Blooming Squadron Mankai Rangers/Episode 4

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Blooming Squadron Mankai Rangers
Episode 4
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Masumi...Is this the theater?
BanriLooks like it.
OmiSo Hiro-san was talking about sending us to watch an actual hero show?
TasukuI think it's a good idea. We can get a feel of the atmosphere and how the heroes are portrayed first-hand.
IzumiHiro-san had other work to tend to, so he couldn't come with us, but he spoke to the theater management for us.
This is actually where our show will be held, too, so we can also check out the venue while we're here.
TenmaI see.
IzumiSince Hiro-san went to the trouble of organizing this for us, let's all have some fun at this show!
HomareHere are our seats.
IzumiI'm so excited!
TenmaI think you're the most excited out of all of us.
BanriA little too excited!
IzumiHaha, I think my inner child has been summoned! I haven't been so giddy in a long time!
MasumiGod, you're so cute...
OmiThe heroes will be coming down through this walkway, so we can even high-five them!
TenmaOh, looks like the show's starting.
Monster"You little...! You won't be so smug after I hit you with this! Take that!!"
Blue"W-What? This attack is—!"
Green"Ggh... Gaaaaah!"
Child ABlue! Green!!
Child BHang in there!
Monster"Hahahahaha!! How'd you like that, huh?!"
Red"Things aren't looking good... we're going to get beaten by these monsters! Everyone, give us Wolfrangers your strength!"
Children"Go, Wolfrangers!!"
IzumiThat was so much fun!
TasukuI felt like I learned a lot.
MasumiYou're so cute when you're excited...
HomareI was able to high-five the heroes, too!
OmiThe action was really well done.
IzumiNow that you've all experience a real hero show for yourselves, I think your practise sessions will go even better!
BanriWait, where's Tenma?
HomareHe was here only moments ago, was he not?
TasukuI don't see him anywhere.
IzumiOh no, did he get lost?
MasumiHe usually doesn't get lost this quickly...
BanriShoulda seen this coming... I'll DM him.
TasukuI'm going to get something to drink. I'll keep an eye out for him as well.
BanriOh, can you get me a coffee?
MasumiI want water.
HomareAnd unsweetened black tea for me, please.
Tasuku...I think that's everything.
(I still don't see Sumeragi... Where did he go?)
Tasuku(Oh, I accidentally bumped into a kid...)
Tasuku(I don't... see anyone that could be his parent... Is he lost?)
What's wrong? Where's your mom?
ChildI don't know... She's gone...
Tasuku(I knew it...)
ChildMommy... Sniff...
TasukuC'mon, now, boys don't cry.
I'll help you look for her.
ChildThank you, onii-chan...
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