIs that how it is? I don't understand it myself, though.......
......Good luck with the special surprise.
TenmaYeah. It's the first time I'll be appearing on a program like this, so it's new and exciting for me.
KumonSorry I'm late!
Huh? Nii-chan's here too!
TenmaYou weren't here, so he kept me company.
KumonSo that's what it was! Thanks, Nii-chan!
Want to play catch with us too?
JuzaNo, I'm going out after this. Sorry.
TenmaI see. Thanks for accompanying me, Juza-san.
KumonSee you!
KumonI hadn't thought you'd be playing catch with my brother~.
TenmaJuza-san came when I was waiting for you and threw for me instead.
KumonAhaha, sorry, sorry.
Still, a boy who's your fan, huh~.......You'll have to show him your cool side!
TenmaHmph, of course.
KumonI was really reassured having you in front of me during First Crush Baseball.
It might be partly because I was originally in a baseball club, but......A battery really is two people as one.
TenmaHuh......Is it like that.
KumonYeah! That's why I'm a bit jealous that you're forming a battery with someone else~.
TenmaW-What's with that.......
KumonAhahaha! Tenma-san's embarrassed~.
All right, then next let's practice catching! Let's go, Tenma-san!
TenmaYeah, I'm counting on you.
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