Blessed Memories/Episode 1

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Blessed Memories
Episode 1
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Azuma's AcquaintanceSorry for taking up so much of your time today, Azuma-san.
AzumaNo, no. I’m glad to see you again after so long, Miki-san.
So, what’re you up to these days?
MikiI’m going to get married soon, actually.
AzumaAh I see, congratulations.
Is it perhaps the same guy you told me about before?
MikiFufu, yes.
Well I’m not just gonna give you an update on my marriage… there’s another thing I want to discuss with you, Azuma-san.
AzumaWith me?
TV“Memorial plays are very popular at wedding receptions these days.”
“These plays portray the memories of the bride and groom together, such as how the two met and how they introduced themselves to their parents.”
“These troupe members perform a re-enactment in the reception hall. It’s such a spectacle to see.”
KumonWoah~! Stuff like this would definitely make me cry!
IzumiIf you were to watch that at a friend’s wedding, you’d probably cry even more.
YukiYeah? Sounds like a real sob story.
IzumiYuki-kun if it’s someone you know, don’t you think you’ll get the appeal?
YukiWell it is what it is.
IzumiMore and more theater companies are looking for places to perform outside of theater these days——.
I think a lot of them are taking on this memorial play trend.
YukiHmm, it’s a supply and demand game, huh.
IzumiPretty much it.
It’s a good way for our company to get some publicity, and I want us to give it a shot given the chance.
KumonYeah, yeah! I wanna join in if we ever get to do it!
AzumaDirector, thanks for your work today.
IzumiAzuma-san, what is it?
AzumaI’m here to invite you to have a drink with me, I’ve good some good sake in the fridge.
I asked Sakyo-kun too. So how about it?
IzumiI see. Since you came all the way here, guess a little bit can’t hurt.
AzumaFufu, good. Let’s go then.
AzumaHere, have the first drink.
IzumiThanks for the drinks.
Sakyo...... That’s some good stuff.
IzumiRight! It’s smooth and easy to drink.
AzumaI’m glad you liked it.
IzumiWhat’s with the drinks?
AzumaI got this from a friend of mine today. Think of it like an advance payment of sorts.
Sakyo...... Advance payment?
AzumaYes. There’s something I’d like to ask the two of you about, is that alright?
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