Azami Izumida/Sneering Yaksha

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Sneering Yaksha

Backstage Stories
KumonI'm home!
AzamiI'm home.
BanriOh, welcome home.
Azami...What's that, a Hannya mask[1]? Why do you have that?
KumonOh, I know! It's for "Ayakashi FES"!
BanriSpot on.
AzamiAyakashi FES?
KumonThere's going to be a youkai[2] themed summer festival on Veludo Way where you dress up as a youkai and be a seller at a nightstand!
BanriRight, right. And the Autumn Troupe will be in charge of selling Hannya masks.
AzamiHmm... But will this thing even sell well?
BanriThat's the thing. I don't think this mask gives off the image of a nightstand.
KumonYou're right, I don't think it'll receive much enthusiasm.
Then why don't I try giving it makeup? I won't change the face. Banri, lend it to me.
KumonWow! I'm less scared than I was a moment ago!
AzamiIt seems interesting to try face painting as well. Rather, if I paint the entire mask in different patterns...
KumonYou're so cool Azami!
BanriHmm, not bad.
Do you want to do it? Yaksha[3]'s role.
BanriYou seem interested in the Hannya mask.
AzamiI don't really mind, I'm just interested in applying makeup...
KumonIsn't that great! Actually, I'll be going to the Ayakashi FES too. It'll be encouraging if we're all there so why don't we all go together!
BanriI mean, you should ask the Autumn Troupe's representative.
AzamiHaa... Fine.
TaichiAcchan are you there~?
AzamiCome in.
TaichiSorry for the intru—
Gyaaaaa!! W-w-what the heck are these huge amount of masks?!
AzamiI'm going to be selling Hannya masks at the upcoming event, but I decided to sell the ones I customized, those are the prototypes.
Ah, it's true, there are flower paints and other decorations on these guys.
If you look closely, these masks are really fashionable! You should upload it to Inste! It'll make an absolute buzz!
AzamiToo bothersome.
TaichiThen I'll do it! Can I?
AzamiSuit yourself.
AzamiThen, let's start opening up the nightstand.
AzamiTaichi, you came.
TaichiYeah. To tell you the truth, it's not just me...
IzumiNow then, let's visit Azami's nightstand next.
(Azami's nightstand seems to be quite busy. Huh? Somehow it looks like...)
???We sell demon masks~, come on over!
IzumiThat voice is... The Ginsenkai?!
IzumiTaichi, what's the meaning of this...?
SakodaAzami! I came to support you!
IchiroThe Yaksha costume looks good on you.
Yakuza AI'll send a photo to the chairman, so please stand there.
AzamiKen-san, Ichiro-san, everyone...what are you doing here?
SakodaI saw the Hannya masks that was posted on Nanao's Inste. I asked Aniki about it and he told me about this festival!
AzamiGood grief, Shitty Sakyo always does something unnecessary...
IchiroWhen you hear that it's a summer festival, you can't just keep silent. I'll help you, Bocchan.
AzamiI don't need it.
SakodaDon't say that— Don't you know that we love festivals?
Yakuza BPlease allow us to assist you! Please?
AzamiHaa, guess I got no choice...
Then wear this. If they see you looking like this, it'll interfere with the business.
Taichi...So now everyone at the Ginsenkai is helping out with the masks that Acchan made!
IzumiI-I see...
Azami"...Oh. Welcome, human lady. Interested in buying one? I'll even give you a discount."
IzumiAzami. Thank yo—
IchiroHuman lady, if you like it then buy it!
IzumiAh. Y-yes...
(Even when I know who's behind the masks, as I thought they're still scary...)
Azami"Hey all of you! The lady is terrified and she can't choose! Back off!!"
Azami"Well, Miss, which one is better?"
IzumiUm...then, the one with the flowers.
Azami"You brats, there's a purchase!"
YakuzaYessir! Thank you for your purchase!
Izumi(He fits right at home, I wonder if it's in the blood...)



  1. The Hannya mask is a mask used in Noh theater, representing a jealous female demon. It possesses two sharp bull-like horns, metallic eyes, and a leering mouth.
  2. Youkai are a class of supernatural monsters, spirits, and demons in Japanese folklore.
  3. Yasha or Yaksha are a race of powerful, high ranking nature spirits which appear in Buddhist cosmology.