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Cosmetic Syndrome
Episode 8
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Yuki | .. I’m the one who is going to be using the plushie, so I should be the one to go look. |
Homare | If you’re going then I’ll go with you. |
Tsuzuru | I’ll help too. |
Yuki | But you guys already have your make up on. Should you really be going out? |
Tsuzuru | Ah, you’re right. |
Azami | Well then, I can continue getting ready here. I will do Guy and Yuki’s make up as soon as they get back. |
Yuki | Alright, thanks. |
Citron | Good luck, Yuki. |
Banri | If something happens you can contact us. |
Yuki | Will do, see you. |
Yuki | (Ugh.. Where could he have gone? These snot-nosed kids gotta calm down so I can see.) |
Guy | .. |
Yuki | (.. Huh, there’s a kid following that man, wait is that..) |
| Guy! |
Guy | Rurikawa.. |
Yuki | I’m glad I found you. Hey, who’s the kid? |
Girl | .. |
Guy | Apologies. As I was coming back from car with the plushie, I ran into this lost child. |
| I was going to take her to the lost child centre, however she said she wants to stay with me so it’s been quite a challenge to get her to separate from me. |
| She has also taken great interest in your plushie, she simply won’t let it go. |
| I understand it is for our performance, however I just cannot bring myself to take it away from her. I am at a loss for what to do. |
Yuki | What do you mean.. Hm, well I’m not too surprised you’re in this situation. |
| Anyhow, I’m going to message the others. In the meantime, we need to find this girl’s mother. |
Guy | Thank you. |
Guy | I can’t find her anywhere. |
Yuki | Should we try checking the plaza again? |
Girl | .. OH! IT’S MAMA! |
Mother | Hina! Ohh, thank goodness! |
Hina | MAMA! |
Yuki | Found them. |
Mother | Sorry to trouble you, thank you so much! |
Guy | No problem, I am glad we were able to reunite you two. |
Mother | Ohh, what’s that plushie? |
Hina | .. It belongs to those nice boys. |
Mother | Oh, then you should give it back to them. |
| I apologise for the inconvenience. Hina, please give it back. |
Hina | .. |
Yuki | She’s got a tight grip on that thing, I don’t think she’s giving it up. |
Guy | She really likes it. |
Mother | No no, Hina. You need to return it to the nice boys. |
Hina | .. |
Yuki | .. Guy. |
Guy | Yes, I see. |
Mother | ? |
Yuki | Do you want to keep that plushie? |
Hina | .. Yeah. |
Yuki | Alright, you can keep it. |
Hina | REALLY?! |
Mother | O-Oh, thank you so much! |
Guy | .. You have grown very attached to it, right? |
Hina | YES! I LOVE IT! It’s so cute, I love it so much! |
Yuki | We’re happy to hear that. The two of us made it together. |
| Please treasure it. |
Hina | I will! THANK YOU! |
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