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Blessed Memories
Episode 1
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Azuma's Acquaintance | Sorry for taking up so much of your time today, Azuma-san. |
Azuma | No, no. I’m glad to see you again after so long, Miki-san. |
| So, what’re you up to these days? |
Miki | I’m going to get married soon, actually. |
Azuma | Ah I see, congratulations. |
| Is it perhaps the same guy you told me about before? |
Miki | Fufu, yes. |
| Well I’m not just gonna give you an update on my marriage… there’s another thing I want to discuss with you, Azuma-san. |
Azuma | With me? |
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TV | “Memorial plays are very popular at wedding receptions these days.” |
| “These plays portray the memories of the bride and groom together, such as how the two met and how they introduced themselves to their parents.” |
| “These troupe members perform a re-enactment in the reception hall. It’s such a spectacle to see.” |
Kumon | Woah~! Stuff like this would definitely make me cry! |
Izumi | If you were to watch that at a friend’s wedding, you’d probably cry even more. |
Yuki | Yeah? Sounds like a real sob story. |
Izumi | Yuki-kun if it’s someone you know, don’t you think you’ll get the appeal? |
Yuki | Well it is what it is. |
Izumi | More and more theater companies are looking for places to perform outside of theater these days——. |
| I think a lot of them are taking on this memorial play trend. |
Yuki | Hmm, it’s a supply and demand game, huh. |
Izumi | Pretty much it. |
| It’s a good way for our company to get some publicity, and I want us to give it a shot given the chance. |
Kumon | Yeah, yeah! I wanna join in if we ever get to do it! |
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| *Knocking* |
Izumi | Coming. |
Azuma | Director, thanks for your work today. |
Izumi | Azuma-san, what is it? |
Azuma | I’m here to invite you to have a drink with me, I’ve good some good sake in the fridge. |
| I asked Sakyo-kun too. So how about it? |
Izumi | I see. Since you came all the way here, guess a little bit can’t hurt. |
Azuma | Fufu, good. Let’s go then. |
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Azuma | Here, have the first drink. |
Sakyo | Sure. |
Izumi | Thanks for the drinks. |
Sakyo | ...... That’s some good stuff. |
Izumi | Right! It’s smooth and easy to drink. |
Azuma | I’m glad you liked it. |
Izumi | What’s with the drinks? |
Azuma | I got this from a friend of mine today. Think of it like an advance payment of sorts. |
Sakyo | ...... Advance payment? |
Azuma | Yes. There’s something I’d like to ask the two of you about, is that alright? |
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